The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 80: The Blood Moon

Fenris’s breathing quickly became rapid and uneven before he ripped his clothing. The heat from his skin was overwhelming, keeping the night breeze away. I held my legs apart, letting him waste a little time entering me.

There was no foreplay and affection; instead, all I felt was him ramming himself into me. It left me breathless momentarily, feeling like my first time again. Instinctively, I clung to his shoulders when he grabbed my waist, slightly digging his nails into my delicate skin.

His voice shifted into one of a beast while his canines protruded slightly from his mouth. He struggled to hold back his transformation while holding me in place with one hand and keeping himself up with the other. His body slowly radiated a crimson aura that matched the moon, shimmering at us from above.

All I could do was hold on for dear life as the moon's essence slowly drifted between Fenris and me, gradually collecting into the stone hidden by my bandages. The pain came in waves with each thrust of his hips, though I had no one else but myself to blame.

This poor wolf was doing the best he could to have his wilder instincts expressed into ravishing me instead of devouring me. Each of his thrusts allowed his head to touch the entrance of my womb, triggering me to whimper as a new sensation filled me.

However, every time his tip kissed it, I felt a rush of pleasure running down my spine. Even without the foreplay required to prep my body, it slowly felt enjoyable. The pain and pleasure were mixing into something I had never felt before.

Beast or not, my body responded to Fenris, no matter how forceful he was being. Once I could compose myself, I loosened my grip on Fenris, allowing my back to rest on the ground. He continued to ram himself into me, keeping my hips in place, close to his.

With his other hand, he dug his fingers into the ground, crushing the ground underneath it. His groans filled my ears while I tried not to voice my pain or pleasure too loudly. However, it would soon be impossible to do.

The moment a whine left my lips, he let go of the ground to grip my neck before plunging himself into my depths. A gasp left me when I felt his swell within me as his member twitched inside of me before exploding within me, sending me over the edge.

A sharp mewl escaped my lips, slightly triggering Fenris to tighten his grip on my neck. It wasn’t enough to make it difficult for me to breathe, but it was tight enough for me to feel pressure on my skin as his nails scratched the surface.

Everything that was happening to me, he had never done before. The way he found his release wasn’t how he usually did it, either. It was almost as if he was trying to lock me into himself, to impregnate me.

Male lycans had a special gland on their members that stimulated the female wolf’s cavity to lock down on the member. This mainly happened when they wanted higher chances of producing a child. However, I couldn’t do that for him; no matter how much he tried to encourage it, I wouldn’t respond how he wanted.

Instead, it caused me to lose my mind as my body convulsed in pleasure under him. A loud moan left Fenris, still holding onto my neck as saliva dripped from his lips and onto my skin. When his heat stopped pulsating within me, I thought it would be over, but instead of getting a breather, he rammed into me again.

This time, his crimson eyes locked with mine before releasing his grip on my throat and licking the tiny scrapes he made on my neck.

I knew it… You…

This wolf could’ve quickly snapped my neck clean; instead, he showed affection after the rough handling. My shaking hands tried to reach for his face, but he pinned them down with his, releasing my hips.

Oh… Fenris, I think I might die, but because of…

The moment I felt his sharp canines on my nape, I braced, thinking he would bite, but instead, he pulled my lips onto his.  A hum left me when his tongue invaded my mouth soon after. The danger was far from over as his teeth threatened to pierce my lips with each brush.

Instead of worrying about them, I responded to his kiss with equal passion, sucking on his tongue as it played with mine. Saliva dripped from my chin when he tugged away for fresh air. A low growl left him before grabbing my hair and jerking it back to arch my back.

Again, he rammed himself into my deepest compartment before finding his release again, trying to lock with me. Each time wiping my mind, I responded to Fenris differently than he intended.

The Lycans online called this the blissful knot, but it’s supposed to be painful for humans! Why am I… losing my mind every time you—

A husky moan came from his lips, and I couldn’t control my voice any longer. He licked my neck in response to my mewls before trailing his affection onto my chest. Everything sent me into a world where my worries melted, only to come crashing back when he turned me around.

Before I knew it, my knees and elbows were on the ground as he grabbed onto my waist and thrust his hips into me again. Unable to control my voice, I let it go as he indulged himself with me as much as I enjoyed him.

Grabbing onto my hair once again, he tugged me up, allowing his left hand to run up my belly and onto my chest. His nails were so sharp that any slight pressure on my fragile skin caused scratches to appear.

Even though the pain was new to me when I was with Fenris, I couldn’t seem to hate what was happening. He was rougher and less forgiving, but at least I had my limbs attached. Though, what probably helped the most was that I yearned to be with him.

Every thrust made my toes curl, and my voice became erratic and raspy when a howl from a neighboring Lycan roared through the night. Another pursued it, then another, until a chorus of wolves sang. Thanks to them, Fenris stopped pounding me, ears twitching.

 He let me go onto the ground without separating his heat from me, feeling it twitch inside of me. A soft whine left my lips, trying to catch my breath while he assessed where his fellow Lycans were. We were alone in this barrier, but surely there was where the other wolves were in the neighboring ones.

However, in Fenris's current animalistic state, he couldn’t recall that was the case; instead, the howls from others were a threat to him. For a moment, I could breathe, but only for a moment since my body ran cold when Fenris's shift towards his beast's side progressed.

Fur formed in his arms, and his face was no longer humanoid. His crimson eyes glared up into the sky when a startling snarl released from him in response to the howls of his fellows. Even though I didn’t comprehend what type of warning he sent out, it was chill-inducing.

