The Gamer's System

Chapter 127: Who is Stronger?

It wasn't long before Zeke was brought back to the hideout. He still had a lot of things on his mind but, for the moment, he allowed them to be pulled back. The gamer looked around and, felt the familiarity of the place he lived in for 12 years.

It wasn't actually as cave-like as he made it out to be. In fact, the place had enough rooms for a hundred guests. And these aren't normal rooms but luxuriously comfortable ones. When he designed these, he thought of how there are those who have a difficulty sleeping when inside somebody else's house. And so, he designed the rooms for maximum comfortability, with multiple designs to meet the multiple needs of whoever his guests would be in the future. And now, these guests are the elites.

Aside from the rooms, Zeke's cave had a lot of other cool areas. It had a pool area, a hot spring area, and a normal bathing area. Furthermore, there are various training areas which could be used to enhance different facets of strength.

Lastly, there is also a designated area where people teleporting will arrive. This was made for two things. One is to ensure the quick response of whoever is already inside the cave. The second is to destroy any foreign entities as, there is a defense system installed on the magic circle below the transport area. Thus, Heron and Morpheus were already there waiting for their master's arrival. And upon appearing, the two immediately greeted Zeke.

"Master what happened to your clothes?" Heron asked as he saw the tattered rags that his master had on. Zeke actually had his armor tucked underneath the [Costume] which he set. Nobody can see it but, Zeke is actually always fully geared for battle.

"Oh?" Zeke realized that he didn't change his [Costume] before [Teleporting] and, made a snap of his fingers. Immediately, the one he wore got deleted by the [System] and, out came a new set of clothing just as plain as the first one. A normal villager outfit that didn't stand out from the rest. That is, except for the fact that, his is of a black color which is contrary to the usual violet or brown color of clothing worn by the famers within the demon continent.

"Sorry, I didn't notice." Zeke said right after, too focused on the thought of Sylph to actually have his thoughts on other matters.

"How was your mission daddy?" Morpheus asked, eager to hear just how much destruction Zeke caused.

"I don't really want to talk about it for now." Zeke said in reply, looking around and, seeing that the elites were nowhere to be found. But he didn't even worry a bit because, he knew that the group would succeed no matter what and, even if they didn't, Morpheus was there to save them.

"And the group?' He asked, with Heron making a double thumbs up to her master – wagging her tail which came out due to her excitement.

"They did better than expected master! Especially that new human Quinn!" Heron began but, before she could even continue her explanation, she heard Zeke's stomach grumbling, making her pause and apologize for not thinking of her master's current wellbeing.

"Forgive me master it didn't occur to me that you might actually be hungry from all that you did." Heron said, although unsure what it actually is that Zeke did after leaving the mission area.

"Can you tell us what you did now daddy?" Morpheus asked again and, as Zeke saw the eyes of the boy, he couldn't resist it anymore and gave a short summary of what he did.

"Oh I just destroyed three heavily guarded fortresses which houses the communication system used by the whole continent. No biggie. Oh and I also destroyed the whole stronghold positioned on the portal area. Three generals were stationed there who had the same strength as the strongest generals of the continent. Plus, I also managed to make the dragons sleep long enough for me to do what is needed. Then, I found an old comrade who almost got me killed. Nothing much actually." Zeke replied casually which made Heron's jaw drop from disbelief. But then again, she remembered that this is Zeke and so, there was nothing that should've made her less amazed.

"Anyway, I'm a bit tired so if you'll excuse me, I need to take a quick nap." Zeke told his two comrades who nodded and left their master to himself. He didn't even bother eating anymore because, he wouldn't be able to eat much with how tired his body is.

Zeke had a lot on his mind. In fact, there was too much on it that he needed to organize everything while also decluttering. With the [Gamer's Mind] Zeke knew that this would be even easier and so, he proceeded to sleeping, organizing everything within his subconscious state.

Strategies on the next fights.

The safety and survivability of the elites.

Possible interference of Glade and other equally powerful forces.

Skills that need to be sharpened and bought.

Weapons and items to be forged.

Zeke needed to think of all these things because, he is the leader of the group. The data on all these things appeared in front of him through the [System's] window. He sat down with his legs crossed and, rubbed his temples as the ideas came one after the other.

