The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 27: Temper…

Cora continued to wave her white flag, "Ah... I’ll give up this time, but I promise to make you fall for me, Lilith! Mark my words!" Her declaration caused Fenris to growl in response as she retreated.

It wasn't long before she disappeared from our sight. The silver wolf returned to his humanoid form as I shook my head at her words.


"You should be more careful," he mumbled grumpily.

His temper was showing, which was natural for all Lycans, but it was rarely directed at me.

"I’m sorry for bothering you," I whispered, gazing at Shade, who was having fun in the flowers.

Getting me here is probably inconvenient, but what can I do? It’s not like she listened to me.

A soft sigh left me while he peered around us to ensure no one was around before grabbing me by my waist and pulling me into a surprise kiss. My heart skipped a beat moment when his lips brushed against mine.

I tugged away from my wolf, trying to steady my heart.

We aren’t in the room! Someone might—

"You can’t do this. Someone might see us here." I worried Cora might still be around.

Even if he checked, vampires were sneaky—silent killers in most cases.

"There isn't anyone, and it doesn’t matter if that vamp is nearby. I’m annoyed, and honestly, I can’t care less if someone sees us right now." Fenris firmly declared.

I gasped at his hand, going down into my stocking and underwear.

When did you pull my dress up?

He usually wasn’t this aggressive.

"Why are you angry? Did I upset you?" I mumbled, triggering him to growl at me.

With brief hesitation, he touched my most sensitive area with his fingertips as I grabbed onto his shirt for dear life.

"Don’t remind me! You belong to me! How dare you let someone else touch you?!" Fenris chided, slipping his fingers into me.

There was no resisting him. Trying to hold my voice in, I bit into my sleeve, only for him to tug me up to meet with another kiss. Even though it worried me that Cora might see us like this, he cared little about it.

His touch made my legs give out, making me fall to my knees. It wasn't hard, though; he had caught me on the way down. Licking the fingers he used to play with me, he pushed me onto the ground.

Surrounded by flowers, he smirked a devilish, playful smile at me.

This is torture.

It was a sweet punishment just for me.

One that I welcomed wholeheartedly.

"This body’s mine. So, don't you dare let anyone else touch you as I do!" Fenris made his claim on me, kissing me deeply again.

The way his tongue caressed mine left me humming under him, though that was short-lived as he tugged away before trailing down my body, stopping to lick where his fingers had been. He clasped my hands at my sides to prevent me from covering my voice.

Though the sensation of his soft member sliding between my slits made me mewl in pleasure. There was no doubt in my mind he wanted Cora to know I was his. I whine loudly, not allowing myself to feel the fear I should’ve had if they had found us out just like he wanted.

“Fenris!” I gasped, feeling him suck on my sensitive bell.

Grasping onto the arms that held mine captive, I lost my voice, erupting out of me in waves when he made my mind go blank like so many times before. My body twitched when he retreated from my most sensitive area, licking his lips like he had a tasty meal.

"You smell so sweet today, and it’s making me wonder if you’re ovulating.” Fenris breathed, trailing his fingers on my vulva. “Hey, if I make love to you right now, would you bear my pup?" He teased, leaving me flustered beyond my mind.

A Lycan's sense of smell was strong enough to smell the pheromones we women emitted when we were fertile. During these times, he would usually use protection whenever he touched me, like the previous day, but today, he was angrier than usual.

He wouldn't listen to his common sense. There were hybrids in every race, yet we weren’t all compatible. However, humans, witches, and warlocks could breed with every single one of them. If the parent had a connection to their magic, the offspring could use it.

They could also represent the different races that bred or bred us humans. However, a hybrid would be severely weaker than a purebred, or at least that was what they said. This made most races avoid mingling with humans.

None wanted a witch or hybrid, though sometimes they could have normal children if the blood was pure enough.

"Wait, you can’t," I warned Fenris, trying to catch my breath.

He wasn’t thinking ahead of the moment that we were in, though. A Lycan’s temper quickly consumed their senses, and he was no exception, but this was the first time I saw him this angry. Usually, he would let things slip off.

"I can’t?" He growled, inserting himself within me with no protection.

Wait, no! That’s not what I mean!

"You aren’t allowed!" I gasped, feeling his entire length in me.

He thrust himself within me with little concern for the repercussions we would both face; if I bore his child, it would only lead to more anguish, but it wasn’t because I didn’t want it. No, I wanted it more than anything, but that would destroy his standing.

Even what we did behind closed doors could if it got out. So, you can’t.

"Fuck that! Everything about you is mine." Fenris cursed, sending waves of pleasure through my body by pounding himself into me.

Having his child would be something I could only have in a dream. Yet, I hoped I was ovulating from my damaged ovary this time as it was still functional, but only fifty percent of the time.

If I am, your seeds might not find an egg to fertilize, but if it’s from the other one… I… don’t know what I’ll do.

There was no way I could hurt his child, even if he wanted me to.

If you get pregnant, Lilith. Your child will have the power to rule this world. Shade whispered, watching us from where she was.

Fenris kissed me deeply, keeping me from thinking straight. Unable to hold back from his affections, I responded to them, fighting for dominance in your lock of tongues. He continued to thrust himself into me at a steady pace, even though it soon became sloppy before exploding within me, filling me with bliss once again.

The silver wolf’s groan rang in my ear, leaving me panting for air as I tried to bring myself into reality, to no avail. The euphoria that passed through calmed him enough to realize what he had done.

"Fuck! Lilith, I’m sorry." he was short of breath, too.

Pulling away from me, I felt a space where he had been, though he helped me up soon after. The entire event dazed me, replaying his words still in my head, yet I was happy to feel his warmth.

"It’s okay. I’m okay." I whispered, slowly fixing my underwear and stocking.

At least you didn’t rip them.

He picked up the shoes he had taken off when he yanked everything off me. It was the first time he had ever done something like this.

The entire thing was rather careless of you, yet I…

He knew I was his, and he was alone, but if Layla found out, it would hurt her, and he would be in a fantastic pitch of trouble. Feeling the weight of what he had potentially done, he sat on the ground shaking his head.

I turned around, kneeling next to him. “Are you okay?”

"Lily... If... If you’re... If you get... I’ll..." Fenris trailed off, biting his lip.

Shade hopped on his shoulder, stopping him from continuing.

"It’s okay," I assured him, smiling.

Nothing he ever did to me was terrible.

No, you always fill me with happiness.

Seeing my smile, he pulled me into another warm kiss before momentarily separating from me, "Lily, I’ll protect you, no matter what. Even if…" he murmured before kissing me again.

It had been a while since he said those things to me, even when we were alone. The last time was when I lost control of my magic, yet I couldn’t move away from his warmth. His hand traveled to my abdomen when he tugged away from my lips, gazing at it.

Such a silly, devoted wolf…

Grabbing onto his hand, I tugged it to my cheek. "I know. It’ll be fine." I smiled reassuringly.

This is enough for me.

Moments like these gave me the strength to control my emotions to the point that I no longer need the Luxorite bracelet. Though Ryker and the council still demanded it, I wore it. They feared I would explode out of nowhere, but they weren’t wrong.

I wasn’t bothered by their demands. All I needed was to be with my wolf, and I was happy to be constantly held by him every night.

Well, almost every night.

The only time he wouldn't have me was when I bled, marking a five-day break to catch up on all the writing or research I had to do. We sat in the flower field in each other's company for hours, hands intertwined.

Every moment I spent with him, I strengthened my resolve to change. Perhaps I could free him from my servitude one day.

But when that time comes, will you stay with me, Fenris?

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