All this time, Fenris was fighting the beast within to keep it from tearing into me, but the moment he heard the others, it was like the beast himself stomped over whatever was trying to hold it back.

Lilith! Shade cried out to me.

When the silver wolf placed one of his hands on my back, it didn’t feel humanoid, but it wasn’t one of a beast either.

It’s okay... I’m okay.

Any movement she made would undoubtedly trigger Fenris to tear into me. Turning my head slightly and slowly, I saw something that should’ve been terrifying to anyone, but to me, it was the most beautiful beast I would ever see.

His breathing was heavy as more growls erupted from him because of my slight movements. I still felt the moon's power flow through me, which meant we were still intimately connected. All his rough trusting made me slightly numb down there, yet I felt full of him.

A Lycan could shift between three forms. One appeared humanoid, which they used daily. Another was the complete beast form, which allowed them to use their raw power, and their last form was a mix of humanoid and beast.

This third form was one they rarely shifted into as it was the most unpredictable. Sometimes, the beast would win over the rational side. Soon, silver fur covered all the skin exposed to me, and Fenris’s face and body were that of a beast and man.

Instead of paws, he had fingers just like a regular humanoid, but furry and with sharp claws attached.

You have never let me see you like this. Is it because you think I would’ve been scared?

Whenever I witnessed one, I thought it would be a dreadful sight. The books depicted it as such, but it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw under the moonlight. Lycans were fascinating creatures from the very start.

My wolf’s bright crimson orbs gazed at me, studying me. He didn’t fully recognize me, yet I...

"Fenris..." I whispered, voice shaking.

My voice was hoarse from the previous actions I had endured. It was nothing a bit of water wouldn’t fix, but I couldn’t recognize myself. In response, he growled, placing both hands down next to my shoulders, pushing himself into me, not realizing we were connected.

A slight mewl came from my lips because of the sensitivity it caused. Although it felt numb in parts, my sensitive areas were still tingling, especially when Fenris moved. Before I knew it, he spun me around again, and my back was again on the ground.

Our eyes met, and he launched at my neck before being interrupted by another howl from another Lycan.

Lily! I have— Shade started.

The only way for her to save me would be to cripple him, to prevent him from following us, and that was something I would never allow.

Don’t you dare! I’m fine!

My wolf responded with the same aggression toward the other wolves again. I closed my eyes, steadying my heart.

"Fenris," I mumbled, shifting his attention back to me.

Digging his nails into the ground, he didn’t know what to do with me. I wasn’t the usual prey he was used to, which confused him. I wasn’t trying to run away from him, but neither did I look threatening enough to cause him to attack me.

Slowly, I reached out to him, triggering him to growl in response to my approach. Luckily, he didn’t launch at me again. However, what was more distressing for me was how painful everything seemed to him.

Is the blood moon's energy making you feel like this?

Even though it flowed through me, all I felt was warmth, but to him, it was changing him to his core.

"It hurts... doesn't it?" I whispered.

It triggered Fenris to launch at me again, only to stop inches from my neck as his body trembled. Somehow, a part of his subconscious was fighting to keep me safe, even in the chaos he was in. Unable to bear seeing him like this any longer, I threw reason out the window, touching his fluffy cheek.

The sudden touch prompted him to pull away from my neck, leaving scrapes upon retreat. Luckily, they didn’t tear the inhibitor that was there.

"If... it’ll make you feel better. Know that I’ll accept everything you give me. I love you no matter what you become. Remember, I love you for you, and that will never change." I simpered, tears swelling in my eyes.

I caressed his cheek only to find his fur smooth even in this form. No matter how he appeared or what he became, he would always be Fenris. I would accept and love him even if this were his new authentic self.

This wolf was the one person I trusted with everything in the world, and that would never change.

"Li... Li... Lily..." Fenris grumbled in that monstrous voice.

I simpered, nodded slightly, and traced my fingers on his jawline, thinking the worst was over, but I was wrong. Upon recognizing me once again, my wolf licked me anywhere he injured me before he slowly started making love to me again in this form.

"I love you! I love you!" Fenris muttered repeatedly.

His thrust overwhelmed me again, leaving me little time to feel joy at hearing him say those words to me. A burning sensation erupted everywhere he touched as whispers in a language I didn’t understand bombarded my mind.

What is—

A blue aura radiated from my body while Fenris continued to press forward. Slowly, with every push, the aura radiating from me turned purple. It was merging with his aura, which still emitted pure crimson.

No! My magic can’t go out of control!

This was nothing like I had expected. Shifting back to his humanoid form, he shoved himself into me, ignoring the lights.

My mewls of pleasure combined with groans of pain, feeling like my body was being set ablaze again. Fenris's lips crashed with mine to comfort me, muffling every sound I made. Even though he was back to his humanoid self, he wasn’t in control.

The moon still held my wolf, and it diffused through me, almost overwhelming my every sense. I dug my nails into Fenris's back, causing him to groan in pain within the kiss without letting go. My consciousness wavered, but I tried to fight to stay where I was.

I didn’t know what was happening or what would happen if I passed out. So, I fought to stay. Suddenly, the whispers died off, leaving only one behind.

Let go... The same voice I heard earlier incited me.

I refuse! If I do—

However, even though I wanted to stay, my consciousness came and went, not abiding by my command. The pain was consuming me more than the pleasure, leaving me to dig my nails into Fenris's back before a throbbing sensation erupted within me.

Then everything went black.

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