The Gate Traveler

B3—Chapter 3: Gains

After eight days, I finally felt well enough to get out of bed and walk around. When I checked my channels, they had all grown larger—not just the main channels, but also the secondary ones and the smaller new ones. Secondary of the secondary? I didn’t know what to call them, so I decided on the name ‘Phase 2 Channels’. I also felt well enough to address the blinking red dot finally.

The first message that greeted me was unlike any I had received before. It didn’t appear on the usual transparent screen but on a golden one, in a beautiful calligraphic script and with runic decorations.


Through the mists of time and the ancient whispers of the arcane, a profound transformation has taken place within you. The threads of magic, once disparate and elusive, now dance in harmony at your command. You have learned to weave spells together with the finesse of a master artisan crafting a tapestry of light and shadow.

This newfound symphony of magic marks a pivotal step on your path, heralding your emergence as a true Wizard. The stars themselves seem to shimmer in acknowledgment, their light weaving into the fabric of your destiny.

Continue, dear spellweaver, for the realms of magic now unfold before you, awaiting the touch of your enlightened hand.


“What the hell?” I muttered, scratching my head. I checked my profile, and under the Wizard Abilities, I had a new ability: Spell Weaver [Novice]. Additionally, I noticed that the Minor Spell Adaptation skill had disappeared from my general skill list. I tried to poke it, and, of course, there was no additional information.

What else is new?

The following message was more straightforward:


Level Up
+3 to all stats
Wizard Battle Master level 6

Level Up
+3 to all stats
Wizard Battle Master level 7


That was always nice and welcome, although I thought the dungeon run deserved more than two levels based on difficulty alone. The following message made me feel better about it:


Level up
+3 intelligence, +3 wisdom, +2 vitality, +3 free points
Healer Level 12
Stat points: 3


My Luck was on 47, and I was dying to find out the level 50 ability, so I added the spare points to Luck.


Milestone Reached
Luck Level 50

You have reached an extraordinary milestone. Luck at level 50.

At this level, your connection to the forces of fortune deepens, granting you a unique and invaluable advantage. Unlike the active ability you gained at level 20, this new tier of Luck subtly yet powerfully enhances your survival instincts and alters the very fabric of fate.

Your Luck will now actively intervene to steer you away from imminent danger, giving you a heightened sense of awareness. This intuitive guidance will either nudge you toward fortuitous outcomes or warn you against potential hazards. It’s a subtle, almost imperceptible force that enhances your internal warning system, helping you avoid perilous situations.

However, this doesn’t mean you are invincible. While you can still encounter trouble, your Luck will now manipulate circumstances to help you escape dire situations. Fate itself will bend to your advantage, creating opportunities for your survival. Whether it’s a sudden insight, an unexpected escape route, or a twist of fate that averts disaster at the last moment, your Luck will change the course of events to protect you.

Imagine being pursued by relentless foes; your Luck might cause a rockslide that blocks their path, or a hidden alcove might appear just in time for you to take cover. If you find yourself in a deadly trap, an unanticipated distraction might give you the moment you need to break free. Even in the most hopeless scenarios, your Luck will work tirelessly to turn the odds in your favor, transforming potential tragedies into narrow escapes.

Trust in your Luck, for it is now a vigilant guardian, ever watchful and ready to guide you through the most challenging of adventures. Embrace this newfound power and let it lead you to the destiny that awaits.


“Very nice,” I said to myself, giving the system a thumbs up. That marked the end of the messages, and I felt disappointed. Given the dungeon’s difficulty, I expected more, so I decided to investigate.

I asked Mahya, leaning against the doorframe, “Did you gain levels from the dungeon?”

She nodded, setting down the tools she was using. “Yes, one.”

“Only one?” I raised an eyebrow, folding my arms.

“My Bladesinger class was at level 32,” she explained, wiping her hands on a rag. “It’s very difficult to earn levels when they’re that high. One level is great.”

“Thanks.” I gave her a thumbs-up and smiled.

Next, I went to Al, who was sharpening his sword with focused intensity. “Did you gain levels from the dungeon?” I asked, approaching him.

“Of course,” he replied, not looking up from his task.

“How many?” I leaned in, curious.

“Five,” he said with a hint of pride, finally meeting my gaze.

“What level were you when we started it?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“My Heavy Warrior class was at level six. Now it is at eleven.” He gave a satisfied nod, clearly pleased with his progress.

