The Gamer's System

Chapter 110: Training

Within the corners of his own room, Quinn continued contemplating about a lot of things. Unlike what his comrades are thinking, their leader has actually moved on from the minor setback and is now determined to get even stronger than Zeke. But for that to happen, he needs to fight even more opponents who are at the same level as the generals of Glade's army.

With how he is however, this is impossible without the help of all other member of the elites. But there is actually an unexpected surprise which came with his victory. Quinn gained a massive amount of experience points because he was able to kill a general on her [Primal State]. 

Of course, every other member of the elites was given a portion of experience. But, the larger part of this channeled to Quinn. Hence, compared to the other elites who only gained around [10] levels, Quinn leveled up to [80] giving him the option of job class promotion.

This is another blessing endowed by the main deities. They couldn't simply outright give the humans the strongest job classed because, there is a limit to how much a human body can accumulate at once. This is same with Zeke who received a [Gamer's System] that allowed him to scale as he leveled up. 

Through the day that passed, Quinn continued contemplating on what promotion he should get. There are a bunch of options and all of them are quite good. But one of these stands out from the rest and, that is the [Avarice] job class. Although the name itself sounds to be one which would be taken by a villain, what the job class does is actually quite useful.

[Information: All skills seen and experienced may be imitated. Once perfected, Avarice will turn it into the same skill.]

[Information: Attribute points equivalent to [2%] will be stolen from every opponent defeated. This will turn into permanent attribute points.]

[Information: There is a 10% chance to steal blessings and titles from the enemy.]

[Information: Because of the nature of the job class, an opponent must be defeated every day or else, all built up effects of avarice will be negated.]

"This should be enough." Quinn told himself.

But just before even before he could click the option, his door got slammed open by a woman he doesn't know. She held her sheathed long katana on her right hand and, looked directly at the human who now decided to get up.

"Aren't you supposed to be surprised?" Heron asked. Wondering how the human could stay as calm as he is.

"You didn't exactly make any noise and, if you're able to come up here without riling up my comrades, then that probably means you're not an enemy." Quinn continued.

"Aweee look at this kid. You actually use your brain, don't you?" Heron continued, praising the human for his deductive skills.

As they talked, all other members of the elites stayed with Morpheus who created a giant shield which prevented anyone from following Heron. They would've destroyed it of course but, they feared that doing so would cause the two to turn violent. If that happens, it is not only them who'd get in trouble but every demon living in the farm.

"And who might you be?" Quinn replied, taking his sword in his hand. He is still wearing his sleeping clothes but he didn't fret about the details much.

The woman looked oddly Japanese. This in itself tells Quinn that, a human has influenced his strange visitor. There is a limit to the number of humans in Mythos and so, he safely concluded whose ally the woman is.

"The name's Heron. Master is currently attending more important matters. So, me and Morpheus figured that we should begin training you guys." She said casually.

There are a lot of elements to what she said that Quinn can't make out. So he did what any normal person would and, continued asking more questions. Heron answered everything in kind and, as soon as they finished talking, the two headed downstairs where everyone waited patiently.

"See? I told you big sis won't kill him." Morpheus said, smiling at the group as he brought his barrier down.

"Could you give us a minute." Quinn said to Heron, with the dragon nodding in reply as she stepped back. Morpheus continued and waited for the short meeting of the humans to end.

Frankly speaking they didn't have enough time. Heron only gave the group five minutes to resolve everything. But with Quinn's impeccable communication skills, he was able to deliver the whole idea to the group without any confusion. They all nodded in agreement to what is about to happen and, as soon as Quinn looked at Heron, she activated her skill.

A cloud of mana soon surrounded the group. This began getting thicker and thicker until, everything around them vanished. All that's left is an area of misty white. It isn't thick enough to cloud their vision yet, is just enough to give an illusionary feeling.

