The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 21: ~Shade and Fenris~ Part 2

I tried to hold on to the urge to murder the elf, who seemed to be on the highest horse in history. It wouldn't have been suitable for the little wolf if this man saw me.

“It’s done, sir. But don’t get me wrong. I—” Fenris began, only to be interrupted once again.

This elf gave no breaks.

“Then I can assume you made the monster a little more compliant?” he questioned with little emotion.

 It angered me to hear him call my precious one after that.

Monster?! You can’t be talking about Lily! Surely...

“Sir, she isn’t—” Fenris tried to defend her, only to meet the same end as before.

“Did you or did you not?” the elf asked.

Let him speak his mind, you jerk!

“Sir, I don’t understand why this happened this way. I wanted to wait for the time when she was okay with it. The last thing I need is you breathing down my neck for these things. She’s special to...” Fenris trailed off, knowing it wouldn’t change a thing.

Ryker was only interested in what he wanted and nothing more. For him, all that mattered was what the council wanted.

Uptight elf! I’ll get you one day!

“That’s irrelevant, Fenris. All you need to do is control that thing by every means necessary. Own her body and soul if it helps. I don’t know why you and your brother see that cursed girl as more than a ticking bomb waiting to go off at any minute.” The elf argued coldly.

Wait… wolf… did you do that because they ordered you?! You didn’t, right?!

Fenris breathed in deeply, letting it go. The elf wasn’t done, though.

“It’s a good thing the council was formed. You Lycans seemed to have lost your touch. Your brother’s too soft, and it appears it’s rubbing off on you. Don’t forget that she was the one who made you into an orphan, boy.” Ryker huffed, tapping the table.

A low growl came from Fenris.

“I hope your brother’s heart doesn’t run in you.” The elf continued.

His tone made my blood boil.

The way you talk about my precious Lily! Our Precious Lily!

There was no forgiveness for the elf.

Fuck my sleep! You’ll die by my paws just because of how you think of her. All who seek to harm her will die from our wrath. Including you, wolf… if you hurt her! I’ll...

“Sir, she’s more than that.” Fenris huffed.

His words were disregarded, though. It was painful to see the annoying little wolf have a hard time when all he wanted to do was try to defend her, but it didn’t matter.

“As I said, what you think is irrelevant, boy. Though it worries me, the way you’re speaking makes me think you love her. If true, you don’t need me to tell you not to fall in for that abomination.” Ryker declared.

Fenris remained silent.

“Let me remind you. You already have a fiancée, Layla, who was assigned to you when you were born. She’s coming to join us here in Silverant soon.” Ryker informed.

The poor wolf suddenly went stiff.

Fiancée… wolf, you have a lot you haven’t said to Lily. Just what are you planning?

“Sir, I don’t plan to—” Fenris was interrupted again.

“You haven’t seen each other since you were children, right? I hear she’s still very fond of you. She’s grown to be quite a woman, too. Compared to that abomination, she’ll be more pleasing to the eyes.” Ryker continued, triggering Fenris to clench his fist.

How dare you call her that, pointy ears?!

The wolf dug his nails into his palms, alerting me to the smell of blood. For a moment, I felt Fenris’ murderous intent before he took a deep breath to calm himself.

“Sir, I don’t need you telling me anything. I can make my choices.” The little wolf declared.

Ryker had no interest in hearing him, though.

“Children are always a pain. I hope you grow up soon, Fenris, or else you’ll never be the leader your father was. If you want to free that girl, there isn’t any other way but to climb up the ranks.” The elf snapped, standing up from his chair.

Fenris clicked his tongue; however, not a word left him.

“Though I would love to see you fail and that monster heartbroken in the dungeon. It would be safer for everyone if they deemed you unworthy of leading this organization. This is only my honest opinion.” He rebuked the wolf, who sighed in response.

There was no use speaking to this man. He saw Fenris as a little cub, unfit to have Lily with him.

“Yes, sir. Thank you for your wisdom. I’ll go now.” Fenris bid farewell, setting down the folder in his hand on the desk before exiting the room.

After getting far from that room, he opened the bag to let me out. When I jumped, he slid down onto the ground next to me.

Ah… You look like your world is falling apart, little wolf.

Through the years I spent with him. I had never seen him so stressed. It was like the world was on his shoulders. He was a boy with too many responsibilities on his shoulders.

