The Gamer's System

Chapter 120: A Darkness Forming

It was exactly within an hour when Quinn finally defeated the general. There were a lot more enemies coming their way and, frankly speaking, there are not enough forces to hold them all off.

Kaguya decided to make everyone enter the fortress and fortify the defenses there. Since most of the earlier waves have been cleared already, this was the best action to take at the moment.

As soon as they grouped up, the healers of aided all wounded members while Lizzie made sure to enhance everyone as much as she could. Zilg teamed up with Merlin and placed [Detonates] everywhere while Horus prepared his summons.

"A thousand straight ahead and, some hundred on all sides. The hills are covering my vision but, after that everything is good." Amare said to the group who used her eyes to get a good look at the swarm of soldiers coming at their direction.

"Heron should I help them out now?" Morpheus asked, still with the group. Throughout the fight, he didn't do anything because Zeke specifically ordered him not to aid them.

"No. You'll only intervene once there're half dead." Heron replied, still hoping that some miracle would happen. But as far as she is concerned, without their leader, a large portion of their chances have just washed away.

Nobody still knew what happened to Quinn. As far as they are concerned, their leader is now dead after the two explosions which came earlier on. Quinn never replied to them after all. That is, until that moment.

"Hey guys, sorry for taking so long." Everyone fell silent, not knowing if they should believe the voice they heard or not. Kaguya's eyes welled up with tears and so did Jake who thought of Quinn as both friend and rival.

"You got us worrying a**hole!" Jake said, making Quinn smile.

"Yeah well, some stuff happened and we still have that bet with mister Zeke right." He replied, with the whole group hearing his footsteps through the [Voice Chat].

"Wait, where are you exactly? We need to regroup." Kaguya said and, before they could even get an answer, Amare already said something,

Uhm… guys I believe that's him. She said, pointing to the man walking outside the fortress and, directly heading for the thousands of soldiers that is to come.

"Are you crazy man? Get back here. You're gonna get yourself killed." Curio said, thinking that what Quinn is doing is virtually suicide.

"Has he gone cahoots after seeing how strong mister Zeke is?" Horus said jokingly which some of the members took offensively. He raised both hands and, made a zipping motion on his lips, meaning he won't say anything more.

"Don't worry about me. Amare, how many are these guys exactly?" Quinn said and, although Amare wanted to deny him information, she knew that Quinn is far from crazy. 

In fact, the only reason the elites kept surviving in critical moments was because Quinn was there. So, she did as told and, used the full strength of her eyes in order to give the information asked.

"There are around 3,000 of them. I believe some generals are mixed with the group." She said, getting terrified by the sheer number of enemies.

"I see." Was all Quinn replied as he began stretching his body.

"Okay this is the plan guys. You cover all other sides. Stay safely within the fortress and, the melee will handle those that passes though the defenses. Continue setting up mines and make sure that all summons covers every side as fodders util someone from our group comes as backup." He said, not having any break in his instruction. 

At this, the group is assured that Quinn is still sane, or maybe something else happened to him. The Quinn they knew would never be out all alone to face 3,000 soldiers all by himself, but they left all the thinking for later.

"Quinn, can you at least answer me this.": Kaguya began, having their leader look at the group who stood on top of the fortress' wall.

"What are you trying to accomplish exactly." She followed up and, Quinn simply smiled at them as he answered:

"Proving our usefulness." And at this, he disappeared from sight.

Everyone still had doubts on their minds but, they knew better than to try and fight all the soldiers at the same time. For one thing, they knew that Quinn had a point and, they had no other choice but to believe in him at the moment while they focused on offense.

"Amare, proceed to finding the gem in this fortress and other valuable items. We'll handle everything else." Kaguya commanded, having both Amare and Mordred come down from the wall and into the innermost parts of the fortress.