“Thanks,” I said, patting him on the shoulder before turning away.

Al’s gains were more like I thought they should be. I thought that maybe, again, the holdup, in my case, was the wizard class. I remembered Lis said that I had enough fighting for more levels.

Oh well. Even though I learned little from the conversations, it was still interesting.

For the next few days, I indulged in relaxation—no training, learning, or anything else. I read an excellent thriller, cooked good food, played and roughhoused with Rue, and let myself heal.

After a week, Mahya came to me with an idea, her eyes sparkling excitedly. “I think we should do a new ritual, connect you to the new core, and put it in the house. It’s more important for the house to have a bigger core. We can take the house core for the boat. It doesn’t need a bigger one.”

I looked up from the book I was reading, intrigued. “What does it entail?” I asked, closing the book and setting it aside.

“We do a new ritual of connection and connect you to the new core. That’s basically it. Then, we take the old core for the boat. The rest is my responsibility,” she explained, her hands gesturing animatedly as she spoke.

“Don’t you want to be connected to the boat core?” I asked, tilting my head in curiosity.

“It’s your boat. You paid for it,” she said, shrugging.

“So? You worked on it. It’s more yours than mine by this point,” I pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, okay. I’d love to be its master. It will be easier to control it myself instead of coming to you with everything,” she admitted, smiling.

“How do we do the ritual?”

She gave me a book, opened it to the correct page, and showed me the ritual. The Rune language was even the same one I learned for the ritual I did with Rue. I was glad since I still didn’t feel like returning to school.

The ritual was pretty straightforward, yet intricate in its design. A large ring of runes formed the outer boundary, each symbol meticulously drawn to ensure accuracy. Inside this ring was a smaller circle designated for the core, surrounded by runes. Two connected circles flanked this central area, positioned perfectly for me to place my hands and channel my mana.

Unlike the previous ritual, this one didn’t require the special mixture of ash and soil. Instead, it relied solely on the precision of the drawn runes. The final stage involved an inner ring for the core, which had to be inscribed with the intended dungeon master’s blood, ensuring a potent connection.

Four smaller circles with runes were at the four corners of the ritual space. These acted as conduits, linking the core to the house’s structure and promising a seamless integration of power. I liked the simplicity and elegance of the ritual.

It took us three hours to draw the ritual, and while we worked, I asked Mahya, “The staff and armor I got have a crazy lore. Is it true?”

“I don’t think so. My father told me that the items were created by the dungeon as a reward. The older and more advanced the dungeon, the better the rewards, and the more information is given with the items. This was an ancient dungeon. I think it was at least five hundred years old or even older. So the items are great, and a lot of information comes with them.”

“So, the lore section is basically the dungeon bullshitting us?”

“Yeah, pretty much. It adds flair to the item and raises its value a lot. But that’s basically it.”

Good to know. Don’t trust dungeons—they lie.

“What did you get?”

She showed me two items.


Shadow Dancer’s Blade

Item Type: Magical Sword

Description: This sleek and elegant sword is forged from a rare, enchanted metal that absorbs light, giving the blade a shadowy, almost ethereal appearance. The hilt is wrapped in dark leather, providing a comfortable grip, and is adorned with small, intricate runes that glow faintly in the dark.


  • Shadow Step: Allows the wielder to phase into the shadows, becoming nearly invisible for 10 seconds. This ability can be used to evade attacks or position oneself for a surprise strike.
  • Silent Strike: Enhances the wielder’s attacks to be silent and more deadly, increasing damage dealt from stealth by 50%.
  • Agility Boost: Increases the wielder’s agility and reflexes by 30%, allowing for faster and more fluid movements in battle.
  • Dark Vision: Grants the ability to see clearly in complete darkness, making the wielder a formidable opponent in low-light conditions.

Appearance: The Shadow Dancer’s Blade is a long, slender sword with a blade that seems to drink in the surrounding light, giving it a shadowy, almost insubstantial appearance. The hilt is wrapped in supple dark leather, providing a secure and comfortable grip. The runes etched into the blade and hilt glow faintly, creating an aura of mystery and danger.

Lore: The Shadow Dancer’s Blade was crafted by a secretive guild of assassins who specialized in covert operations and silent eliminations. The blade has passed through the hands of many skilled warriors, each adding their own enhancements and enchantments to its already formidable power.