It's the same skill she used against Zeke during their small encounter in Yaeger's realm. However, this is a bit different because, the skill allows Heron to create a temporary subspace. Zeke believes that the acquisition of the skill is due to the fact that, she stayed within the realm of a goddess for quite a long time.

"Listen here." Heron began, getting everyone's attention.

"We need to teach you guys so you won't give master a headache. Judging by the rate he is going, master will be fully healed by tomorrow and, that means, you guys will be up for a lot of information uptake and training." Heron continued, snapping her fingers and completely distorting the surroundings once again. 

Every member of the group got sent to a different terrain, one which is unfavorable to their skill set. This drains a lot of her mana at once but, she is with Zeke after all so, she always has bottles of [Mana Potion] ready.

"I can sustain this space for about 10 minutes." She continued, showing up on all terrains created and holding up both hands and all of her fingers.

"It's actually longer than what I said. For some reason, this space works on a different plane of existence. Making time move relatively slower inside my skill. So that means you guys actually have around a day to train with us." As Heron said this, multiple versions of Morpheus came to the different terrains. 

Each version looked slightly different than the others. One has a giant lance and red hair. One has female features using double glaives. Every Mory on the battlefield is pitted against an enemy based on their weakness. Heron made sure that, all the fights would be to their disadvantage because it is only through this that they can break through their limits.

"Okay Mory, give them hell." And so, the training of the elites has begun.

While the group started getting stronger, Zeke just finished with his mediation. He moved his fingers and stretched all his muscles, making sure that nothing was left out. 

"Good." He said, feeling satisfied with the results of his meditation.

It's difficult for his body to contain all the power that he has, that's why he can only go all out for a limited amount of time and, judging by its effects from the previous fight with the generals, Zeke knows that he can only last 5 minutes on his prime.

"I need more levels to gain unlimited access." He told himself, adding an extra layer of mana coating to all his muscles and veins in order to prevent them from suddenly tearing apart in the future.

Zeke then proceeded to contacting Heron. A task which he is unsuccessful with. Knowing that both she and Mory may still be enjoying themselves, Zeke decided to check on the elites for the moment. 

Although he'll take them by force, Zeke was actually thinking of giving them all the considerations possible. This is for the benefit of the whole group because, if he treats them as tools then they might rebel against him in the future. Plus, he knows that their loyalty is still with the three main deities. One which Zeke hated entirely.

"I wonder if their other members are okay now." Zeke continued, using his [Shadow Dive] skill to immediately transport to the front of their cabin. But then, he felt Heron's mana working its way around the place. The thick mist which nobody else notices is produced by the [Dragon Morpher].

"Seriously?" Zeke said out loud, worried that his companions are probably beating up the elites too much.

"Those kids are nowhere near their level yet. What are they thinking?" Zeke continued, snapping his fingers and automatically dispersing Heron's skill. 

A lot of noise soon followed inside the cabin. With Heron's voice on top of everyone else's screaming "MASTER IS COMING!". Zeke waited for this to die out, folding his arms below his chest and counting patiently. 

"Yup. That should be enough." Zeke said as the noise finally decreased – entering within the cabin of the elites.

Zeke actually wanted to give a good scolding to Heron and Morpheus but, he saw something interesting. With his [Analysis] he was able to see the progress of all the elites and, some shocking things have actually happened.

Every member of the elites gained at least two new skills during the short training. These aren't [S] ranked skills but nevertheless, acquiring two within the amount of time they had is something to be proud of. And not only this, their levels also went up by the same amount.

"Master." Heron began but, Zeke simply put his pointing finger on his lips, telling her to keep quiet. 

"You both did a good job." He continued, smiling at them which made both Heron and Morpheus proud.

Among the crowd, there are a few new faces: those which were not able to participate in the mock battle against him. And, Zeke can clearly see how these two are a lot stronger than the other elites.

"I can see that you've been trained well." Zeke began, then proceeded to asking them one question.

"How about we do a remedial on the test I gave?"

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