The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 44: A New Trouble…

Once Liam turned on the small machine, I was still trembling.

“What the fuck was that?!” Kira finally complained.

Everyone ignored her as they tended to me; sadly, it only annoyed the Lycan even more.

“It was just a fucking nightmare. Do we need to all stop for her?!” she huffed, crossing her arms from the bed.

A sharp growl came from Fenris before he tugged away slightly. “Get the fuck out!” He snarled, eyes shimmering bright yellow.

“It’s too late for her to go to the dorms! Let’s all calm down!” Layla said, trying to calm the situation.

The outside dorms were where officers usually slept while only Fenris, me, and a few others stayed in the building. Before we moved in, this was a supply closet, and they revamped it into our room.

Before another fight broke out between the Lycans, I finally found my voice.

"I need to draw." I panted, unable to take my eyes off my quivering hands.

In an instant, Fenris turned back to me, touching my cheek. "Okay... Okay... Let’s do that then." He whispered, helping me off the bed.

Usually, I would draw in my notebook whenever I woke up the next day. After being comforted by Fenris during the night, but this time, it couldn’t wait. It wouldn’t have turned out any differently if we had been alone.

I had to get this nightmare out of me. Getting off the bed, I grabbed a canvas I stored in a corner of my side of the room. I rarely used these, but a small page wouldn’t keep this one in. Fenris helped me set everything up since my hands were trembling too much to do much else.

Once I sat down, I closed my eyes momentarily, picturing what haunted me the most.

"It was just a dream, gosh! We can’t sleep now?!" Kira complained once again.

“Shut up!” Layla snapped, triggering her sister to silence.

Fenris glared at them, not wanting to hear another word from them. Ezra and Owen went back in their sleeping bags. After scolding Kira, Layla approached my side of the room, sitting next to the silver wolf.

He watched me intently, even though I still hadn’t drawn anything. Liam also joined them as Shade hopped on my lap.

Lily... I wish I could help you, but even I don’t understand. She whispered.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I did was trace the scenery. The moon and the burning forest before sketching the figure that held my only anchor to this world in its grip. That alone didn’t bring any comments, but the moment I painted in the colors. Layla was the first one to slip up.

"Isn't that a red moon? Why’s she drawing it?" she whispered to Fenris, not knowing I could hear them thanks to Shade's super hearing.

My hand twitched when she mentioned that, desiring to know about the dreadful blood moon, but instead of trying to get my curiosity quenched, I continued to paint.

The white wolf carried on chattering behind me, "That reminds me! Are you mentally ready for the red moon? You know, when you gain its power... We’ll get married soon after that and have pups!"


Fenris would gain some power during the coming red moon, but I knew nothing about it. All I knew was the moon, as they had forecasted it, and the witches at the library couldn’t stop talking about it.

No one ever mentioned that the Lycans were also looking forward to it. However, the festival they were planning was conceited with the moon.

Why didn't I realize it before?

Stella’s words echoed within me.

Cursed child… Red moon, are they linked?

"Hey... They think it’ll be painful. Maybe I can convince the elders to let me tag along with you, even with all the security in place. I can try to find my way there, you know, and I can ease your pain. You’ll probably—" Layla tried reaching for him by grabbing his shirt.

Fenris tugged away from the bed, interrupting her train of thought. Yet another rejection of her advances.

Painful...? What?

That was the first time I ever heard anything like this. I knew the moon festival was supposed to be some big event coming along, but...

Will it be painful for Fenris? Why?

When the witches were speaking about the moon, they made it sound sexual. They were planning an orgy ritual during the event to gain some of its power, or so they said. I always thought it was fake magic to pass the time.

Is there more to it than that?

"Enough, stop blabbering useless crap." Fenris sighed, sitting on the desk next to me.

Holding myself back from asking, I carried on with the painting.

Why didn’t I ever try to connect the dots?

I glanced towards the moon I had drawn.

It’ll be precisely twenty-five years since the last red moon.

That boy is the cursed moon child said to bring the Lycans power and glory. Stella ranted to one sister.

Were you born during the last one?

Glancing towards Fenris, only to see his gaze full of concern.

You’ll never tell me something that can affect me negatively. Hah… there will never come the day when you’ll share your burdens with me. Not while I’m the biggest one in your heart.

Turning my gaze back towards the canvas, I continued to paint, omitting details. Instead of Fenris next to the black figure in my dreams, I painted rays of light where he would be.

They represent my light… You. But you wouldn’t know unless you’re in my head.

If he wouldn’t share his troubles with me, I would have to do the same to lighten his load. By the time I finished the painting, Liam and Layla had fallen asleep on my bed. The sun was already out, greeting the day.

Instead of falling asleep like the rest, Fenris stayed awake with me, watching over me the entire time. I stared at the finished painting for a while, watching it dry, wondering what it meant.

Is it a figment of my imagination or something much more?

I turned my gaze towards Fenris, who studied painting with me. Thanks to the company, he probably wanted to ask me a million questions since Lilith's dream but couldn’t find the right time. This wolf couldn’t help me; whatever was happening to me was something I had to find out for myself.

Glancing back to the canvas, I picked up a small carving knife next to me. Slicing my finger, I traced my blood on the paint before Fenris grabbed my injured hand, turning his gaze at me, wincing.

“Why would you hurt yourself?” My wolf questioned, shaking his head.

For offensive magic, living blood was the only thing that could suffice. The few spells I used before this moment had been plant-based to cast.

"Fenris, could you open the window?" I asked, turning my gaze away from him.

He sighed, letting go of my hand before doing what I had asked. After it was open, I grabbed the canvas before walking towards it. One in front of the window, I closed my eyes and focused on the incantation in my mind. What happened next would cause the other Lycans in the room to have a rude awakening again.

"Ambustum," I whispered, triggering the painting to burst into flames.

The other wolves woke up because of the sound the spell had caused rather than the smoke. Offensive spells were so much more irritating to them than supportive ones, especially if they weren't wearing artifacts to dampen the noise.

Fenris was one of the few who never wanted to wear anything to dampen his senses.

"What the fuck?! Are you fucking insane?! We were just attacked less than a week ago!" Kira snarled loudly from being awoken in this manner from her sleep.

Perhaps she had some post-traumatic stress, yet I doubt she was out when the explosions were going off.

A soft smile rose on my lips, “I don’t care.” I watched the canvas burn as Kira sent more profanities my way.

Layla held her back, preventing her from coming towards me. Her hangover didn’t make her any more pleasant in the morning. Tunning her out, I questioned everything happening, especially why Ryker sent Layla over.

Is it to test Fenris or me?

“The sun is out. So, get the fuck out already!” My wolf snapped at Kira.

Glancing towards the clock, I noticed it was already nine. Melody had made me promise to be ready by then for another round of baking. Ignoring the start of another fight, I headed towards the bathroom with Shade.

Closing the door, I removed my clothes before turning on the hot water, trying to clear my thoughts to figure out what to do next; the warm water helped me relax.

First... I have to figure out what the secrets are for the coming festival. Then... I’ll have to figure out if that dream is a premonition or just another nightmare fueled by the grimoire I touched in the library.

It was irritating not to know whose grimoire it was or if it even happened. The last time I went, no one in the library knew of any break-ins.

If I cracked the barrier, there should’ve been an alarm, right?

Everything was too confusing at this point for me. I couldn’t even trust myself to do anything right.

Melody... I’m sorry. I can’t help you.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed when the door to the bathroom opened. However, the change of lighting within the room was enough to catch my attention.

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