Ethereal Wind Cloak

Item Type: Magical Cloak

Description: This lightweight, shimmering cloak is woven from threads of pure wind magic, giving it an ethereal, almost translucent appearance. It flows and moves as if caught in a constant, gentle breeze and feels cool to the touch.


  • Wind Step: Grants the wearer the ability to move with the speed and grace of the wind, increasing movement speed by 40%.
  • Evasion Aura: Creates an aura that makes the wearer harder to hit, increasing dodge chance by 25%.
  • Aerial Agility: Enhances the wearer’s agility in the air, allowing for more precise and controlled movements during jumps or falls.
  • Wind Shield: Creates a protective barrier of wind around the wearer, reducing damage taken from physical attacks by 20%.

Appearance: The Ethereal Wind Cloak is a flowing garment that appears almost translucent, shimmering with a soft blue light. It moves constantly, as if caught in an unseen breeze, and feels cool and light to the touch. The edges of the cloak are embroidered with intricate patterns that seem to shift and change with the wind.

Lore: The Ethereal Wind Cloak was created by an ancient order of wind mages who revered the air element. The cloak is imbued with the essence of the wind, granting the wearer unparalleled speed and agility. It is said that those who wear the cloak can hear the whispers of the wind guiding them on their path.

“Wow, those are nice,” I said, admiring the items. “And the wind shield is an excellent substitute for the mana shield you converted.”

Mahya nodded, a smile spreading across her face. “Yes, and yes,” she said, her eyes twinkling with satisfaction.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Mahya suddenly called out, her voice breaking through my thoughts. “These are the items that Rue got from the dungeon. You had already passed out, so I put them away. He didn’t want to put them on until you saw them.”


Phantom Paws Boots

Item Type: Magical Boots

Description: These sleek, lightweight boots are crafted from a combination of enchanted leather and wind-infused fabric, making them exceptionally comfortable and durable. They are designed to enhance the familiar’s natural agility and speed.


  • Enhanced Agility: Increases the familiar’s agility and speed by 30%, allowing for quicker and more precise movements.
  • Silent Steps: Allows the familiar to move silently, making it easier to sneak up on enemies or avoid detection.
  • Wind Dash: Grants the ability to perform a quick dash in any direction, covering a short distance almost instantaneously.
  • Featherlight: Reduces the weight of the boots to nearly nothing, ensuring they do not hinder the familiar’s natural movement.

Appearance: The Phantom Paws Boots are sleek and stylish, with a dark, almost metallic sheen. The fabric is intricately woven with patterns that seem to shift and change with the light, giving the boots an ethereal appearance. The soles are reinforced with additional padding, providing both comfort and protection.

Lore: The Phantom Paws Boots were crafted by a legendary wind mage for his loyal familiar. The boots are designed to enhance the natural abilities of their wearer, allowing them to move with the speed and grace of the wind itself.


Ethereal Collar

Item Type: Magical Collar

Description: This elegant collar is made from a combination of enchanted mithril and ethereal threads, giving it a shimmering, almost otherworldly appearance. The collar is adorned with small, glowing runes that provide various protective and enhancing effects.


  • Mana Channeling: Allows the familiar to channel mana more effectively, increasing the potency of its abilities by 20%.
  • Protective Aura: Creates a protective barrier that reduces incoming damage by 15%.
  • Enhanced Perception: Grants the familiar heightened senses, improving its ability to detect hidden enemies and traps.
  • Regenerative Boost: Enhances the familiar’s natural regeneration, allowing it to recover from injuries more quickly.

Appearance: The Ethereal Collar is a beautifully crafted piece with a shimmering mithril band and glowing runes that seem to float above its surface. It is lightweight and comfortable and designed to be worn at all times without hindering movement.

Lore: The Ethereal Collar was created by an Ancient Order of Druids who sought to enhance the abilities of their animal familiars. The collar is infused with powerful enchantments that provide both protection and enhancement, making it a prized possession for any magical creature.


“Rue, come here!” I called out, my voice echoing slightly in the quiet room. Within moments, I heard the familiar sound of paws thudding against the floor as Rue bounded towards me.

“John called Rue? What is it?” Rue’s telepathic voice was filled with curiosity and excitement, his tail wagging furiously.

“I have something for you,” I said, smiling as I pulled out the Phantom Paws Boots and the Ethereal Collar from my storage. The items glimmered softly in the light, their magical properties almost palpable.

