The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 94: Sweet Moment

Fenris smirked, tugging the covers over us, leaving Shade on the pillow undisturbed. Licking his fingers, he trailed his hand down my pants and into my underwear before caressing my vulva.

“This hasn’t changed much.” He purred.

A low mewl left me before he leaned into me, meeting me with his lips. After a breathless kiss, his fingers found their way inside my walls, triggering me to grab onto his shirt, trying to keep myself from bucking into him. Unlike me, he was more energetic and fully refreshed after a full day of rest.

Even though my body still felt awful, Fenris's touch was welcoming. Pulling his fingers away from me, he licked them clean before undoing his pants slightly. He tugged down mine, along with my underwear, tossing them aside from the bed.

My eyes followed their fall to the floor before I felt him hover over me. I turned to face him, only to be greeted by another kiss. His tongue explored my mouth while his member gently rubbed against me, letting his heat radiate into me.

He wasn’t ready to enter me; instead, he teased me, leaving everything he touched tingling. I couldn’t help but murmur his name, feeling impatient. He chuckled, kissing my cheek while my legs rested on his hips.

He was being more upfront, and little did I know I would melt soon after.

"You know, I wanted to tell you so many things after the festival, but now that you’ve publicly claimed me. I guess I have no reason to hold back anymore." Fenris brushed his lips against my forehead.

His affection felt warm, leaving me with butterflies rummaging in my belly. He drew away from me, meeting my gaze again with those new crimson eyes the moon gave him. I couldn’t help but stare at him with hope, wanting much more than I ever thought I would have. Even though I already knew how he felt about me, I could’ve never expected what he was about to declare.

"I was smitten by you the moment I met you in that alley," Fenris announced, gently sliding his heat into me.

I gasped, feeling his member stretch my walls. Even though it hurt from the previous time we were together, it also felt tender. He was being so gentle with me, compared to the last time. Instead of moving right away, he hovered over me, waiting for me to get used to his shape.

Fenris gently caressed my cheek, triggering me to feel butterflies fluttering inside of me. My body slowly twitched in response to his member being inside of me. It was almost frustrating how gentle he was, but I was brittle in his eyes.

“Fenris!” I mewled, prompting him to kiss me in return.

It was another short one as he tugged away, tracing my lips with his thumb.

"Patient, little witch. I have a lot to tell and show you." My playful wolf smirked.

I tugged him into another kiss, gently biting his bottom lip in protest. Almost as if to respond, he shoved himself into me, filling me to the brim as there wasn’t any space between our connection. It was a bit discomforting, but it quickly turned to pleasure when his tip kissed the entrance to my womb.

Taking the chance, I was out of breath, he continued.

"My mother used to tell me this stupid story about a bond that happens in Lycans when they meet the person destined to be with them." Fenris started slowly bucking his hips into me, keeping a soft, gentle rhythm.

It was slower than any other time he had ever held me, yet it left me feeling satisfied as he focused on all the sweet spots he had memorized over the years.

"Like... soulmates?" I murmured, trying to control my voice.

Sadly, I was slowly losing myself in his touch. Instead of the usual playful caresses, he was facing me straight on this time. He pinned my head in between his arms, forcing me to memorize every wince of pleasure he expressed.

This was the only cage I would allow myself to be in. Another mewl escaped my lips as his mouth covered mine to muffle me. The walls weren’t like the ones in our room, and there were no sigils, either. However, even knowing that his movements didn’t stop.

I had never felt this intimate with him before.

He slowly parted from my lips, "Try to be quieter. I don’t want them to hear your voice like that. That’s for my ears only." He leaned into me again before licking where he had kissed.

I bit into them, trying to quiet down. However, it wasn't easy because of how he was being.

"That's... I can't." I tried to keep it in, but it was leaking.

He was more interested in hitting my sweet spots than pleasuring himself. Thrusting deeply into me, he kissed me to avoid my voice escaping the room. My body found its release soon after in response to his love.

It was almost as if he knew how I would react, too. He chuckled, pleased by what he had accomplished. However, he was far from done attempting to fulfill my physical and emotional needs. Even though my mind was barely keeping up anymore, he was intent on making sure I knew what I meant to him.

"I thought mom was crazy and that it was a myth. I still remember telling her it was stupid. How stupid was I? I was just a kid, being a kid. Instead of writing me off, she insisted I would know my soulmate when I met them.” He continued to push into me.

His voice became husky because of it, and my mind struggled to keep up, thanks to the high I was in.

“Dad, though, had different plans for me. He wanted to marry me off to a high-born Lycan once I gained the powers from the moon." Fenris sighed.

My body shivered when he leaned to kiss me lightly before continuing.

"He told me most Lycans never meet that certain someone, but then, when I met you back in that alley. I felt my heart stop. It was as if lightning had struck me right where I stood." Fenris panted, watching me, waiting for me to react to his confession.

My cheeks burned as hot as our connection, yet I couldn’t help but simper to what he said.

You can’t possibly mean... No...

"But you... said nothing about it." I huffed, struggling to find cold air to cool me off.

