The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 6: Too Bright…

The aged lycan let out a weary exhale, the weight of the years evident in the slow shake of his head. “Wait… It can’t be. Aren’t you the heir from the Silver Fang family?”

Fenris growled, tensing up at the sound of that question.

“What a disgrace you’ll be if your father doesn’t set you straight soon.” The man scoffed before walking away.

The Silver Fang family was the dominant clan that led all the other wolf packs, holding the highest position in the hierarchy of wolves. They were considered the top dogs, even above the alphas of each clan. Additionally, they were responsible for running Cerberus.

The clan had numerous members, but their distinctive feature was their silver hair, which made them easily recognizable. Although not every member had that trait, it was predominant in the alpha line for the males. However, having it didn’t necessarily mean that an individual was part of the alpha line.

His royal blood could’ve explained Fenris's carefree smile and fearless demeanor, which puzzled me. Knowing that he came from the alpha line, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was only a matter of time before he would turn against me, just like the others.

After the older man departed, I swiftly backed away from Fenris, holding my hands tightly against my chest.

“I’m sorry... I’ve taken too much of your time, and I can do the rest myself.” I murmured, keeping my gaze fixed on the ground.

As he stood before me with the sun slowly descending on our day, I realized that being with me would only bring him more trouble. Unbeknownst to me, he belonged to the alpha line. I had initially mistaken him for an ordinary Lycan, but his demeanor exuded an air of regality.

Picking up my gaze from the floor, he simpered, “Don’t worry. He doesn’t speak for all of us. And I don’t think that way, at least.”

He appeared utterly unfazed by the entire experience. As he extended his hand towards me, I couldn't help but feel utterly bewildered. The older man's words had no impact on him, leaving me genuinely captivated by him.

How can you like this?

His words stirred a longing to accompany him, yet I couldn't shake the knowledge that this was only fleeting. In my experience, nothing positive ever endured. My bloodline condemned me to a life of suffering.

He would inevitably face the same fate, but that didn't quell my yearning for something more.

Can I have more?

As my hand trembled, I extended it towards his, feeling the warmth of his grasp as he eagerly enveloped it in his own. With a tender gesture, he brought my hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss upon it before lowering his head in a gesture of respect.

“My fair lady, I’m Fenris Silver Fang. At your service.” He winked, smirking.

His words unexpectedly struck a chord within me as he laughed it off. Tears welled in my eyes for the first time in what felt like an eternity. It was overwhelming. Despite my efforts, I couldn't help but let this boy into my heart. Seeing my tears, he was taken aback and concerned.

His demeanor transformed from one of assuredness to one of doubt. His aim was never to bring tears to my eyes but to evoke a smile. Little did he know that the tears streaming down my cheeks weren’t borne of pain or sorrow but pure happiness.

My escape… finally found me.

As tears continued to flow from my eyes, I managed to smile in his direction. Unaware of his impact on me, this boy unknowingly became the guiding light in my dark and unforgiving world.

He accepted me; instead, he gently guided me out of the darkness and into the warm glow where he was waiting. Just catching a glimpse of him, even for a moment, made everything feel right.

“Thank you, Fenris Silver Fang.” I felt a genuine smile spread across my face, struggling to wipe away the tears streaming down my cheeks.

The young boy was completely oblivious to the intricate details of my life or the emotions that weighed heavily on me. Surprisingly, he offered more support and comfort than my family ever did. Even my mother's warm embrace failed to evoke the sense of security and ease I felt in his presence.

For the first time in a long while, I felt genuinely sheltered and protected when Fenris was around as if his presence could shield me from harm.

His face flushed with a bright shade of pink, and he averted his eyes, clearly feeling embarrassed. With a gentle pace, he guided me towards the steps that led down to the sandy beach. After settling me onto a bench offering a clearer ocean view, he hurried into the shop to fetch the final item.

The sun bathed me in its warm embrace as I sat there, feeling its comforting rays seep into my being. The sky was tinged with the soft hues of the approaching sunset. Typically, gathering all the necessary ingredients would have taken me until closing time, but I finished faster than ever before this time. It was as if time had accelerated in his presence, just as it did when I was with him.

The scenery before me was breathtaking, and I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my racing heart. Unconsciously, I brought the hand he had kissed earlier closer to my lips, lost in the memories of that tender moment. In desperation, I found myself uttering a prayer to any deity, yearning for a response to my plea.

Suppose there’s a god out there. Any god... Please, I beg you. Please don’t take him away from me.

Opening my eyes, I was greeted by the breathtaking sunset, painting the sky with warm hues. A sense of hope washed over me, lifting my spirits after prolonged despair. To my surprise, Fenris returned and settled down next to me. He placed a bag containing all the needed items on the bench, carefully tucking the paper with the complete list of items inside.

His presence exuded a warmth that took me by surprise. As he gently took hold of my right hand, I observed his careful placement of a delicate silver bracelet adorned with a red crescent moon. I gazed at it for a moment, feeling a sense of bewilderment, and reached out to touch it with the fingertips of my free hand.

Is this a gift?

“I can’t accept this,” I quietly uttered, holding his hand that had ensnared mine.

His lips curved upward, and he gently shook his head from side to side, a warm smile on his lips. “You can. And you will. With this, I’ll find you no matter where you are. It’s a magical bracelet, you see.”

His words did little to persuade me to accept it. If he managed to find me while I was in the coven, then I...

“Even more reason for you to take it back.” I shook my head, gazing at him straight on.

“Listen, I want to give you this, and only to you. You see this one?” Fenris pointed towards his left wrist with his free right hand.

At that moment, I noticed a second bracelet on his wrist. The black charm on it portrayed the moon in its waxing gibbous phase. The two bracelets formed a full moon as he gently turned my right hand with his left. The black waxing gibbous charm transformed, taking on a crimson hue reminiscent of the crescent moon.

“Together, they create a full moon. Neat, right? But what’s more important is that if you’re ever in trouble. My moon works as a compass, pointing towards where you are. So, I can find you and rescue you.” Fenris explained, triggering my heart to drop.

Instinctively, I reached for my chest, grabbing onto my dress with my left hand.

“Rescue me?” I mumbled.

No… you can’t!

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