Rue’s eyes widened with excitement, even though he already knew about the items. “For Rue? John sees them now?”

“Yes, these are for you,” I confirmed, kneeling to be at eye level with him. “These are the rewards you got from the dungeon. Mahya put them away because I passed out, but now you get to see them.”

Rue’s excitement was infectious. He bounced on his paws, his tail a blur of motion. “Rue waited! Rue wanted John to see! Rue is so happy now!”

I gently fitted the Phantom Paws Boots onto his feet. Rue seemed to move with even more grace and agility the moment they were on, almost like he was gliding. “These will make you faster and help you move silently,” I explained, watching as Rue tested the boots, darting around the room with effortless speed.

“Rue feels light! Rue can run so fast now!” His telepathic voice expressed awe and happiness.

I laughed, adding, “And they will protect your paws from the snow you hate.”

I didn’t know how he managed it, but his tail wagged even faster.

Next, I carefully placed the Ethereal Collar around his neck. The collar shimmered, and Rue stood still momentarily as if sensing its enhancements. “This will help you channel mana better and protect you from harm,” I told him, running my hand over the smooth, glowing surface of the collar.

“Rue feels strong! Rue feels safe! Thank you, John! Rue loves John!” Rue’s mental voice was almost a squeal of delight, his eyes sparkling with pure joy.

I laughed, feeling a warmth spread through me at his happiness. “I’m glad you like them, Rue. You deserve it for being such a brave and loyal friend.”

Rue leaped up and licked my face, his tail wagging furiously. “Rue loves John! Rue will protect John always!”

That got me curious, so I left Mahya to continue drawing the ritual and went looking for Al.

“Al, could you show me the items you got from the dungeon?” I asked, curiosity piquing my interest.

Al looked up from his book, nodding with a serious expression. “Of course, John. I was waiting for the appropriate moment to present them to you.”

He stood up and reached into his storage, pulling out two impressive items. The first was a massive shield that seemed to pulse with a protective light, and the second was a dark, double-edged sword with glowing runes.

“This,” Al said, holding up the shield, “is the Titan’s Bastion Shield. It is crafted from a unique alloy of mithril and enchanted steel, providing exceptional defense.”

He then presented the sword. “And this is the Giant Slayer’s Sword, forged from a blend of mithril and enchanted obsidian. It is especially effective against giant and oversized enemies.”

I took a moment to admire the items, appreciating the craftsmanship and their powerful properties. “Wow, Al, these are incredible! Congratulations on such impressive rewards.”

Al’s usually stoic face broke into a rare smile. “Thank you, John. I am honored by your words. These items will undoubtedly enhance my combat capabilities significantly.”

Titan’s Bastion Shield

Item Type: Magical Shield

Description: This massive shield is crafted from a unique alloy of mithril and enchanted steel, which gives it incredible strength and surprising lightness. The front of the shield is engraved with powerful runes that pulse with a steady, protective light.


  • Unyielding Defense: Increases the wielder’s defense by 40%, significantly reducing incoming damage.
  • Shockwave Impact: Upon blocking a heavy attack, the shield releases a shockwave that knocks back enemies within a 5-meter radius.
  • Resilient Aegis: Provides a temporary 20% boost to the wielder’s health when their health drops below 30%, lasting for 10 seconds.
  • Elemental Resistance: Grants 30% resistance to fire, ice, and lightning attacks.

Appearance: The Titan’s Bastion Shield is an imposing piece of equipment, standing nearly as tall as a person. Its surface gleams with a silvery sheen, and the runes etched into the metal glow with a faint, protective light. The edges of the shield are reinforced with additional layers of enchanted steel, giving it a robust and indestructible appearance.

Lore: The Titan’s Bastion Shield was forged by master blacksmiths under the guidance of an ancient titan. It was designed to withstand the fiercest of battles and protect its wielder from even the most devastating attacks. The shield has been passed down through generations of warriors, each adding their own enhancements and enchantments.

Giant Slayer’s Sword

Item Type: Magical Sword

Description: This heavy, double-edged sword is forged from a blend of mithril and enchanted obsidian, giving it a dark, lustrous appearance. The blade is etched with runes that glow faintly in the presence of giant enemies.