“What have I done? Was this the right way to go about things? I can’t take it back. Fuck! Lilith! I… I can’t…” Fenris seconded guess himself, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Ah… Wolf… you…

I hopped off the bag, coming closer to him. Even though I was angry before, seeing him like this made me realize how little power he had over anything. They didn’t deserve this.

What is it that those fur dumbos that I represent do to comfort these mortals? Ah, yes...

I rubbed my face on his arm slightly, releasing a small purr. My action startled him, triggering him to tug his arm away before gazing at me with glossy eyes.

“If I hurt her, you’ll eat my head, won’t you? Is that what you’re saying? Well, I hope you do if I do.” He nervously chuckled, wiping his tears away.

The pressure was too much to bear for this poor wolf.

No, you idiot, I’m trying to comfort you!

I wished he could hear me say that, pushing my tiny paws on his arm. He picked me up and placed me on his lap for the first time.

“I... don’t get why they want to ruin Lily so much. But, Shade, don’t worry. I won’t allow it; I'll free her even if it takes years. She’s just a normal girl who deserves only the best.” He shook his head, gazing at his hands. “She was just a small girl in my arms a few hours ago.”

Fenris’s voice cracked slightly, prompting me to slant my ears down before licking his nose. It was like I had become his psychologist for the day.

Not that I mind. This boy won’t hurt Lily willingly. No, you cared about her. You loved her.

I knew before today—how he cared for and gazed at her.


“Why don’t they see it? It wasn’t like she wanted Silverant destroyed. I don’t know how they can’t see how Ben was right. If the spell the psychos were doing worked. Those who survived wouldn’t be here.” His body trembled, holding me close.

I’m sorry, little wolf. I don’t remember anything from before coming into this world.

“If it weren’t for her sacrifice! None of us would’ve been here! Why can’t they realize this simple fact!?” Fenris broke, pressing his forehead against mine.

Little wolf, those crystals one day won’t be enough to hold us back. Don’t worry, I’ll finish what we started! I’ll make sure Lily is safe! I declared to comfort Fenris, but he couldn’t hear me.

Back then, all we wanted to do was protect Lily from anyone who would try to come to harm her. She was the first one to summon us for selfless reasons.

No… There is something else, but I don’t remember.

The only thing I remembered was hearing her plea and bonding with her.

Anything else from that world escapes me. Arg! I can’t even help Lily with her studies!

Yet I was determined to make the world safe for them. Children were the only survivors on ground zero were children. Back then, Ben and Tania were seventeen, too. Lilith made us go easy on them, but they were on our way.

Or at least that was what I remembered.

I thought we were doing the right thing by eliminating all cruel adults. But it seems we made it harder on Lily. Or was it for other reasons?

There was no way to know. Her mind merged with all those who left through the gate she opened.

So, we knew she didn’t want that to happen. Yet rage closed our eyes to that. Yes, we were just so angry that we saw pure red. But why were we angry? I can’t remember.  The world appears to be headed to the end we predicted, though. Ah… who was it…?

However, some mortals in this realm surprised me in unsuspected ways. This boy and his brother were part of them. Perhaps this world wasn’t too far gone.

There may be something to save here.

“I won’t allow them to take her away from me! Yes, I’ll do everything I must to keep her with me, even if it might hurt her. Then, once I’m at the top, I’ll change everything for her.” Fenris whispered, letting me go and covering his face with his hands.

Your pain will be sweet to bear compared to what they want to do to Lily. I’ll forgive you, little wolf. So, don’t feel sad.

“Seems you might eat my head after all.” Fenris joked, chuckling nervously again.

I meowed at him, hoping he would hear me, shifting his gaze towards me.

I’ll forgive you, little wolf. I promised.

He smiled, almost as if he had heard me, petting my head gently.

“This must be a secret from Lily. You know that right?” he sighed.

I nodded, knowing it would destroy her to know how much pressure he was under. She would do her Lily thing and yank all the blame on herself. I couldn’t trample over his efforts to keep her safe. So, this would be one secret I would keep from my other half.

She can’t know how much you love her.

After that, he picked me up in his arms before heading back into the room. Luckily, Lily lay asleep peacefully, waiting for us to come back. He placed me on my tower of glory and dropped his clothes on the ground before joining her in bed.

Softly and gently, he woke her up by caressing her arm.

“Fenris?” she mumbled groggily.

He kissed her cheek when she turned to face him. Sadly, the following events wouldn’t allow me to sleep until dawn. He was such a selfish little wolf, but I forgave him. As he was her world, and she was his.

Even if she couldn’t know it.

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