The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 85: Smoke In The Distance

Liam held Melody and me for a while, not wanting to let go of either of us. All I could do was clasp onto him, hearing him thank me for saving the girl he loved. To me, it felt surreal how everything turned out. I thought I would get yelled at and scolded, but I was being thanked.

This was a new feeling, and it felt warmer than I thought. The brown wolf let go of us only when Melody regained consciousness. She pulled away from him, squealing to the bathroom, realizing that the only thing covering her was a blanket.

Liam and I sat there, surprised by her sudden outburst. However, it wasn’t long before she popped her head out of the bathroom.

“What happened?! And why is he here?!” she asked, her voice higher than ever.

In an instant, all eyes were on me as I stayed silent. However, I quickly cracked under the pressure and fessed up to everything I did, leaving both with gloomy expressions. I waited for the scolding to begin, but it never did.

Instead, Liam sighed and picked me up from the floor before placing me in a chair that had survived the struggle. After sitting me down, he searched for the first aid kit while Melody asked Shade to bring the clothing from her bag.

"You...aren’t angry? No lectures?" I asked, shifting my glance onto Melody, where Shade dragged a bag with her tiny body towards the bathroom.

Fixing the overturned table, Liam placed the kit he found on it, grabbing me by the chin to inspect my injury. This wolf knew where everything was; probably Fenris had informed me where helpful everything was when he babysat me.

"Me? Nope. You’ll have enough of that from Fenris when he discovers everything." Liam declared, sending shivers down my spine.

Grabbing a cloth, he wiped the blood away from my injury, triggering me to wince. When Melody slowly emerged from the bathroom, her cheeks were bright pink.

"Fenris’s going to murder me," she mumbled.

Liam chuckled, "Don’t worry. I’m on the chopping block too."

It appeared no one was safe, yet his comment didn’t please her, but I intersected before she could say anything.

"How so?" I asked.

He narrowed his eyes before biting his lip and chuckling nervously.

"Uh… Well... I left him there alone and took his phone." Liam trailed off, taking Fenris's phone out of his pocket and placing it on the table.

Oh… no…

I could only imagine Fenris's rage after he found Liam and it missing. The brown wolf shuddered at the thought of seeing his friend again. However, he wasn’t alone in that sentiment. The next time we all saw Fenris would be...

After cleaning me and tending to my injury, Liam stood up to find a cloth to wipe the blood from his neck. Melody's eyes followed him quietly as he moved around the room.

"I think everything will be fine now. So, shouldn't you be leaving? Isn't Kira waiting for you back at the festival?" Melody grumbled, triggering Liam to turn to her, who appeared puzzled.

Ah… the Lycan anger is working just right. Let me hide here so I won’t interrupt the brewing storm.

"What? She isn't waiting for me.” Liam started, shaking his head. “Look, I’m also not leaving you alone with Lilith. If you lose control again, you could rip her apart." He confronted the black wolf, crossing his arms.

She pouted, "Well... I won’t shift. So you can leave now!” she stuck her tongue out at him.

If only it were that simple. Lycans usually learned how to control their shifts when they were young, but Melody had no training, meaning she could shift by allowing her anger to erupt.

"Please, Mel, I know you’re smarter than that. You can’t control something you don’t know how to do.” Liam sighed.

Even if his opponent were the girl he loved, he’d ensure my safety, and the only way I’d be safe was if he stayed to check on Melody. A sharp growl left her as her wild side erupted again.

At least you two are talking now, but can we keep it clean? I don’t think the room will survive any more rough handling.

Lily, maybe we should go out for a walk. Shade mumbled as we felt the tension between the two wolves.

"Well, I'm sorry I had a curse preventing me from learning! We can’t all be perfect little snowflakes like Kira!" she huffed, turning away to clean the battered room and ignore his presence.

"Ah... That’s not what I… Sorry." Liam apologized, taking a deep breath before letting it go.

Melody tried her best not to tear into him.