They all pushed themselves to the limit, not knowing that their chances of winning are actually lower than [50%]. In fact, Zeke knew that the mission is preposterous for the current skill level of the elites and yet, he still deployed them. Knowing that it is only on real trials that strength can be obtained. And Quin proved this as he began fighting 3,000 armed soldiers all by himself.

"Where's the enemy!" One of the Vice-Generals shouted, looking at the whole area and hearing nothing more than the screams of the soldiers and bodies flying everywhere.

Although there is a great advantage in their numbers, there is also one fatal flaw with it. That is, they cannot utilize their numbers effectively against one opponent. That is why Quinn did his best to take them out slowly, one by one. Knowing that if he wipes out a large portion of them all at once, then that'll only create a large space for the group to create a formation. Hence he continued moving through the ranks of the enemies, killing them off swiftly while maintaining minimal damage. 

The group tried to move a way from him of course but, with the barrier set up by the elites, Quinn knew that the members who are able to pass through him won't be able to do any harm. In fact, he saw one of the cavaliers approaching the barrier and, getting snipped down by one of their archers.

"Good job.: Quinn thought to himself as he dedicated himself to fighting the enemies.

Unknown to the whole group, Quinn is actually counting down. He is accurately counting the number of minutes which they have already spent in fighting and, how many more minutes are left for this fight. He knew that there isn't enough left but, if he rushes things then an unfortunate accident might befall them. Hence, Quinn decided to continue as he did, pilling up the bodies one by one without any problems.

"Kaguya. Give me a report as soon as you've cleaned out all the enemies on your side." He said, dodging a blade that came swinging for his neck. He returned the favor and hacked 20 heads off using a whip-blade type of weapon.

"Understood." Was all Kaguya said knowing that things are under control.

Quinn continued on, killing more and more soldiers and he felt the burden of all this. For some reason, there is something heavy weighing him down and he doesn't know what it is. This is the same thing experienced by all the elites who already felt their bodies getting heavier by the minute.

Heron watched all this and got worried, knowing that what ails them cannot be undone that quickly once it reaches the later stages. But, she stopped herself from interfering, taking Zeke's orders as absolute.

"You need to get through this all on your own." Heron thought to herself, watching the group kill more and more soldiers by the minute. 

Ten more minutes of this went on and, some of the members are already close to fainting. The healers couldn't understand why, seeing all the members having full health bars. But, nobody dared to take a rest, knowing that their leader is also doing the same and fighting even more than they are.

"Come on you wussies! Put your back into it!' Jake shouted, making some of the memebers smile at the energetic hot headed warrior. They shouted back and, somehow gained enough energy to continue on. 

With five more minutes passing, the group finally cleaned up the remainder of the enemies. And Kaguya wasted no time to inform Quinn about this.

"Okay." He said, falling back after creating a large explosion. He went to the edge of the barrier created by the defenders and, began charging a skill which he has stolen from the consumed general Kel'Thraz.

"I hope he won't mind making me a new weapon." Quin said, charging the skill on the forged weapon of Zeke.

"Skill modification. Primal Weapon." At this, the weapon bursted with dark miasmic mana which made Heron almost take down the [Cloud of Dreams]. 

"How does he have that?" Were the words in her head as the hair on her skin rose from terror. And the next moment came swiftly as Quinn uttered a single word:


The whole world seemed to return to a deafening silence and, everyone felt time slow down by a millisecond. All the colors around them also seemed to vanish and, although lasting for only a split-second, it already scarred their very being.

Yet this same skill brought so much more to the unfortunate victims of Quinn. Each and every member of the marching soldiers got sliced into two and, all their blood seems to have left their bodies. There is a look of terror on their faces, as if they faced nightmare itself.

The leader of the elites stood still. His weapon shattering from the use of the skill.

"Holy sh*t man what the hell was that?' Was Jake's comment in amazement after seeing what Quinn could do. But their leader couldn't; turn, let alone move and, soon enough, Quinn dropped to the ground.


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