  • Giant’s Bane: Increases damage dealt to giant and oversized enemies by 50%.
  • Heavy Cleave: Allows the wielder to perform a powerful cleave attack that deals significant damage to all enemies in a wide arc.
  • Strength Boost: Increases the wielder’s strength by 20%, enhancing their combat effectiveness.
  • Imbued Edge: The blade can be temporarily enchanted with elemental energy (fire, ice, or lightning) for additional damage.

Appearance: The Giant Slayer’s Sword is an impressive weapon with a dark, reflective blade that seems to absorb the surrounding light. The hilt is wrapped in dark leather, providing a comfortable grip, and is adorned with small, intricate runes that glow when the sword is near giant enemies. The blade itself is broad and heavy, designed for maximum impact.

Lore: The Giant Slayer’s Sword was created by an order of giant hunters who dedicated their lives to protecting their lands from giant threats. The sword has been used in countless battles, its edge never dulling and its power growing with each victory over a giant foe.

I smiled at Al, feeling genuinely happy for him. “You deserve these, Al. You’ve worked hard and fought bravely.”

Al inclined his head slightly. “Your acknowledgment means much to me, John. I shall wield these with honor and dedication.”

After we finished drawing the ritual, we carefully placed the core in the center of the runes drawn in blood. This core was much larger, the size of a medium-sized watermelon. The sight of it was awe-inspiring, its surface shimmering with a deep, pulsating light.

This time, I already knew what to do. I placed my hands on the two corresponding circles and flowed mana into them. As I did, I felt a warm, tingling sensation spreading from my palms up my arms. The runes glowed softly, and a low hum filled the air, vibrating through the floor beneath us. The core responded, its light intensifying as it synced with my mana flow, creating a connection that felt almost alive.

I kept pouring mana until I reached the point where I couldn’t anymore. I experienced a build-up of pressure in my head, which eventually intensified into a searing pain before ceasing. And I felt the core and the house. It also felt hungry.

“Why does the core feel hungry? There is enough mana in the air.” I asked, confused.

“It’s not hungry for mana but for materials.”

I looked at her, utterly confused. “Materials?”

She laughed when she saw my expression and said, “Come on.”

When we got to the support post of the house, she asked me to open it. I watched as she removed the original core, which I still felt connected to, and placed the new core in its spot. She produced a long piece of wood from her storage and placed it on the magic circle drawn on the floor around the core. Instantly, the wood was sucked in and disappeared.

I jumped in surprise, staring at the floor, then touched the floor cautiously. Finally, I looked at Mahya in complete shock. “Did my house eat the wood?”

“Yes,” she replied, a hint of amusement in her voice.

“Why?” I asked, still processing what I had just seen.

“You have two options,” she explained, her tone turning more instructional. “You can wait until the dungeon converts enough mana from the air to create new things in the house, or you can feed it various materials, and it will use them to build what you want.”

I looked at her with wide eyes. “Seriously? Why didn’t Lis say anything?”

Mahya chuckled. “It was a surprise. He knew that I intended to continue traveling with you, so he was sure that at some point, the core would grow enough that this action would be an option, and I would explain it to you. I promised him to describe your reaction in detail when that happened.”

I shook my head, half-amused, half-annoyed. “When you write to him, tell him he’s amazing but also annoying. Next time I want to know things like that right away. I would have adored my house even more.”

She grinned. “I remember your reaction. More is impossible.”

I stuck my tongue out at her, and she laughed again.

We spent the next hour feeding the house. We fed it most of the wood left in Mahya’s storage from Tuonela and Rat Island. I also fed it all the sand I had collected from Rat Island because it turned out that it didn’t need ready-made glass. The house already knew what to do with the sand.

Did I mention my house is fantastic? I’ll repeat it: my house is amazing!

We continued feeding the house with all the stones we had collected from the two dungeons—Tuonela and Lumis. We added all the ores, including a large amount of various metals we had brought from Earth, and most of the crystals I had harvested from the monsters. Al donated all his share of the ores and stones.

Mahya looked at me with a satisfied smile. “Tell your house to build the maximum it can. You can always tell it to shrink back later, but let’s see what we’re working with now.”

I nodded, feeling a surge of anticipation. I mentally gave the command, instructing the house to expand to its maximum potential.

The transformation was immediate and breathtaking. Walls shifted, rooms expanded, and new structures emerged seamlessly from the existing framework. The house seemed to breathe and grow, adapting to the materials we had fed it. My jaw dropped as I watched the incredible metamorphosis.

I had no words to describe the result; the comparison was overwhelming.




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