Zeke needed to have the widest insight, thinking of the worst-case scenarios and how these can be survived through. As he performed this, he also began constructing all his mana veins again. With the fight that just occurred, he needed to exert more effort than needed. And, although his mana veins weren't as damaged as before, he still needed to make some minor repairs in order to make sure that the host body would not have any permanent damage.

"So Sylph is alive." Zeke thought to himself, remembering the features of the female archer. Everything about her was so much like the one she knew 12 years ago and yet, there was something weird about her mana – like it was tainted with something. But. Zeke's [Analysis] couldn't work its way through it. Just like how his [Analyze] couldn't see a general's full attributes and skills once they enter into their [Primal State].

"If she's alive then that means that there is a possibility for the others to also be so." Zeke continued, thinking about both Sylvia and Allesiah; especially Allesiah because he had developed the strongest bond with this elf.

I hope you guys are still alive." Were the last words uttered by Zeke as he finished constructing his mana veins. That is, apart from also being able to finish all the battle plans, training regimes, and the blueprints for the improvement of the armor and the weapons of the elites.

"Yup. That should be enough" He said, finally waking up and, into the real world. He stretched his body a bit, feeling all the repairs and, as soon as he was satisfied, decided to go and eat some food. But just as he was about to leave his room, he heard the loud voices of two individuals.

"You can't disturb master while he is on meditation!" Heron said to the human who didn't listen to her and just continued moving forward.

"I just want to test things out that's all, what's wrong with that?" Quinn replied, and Zeke was able to hear all these. He opened his door slightly, just enough for him to get a better hearing of the exchange between the two.

"That can wait for later!" Was Heron's response but, Quinn was stubborn. He wanted to always be on top and, now that he has met Zeke, he wanted nothing more but to surpass the gamer.

"What do you want to test out exactly?" Zeke asked, finally coming out of the room to make them stop their arguing.

Zeke looked intently at the human who looked fully healed from the battle. He wasn't told about the reports on what occurred but, with his [Analysis] Zeke saw how much the human has grown in just a single fight.

"You fought the general yourself, didn't you?" He asked, smiling excitedly at Quinn and knowing that he would've also done the same if presented with the same situation.

"I'll answer that later. For now, I request a duel against you sir." Quinn said, still giving respect to Zeke who appreciated the gesture.

"Okay. But what exactly would I gain by fighting you?" Zeke asked and, at this, the human smiled at him.

"You owe us one. We finished within the time limit I've set and, I think that a little spar won't put you at any form of disadvantage sir." Quinn replied, wanting to test just how wide the gap between Zeke and him actually is. And, Zeke could read the intention of the human clearly.

In fact, he has encountered a lot of Quinn-like players on the games he played before. Those that strived for perfection but never reached it; crumbling before Zeke's unorthodox playing style sand the algorithms broken by his strategies.

"Okay kid, I'll let you have what you want but, under one condition." Zek said, smiling at the human.

Heron understood her master's smile quite well. It was the smile of excitement made by his master whenever he wanted to prove someone wrong or whenever he wanted to play with an opponent, and the worst was whenever Zeke actually wanted both.

"And what might that be sir?" Was Quinn's reply.

"I'll show you once we get to the battlegrounds." Zeke replied, ready to face the human.

The walk was a silent one. Both Heron and Morpheus also followed, wanting to see the spar for themselves. They have both fought Zeke countless times but, never have they won, not even once. What made this even more awesome was the fact that, Zeke was still [Level 1] during all those sparing sessions while they grew continually. And this only proved that, there is something to battles other than raw strength and overpowered skills. That is, strategy and mind games.

"Okay here we are." Zeke said, opening the door to the largest sparing room within the cave. It had nothing on it, just a blank area with a couple of trees and rocks."

"Do you have a weapon?" Zeke asked, knowing that there was a possibility for Quin's weapon to be broken.

He didn't even need a response anymore, seeing how the human didn't bring anything out even as he asked So, Zeke brought out an extra copy of Quinn's weapon as he had a double for each stashed within his inventory.

"Her you go. And I hope you don't break it this time." Zeke said, with Quinn nodding.

"So what is the requirement?" Quinn asked, already on the middle of the battlefield facing the gamer. Zeke smile at him and, simply said one word:


"Your test is simple." Zeke continued, stepping back and making his newly merged conjure face Quinn.

"You need to defeat it first."

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