"It’s fine," she mumbled, reaching for the broom before Liam suddenly grabbed her hand, tugging her towards him and embracing her from behind.

Finally! Is the lover boy going for the kill? Shade snickered.

I hope so… They both deserve this.

"Let me go," Melody growled, trying to push him away.

He was relentless in his grip on her. "Nope, you’ll run away without hearing me if I don’t hold on to you," he huffed.

The black wolf’s ears slanted back as her eyes glowed yellow, responding to the anger surging within.

"You shouldn’t touch other women when you’ve got a pregnant one waiting for you!" Melody snapped at him, flashing her fangs at him.

Liam seemed immune to her hostility. Unlike me, he was used to unruly Lycan, making this day like any other.

"Mel, that isn’t my child. I’ve never slept with her." He clarified, still holding onto her.

Her struggles slowly subdued upon hearing him say that.

"What? But the elders..." she grumbled, glancing up towards him.

The brown wolf shrugged, "The stupid old farts heard her side and went along with it. I’ll prove it with some testing once this stupid festival’s over." He reassured, rolling his eyes.

Melody slowly turned to him before gripping tightly onto his shirt.

"So... You aren’t having a baby?" she mumbled.

Her words made him chuckle, and his response caused her cheeks to flush red. His smile was deadly for her.

"Even if I were, which I’m not! I wouldn’t marry her. I don’t care for her." Liam added, reassuring her.

Melody smiled in return. “Oh, that’s good! I mean, you could do much better; she’s a bitch!

Both their tails slowly wagged.


"You aren’t wrong." Liam agreed, chuckling before pausing for a moment and biting his lip.

He gazed at her, cheeks rosy. "Hey..." He began soon after.

Melody waited patiently for him to finish. After all, there was nothing else holding them back anymore. She was finally freed from her curse, labeling a runt. He was free to pursue her with no backlash, to fall on her because of it.

Ah, it seems we’re playing Cupid, Lily. Aren’t we awesome? She snickered, nudging me with her fluffy head.

Melody deserves this and more.

"You’re the—" Liam began, only to be interrupted by his phone when it rang.

The moment was ruined instantly, freezing him in place before he reached to grab it. The screen showed Layla, but only one person could’ve been calling us.

Gulping, he slowly answered, placing it in the speaker. “Hello?”

“Where are you, Liam?” A female voice belonging to only Kira came from the other side.

Rolling his eyes, he sighed, “Ah… I had to do something. What do you want?”

“Well, Fenris is looking all over for you, and I wanted you here with me.” She commented, making all of us feel shivers run down our spines.

“Something came up, and I won’t be there.” He huffed.

“What?! But you’re supposed to be here! The barrier is up! No one is allowed out!” She scuffed as loud noises erupted in the background where she was. “Wait, what the fuck is—”

That was when screams broke out before an enormous explosion was heard. I instinctively rushed towards the window, allowing me to see a puff of smoke coming from the forest next to the city.

"What’s going on?! Kira!" Liam asked, but she didn’t respond before the line went dead.

Unable to contain my worries, I turned to him, grabbing him by his shirt.

"Is that where Fenris is?!" I questioned.

His eyes squinted as his mouth curled downward, shifting his gaze away from me. Even though he didn’t answer, that was enough for me to know all I needed. My heart felt like it was about to rip out of me.

Ah… I have to…

Letting go of him, I took off one of my inhibitor bracelets and threw it to the side. However, before I could take a step away, Liam grabbed me by my shoulder.

"Lilith, what do you think you’re doing?" Liam's voice shook.

All the joy from before vanished as, in my mind, only one action was left.

"I’m going to him!" I announced, tearing myself from him.

No one will take you from me! No one!

With no time to waste, I reached out with my hand towards the window.

"What, no!" Liam reached out to me.

Shade intercepted his hand with a whip of her tail. "Naughty, little wolf, don't get in our way!" She hissed, allowing me to launch myself out the window and into a free fall.

It was probably one of the most brainless things I had ever done, but I had one goal in mind—and Fenris wasn’t there.

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