Fenris rolled his eyes before kissing me and moving again to the same pace as before. I tried to hold back my mewls even though most of that escaped me; he would try to silence me with his mouth. Licking my lips, he simpered before kissing me deeply.

It left me without a breath to hold on to as he tugged away before studying the mess he made.

"No... I didn’t, but that was why I gave you the bracelet back at the beach. I knew you were the girl who would make me what I am, but most importantly, I knew you would be my world." Fenris whispered into my ear, thrusting himself in once again.

A slight moan left his lips while I called out to him, feeling overwhelmed by everything he was saying. His response to me mewling his name was to meet me with another brush of the lips. I thought he would release within me momentarily, but he didn’t.

Instead, he waited to calm down again. He usually did this when I had a sweet smell coming from me, and he didn’t want to use protection. Even then, he would usually finish outside after a couple of times before breaking the rubber, unlike this.

Everything from his words to his touch excited me, making me even more sensitive. Every time he stopped would be a time I found my high. Taking the opportunity that I was humming in ecstasy, he continued to speak.

"Hey... I want to go back there with you and when we do. I want to ask you something I hope you’ll agree to." Fenris panted for air as we were both a sweaty mess.

Huh? Why does it have to be in that location?

"Can't you ask it now?" I fumbled to say, dazed by his touch.

A soft chuckle left his lips, and instead of letting me breathe freely, he denied me the opportunity when he kissed me. The only reason he separated from me was to make sure I wouldn’t pass out due to lack of air.

Once my blurred vision stabilized, he smiled ever so brightly. I wanted to engrave his expression of pleasure and happiness in my mind.

"No... not now, but..." Fenris trailed off, focusing on sending waves of pleasure through my body.

All I accomplished was burying my face in his chest to calm myself. In response to hiding from him, he grabbed my hair, tugging me back to face him. The intimacy was overwhelming me, leaving me dizzy.

You’ve never been this direct before.

Unlike the previous night of the blood moon, my wolf was in complete control, which made me feel in ways I thought I would never feel.

"Oi... don't hide. I was planning on telling you this after the festival, but as I said, you threw my plans out of the water." He teased, locking eyes with me once again.

The crimson eyes matched him so well. I felt like I could drown in them as I gripped his arms. Unfortunately, I was unable to answer him coherently. The only thing that made me mumble was his name, as it was hard to withstand his caress anymore. I was about to lose control, and I wanted to.

Shoving himself into me, "I lo—" he began, only to be interrupted by Liam slamming the door open, startling my wolf and me.

We were in our world, and Fenris was hyper-focused on me to pay attention to who was nearby. He hadn’t heard Liam arguing with Amara outside the door. Shade hadn’t cared to warn us, either.

However, I couldn’t help but feel bothered about her snickering on the side.

"Oi Fenris! I heard about Owen. I needed—" Liam announced before stopping right where he stood, realizing he made his grave even more profound.

Behind him were Melody and Amara, who were trying to stop Liam from barging in. All of them appeared like deer caught by a big bad wolf. The interruption caused Fenris to growl loudly. Allowing us to see how little control he had over his power.

A red aura radiated from him soon after the interruption.

"Oh, fuck!" Liam muttered, hearing his alpha almost snarl at him

Fenris slanted his ears back as his tail fluffed up. Covering my chest by tugging the ends of my blouse, he sat up and tugged out of me before scowling at Liam. The alpha froze the beta where he stood. Shade was quick enough to hand me the clothes that had been thrown to the side.

I used the cover Fenris provided to place them on. He also fixed his clothes, waiting for me to clothe myself well. Once I was decent, he fully turned to Liam and company, who stood there frozen.

Fenris appeared like he was about to pounce on them, but before he could take that leap. I hugged him from behind. The last thing I wanted was for him to lose control because he wanted to protect me.

"Don't, it’s okay," I reassured him while Liam and the rest appeared to be statues.

My legs trembled in their effort to hold me up from the ground. Turning back to me, he grabbed me by my chin, kissing me deeply in front of the crowd. Amara covered her eyes before running out of the room.

My legs gave out, only for him to grab hold of me, preventing me from going down onto the floor.

"Okay... I’ll see myself out." Liam turned for the door, taking the opportunity Fenris was focused on me.

However, when those words left him, my wolf tugged away from our kiss, picking me up in his arms.

"No... We have a lot to speak about, and since you’re finally here and eager to interrupt us, you might as well stay and get what’s coming to you," My wolf growled.

Liam could only follow his alpha's request, closing the door and sealing his fate. Fenris sat me down on the bed before sitting beside me and glancing over to his, who seemed not to be ready for what was coming next.

However, he would try his best to overcome his friend's rage.

"I’m sorry for not being here." Liam apologized.

Fenris sighed.

"You went to help Lilith. It’s fine." He breathed, trying not to allow the anger to win.

Luckily, I told him about everything that had happened in the room and how Liam had saved us before he got to the brown wolf alone. It saved him from that one mistake, but a reckoning was coming.

I’m not looking forward to it since I haven’t told you everything yet. How… angry will you be when you know?

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