The Gamer's System

Chapter 125: Updates and a Shot

[Congratulations! You have successfully defeated the three generals guarding the portal.]

[The achievement counts as a Sub Mission]

[50 Attribute Points have been given as a reward.]

[Congratulations! You have successfully wiped out all the forces guarding the barrier.]

[The achievement counts as a Sub Mission]

[More information about the Ancient Skill is now recorded on the System's data.]

[Congratulations! You have raided the area without awakening the dragons.]

[The achievement counts as an Optional Mission]

[You have been given 20 Skill points as a reward]

The notifications came up one after the other which Zeke allowed. He needed to see all the missions that finished because of his current actions. But from the looks of it, he still had some things to do and, three more missions greeted him connected to the portal area.

[Optional Quest: Defeat the Chaos Dragons]

[Optional Quest: Close the Portal Temporarily]

[Optional Quest: Find more data about the Ancient Spell]

"How exactly do I do that?" Zeke thought to himself.

All the missions which the [System] gave him were problematic. Having them as [Optional Quests] should've made him think less about actually performing them but, the payout for completion were actually decent. But still, they were all burdensome, especially the last [Optional Quest]. This is because he doesn't necessarily have a list laid out for him that tells him what the parts of the Ancient Spell are.

Aside from the fact that it is an [Optional Quest], Zeke doesn't know much about it. He only knows of the effects which it would bring once he has claimed it. But, other than that, Zeke had nothing going for him.

"Let's move on to the level." Zeke said out loud confirming the command to the [System] which generated the data involved. He walked slowly, enjoying the moment that he doesn't need to rush like most instances. The [Chaos Dragons] would still have around 10 minutes before waking up and, this was plenty of time for Zeke to walk around and to see the updates on the [System].

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

The notifications on Zeke's level came like a flood. He expected as much seeing how he defeated three generals and what he estimates to be around 5,000 soldiers once again. Without using the [Conjure] army which he has, Zeke was able to accumulate all experience points without having to share it with his summons.

"How much experience points did I gain exactly." Zeke said to himself, opening the data on enemy type and the experience points gained from killing each type of unit. 

Before getting killed by Glade, Zeke's system didn't require him to meticulously do all this. Everyone else is unaware of it but, Zeke actually had a hard time optimizing the new settings of the [System]. With the changing of the body, it seemed like the internal algorithms of the [System] also had a few changes. And, one of these which Zeke hated the most was the removal of his [Gamer's Body]. But, a tradeoff for that feature is something which he saw before him at that instance.

[You have acquired the System Exclusive Feature: Gamer's Mind]

"Now what do we have here?" Zeke said to himself, getting excited from the name of the feature itself.

[Information: The feature makes the gamer immune from all mind corroding or affecting skills. Aside from this, the feature also makes the gamer more proficient in the use of the same types of skills.]

[Information: The gamer will always be calm and collected. Veen when he shows anger, worry, or fear, the brain processing pf the gamer will always work towards the best course of actions.]

[Information: Owning this skill means that the gamer cannot attain the other System Exclusive Feature – [Gamer's Body] as only one of these two can be acquired at a time.

"What do you mean by that?" Zeke asked the system.

[Information Unlocked]

[Answer: The feature appears based on what the gamer trains the most. Before the reboot, the gamer seems to have focused much on physical strengthening, defense and regeneration, making [Gamer's Body] activate. This time however, you have chosen to stay within a cave and trained mentally – creating the optimal requirements for the acquirement of [Gamer's Mind]. ]

"That actually explains a lot.": Zeke said to the [System] which didn't create any notifications based on his words.

For what it's worth, Zeke liked the effects of [Gamer's Mind] better than [Gamer's Body] and, seeing how he only acquired the feature at that time meant that, the feature is of a higher caliber. Something Which Zeke understands why.

"Even without the [Gamer's Body], this feature could give me the same results by just activating its effects." He said, thinking how the skill also had a clause saying that the gamer remains calm and collected on any and all situations.

"That kinda makes me a robot then I guess." He said, thinking how he wouldn't probably be angered or aggravated on future instances because of the skill. 

But he didn't mind it, in fact, he liked the idea of being indifferent all the time because, even on his life on earth, this was always something which Zeke strived to achieve.

"Okay that's enough of that." Zeke said to himself, seeing that his level is now at [99]. 

He wondered why it hasn't reached a hundred yet with all that happened. But, he also figured that if he killed one of the [Chaos Dragons] he'd get the necessary amount of experience to level up once more.

Zeke then looked around, seeing what is left of the area which he attacked. The barrier was still up as expected. On his inventory, Zeke had a couple of great finds which could later be forged into properly useful items. Some of those which came as the greatest additions are materials from the weapons and armor of the generals which died. 

Aside from this, Zeke had a new [Conjured] creature which, admittedly, was still not as strong as [Samael]. But that was a small problem because, one he reaches a hundred, Zeke would be able to [Conjure] this creature again. But for now, he figured he should bestow a name to his new pawn.

"Conjure." Zeke said, raising the new creature which still looked humanly in size and in frame.

"For a strong [Conjure], you look too normal." Zeke told the creature which just stared at its master. Zeke noticed that its color is not actually blue but a shade of green close to it – making Zeke understand that the creature was already on an evolved state.

He liked how it matched his pacing and, even moved like a normal human being. The two of them walked until they reached the dragon because, Zeke was still unsure on what to name the creature.

The dragons still slumbered as they were and, with Zeke's [Analysis] he quickly saw how strong they would be as opponents.

"These se two are definitely on a level higher than the three generals." Zeke said to himself, with his [Conjured] creature prepared to attack. Zeke stopped it of course, not wanting to wake the dragons up and just wanting to get a more detailed information on them.

"I know the [Optional Quests] told me that I need to kill the [Chaos Dragons] but, I just don't think it'll be a healthy choice to make." Zeke said to himself.

He was sure that he could take one out but, doing so might cause the whole continent to get destroyed in the process as, he cannot handle two flying targets at the same time. Not because of the power difference but because, even with their large body, the [Chaos Dragons] could move as swiftly as the [Winged Monkeys].

"Annnnd done." Zeke said, using another round of the sleeping spell in order to ensure that the dragons won't be waking up. And thus, the gamer finally made his way out of the scene.

Everything went as he planned. In fact, he already began the transport portal which took a bit of time. This is due to the barrier's effects which prevented any foreign teleportation skill to work within it. Hence, aside from the ones used by Glade's army and, counting the portal itself, other instant transportation skills are hindered. But, this coudlnt stop Zeke who had a comprehensive understanding of the flow of mana. And while he did this, Zeke thought about the elites and how the mission given to them went.

"They're probably back within the hideout by now." Zeke said as he began hacking the barrier's internal programming. Although it is made of mana, the barrier works like any software program, requiring specific strokes of mana here and there in order to activate. And Zeke saw all of these clearly.

While he did so, he also opened the party feature. He looked at all the names there and saw how each and every member of the elites still had their names with colors meaning, they are still alive. A dead party member would have gray color on their profile and, an empty pool of both health and mana.

"It's good that they're all alive. I probably need to make new equipment for some of them though." Zeke thought again as he finally reached the final phase of hacking the barrier. And, soon after, his transportation spell began.

But just as he did, he felt something come. Something which was both dangerous and life threatening. Zeke's eyes quickly shifted its gaze on the direction of this and, just as he did…

… a projectile broke through the barrier.

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