The Gate Traveler

Chapter 3: Research II

It was time to explore my Personal Information, or my "Profile," as they called it.

I started clicking on the lines, one by one, with my mind.

When I clicked my name and age lines, I felt I could change them, but I didn't know why I would want to, so I left them as they were for now.

When I clicked the Class line, a new text appeared:

Gate Traveler

Unique Class

A Traveler can move between worlds through Gates that connect to different planets, planes of existence, and parallel universes.

This class offers many unique abilities to assist Travelers and makes learning new Skills and Spells much easier.
A Traveler needs to know many things to travel successfully.

The first three Class abilities are free, but additional abilities cost Ability Points.

Each level gives +1 to all stats, +5 free stats, and 1 ability point.

The part about planets, planes of existence, and parallel universes sounded great. It opened up not only the cosmos but everything!

Learning new skills and spells will be much easier? How much easier? And why is it capitalized?

I was getting excited, but was also really sad that Sophie wasn't here to discover this amazing thing with me. It was a strange mix of emotions—excitement and sadness. This thought hit me hard, and I needed a few minutes to find my equilibrium again.

God, baby, I miss you so much.

Shaking my head to stop the painful thoughts, I moved to the next line: Gates to the next...

No new information appeared.

Next line: Available stats...

I knew I could assign them to any stat I wanted with my mind and do something else with them, but I wasn't sure what. Convert them to something? Unclear. I left it for now. I started to really like this function of knowing. Of course, I would have preferred if everything appeared as a text message with a detailed explanation and a ten-step plan, but there was some guidance or direction even this way.

Next, I clicked on the Class Abilities line, and a text block appeared. Just looking at it, I felt utterly overwhelmed.


  1. Conversion between stat points and ability points: Unique Class Ability
    5 stat points = 1 ability point.
    No cost in mana or Ability Points.

  2. Travelers' Archive: Unique Class Ability
    You received access to the Travelers' Archive, updated by Travelers for Travelers.
    In each new world, access the archive to read what your fellow Travelers wrote about this world.
    Before leaving the world, access the archive to add your experiences to help the next Traveler in their travels.
    Explore the General Information to learn how to be a successful Traveler.
    No cost in mana or Ability Points.

  3. Identify: Common Ability
    Look at a being, creature, or object for general information about them.
    Keep using the ability to level it up and get more information.
    No cost in mana or Ability Points.

  4. Storage: Rare Class Ability
    Gain a storage space of 64 m3 (4x4x4m).
    All stored goods stay in a suspended state.
    Cost: 1 Ability Point
    There is no mana cost, but accessing the space on worlds with low mana levels (10 or below) takes longer and requires more concentration.
    To expand the space, spend 1 Ability Point for +4 to all the dimensions:
    64 m3> 512 m3> 1728 m3> 4096 m3>
    Space expansion is unlimited, but expanding without raising your stats might cause a mental strain.
  5. Local Adaptation: Unique Class Ability

    Spoken Language:
    Listen to the local language to gain basic knowledge of the language.
    Speak the language to increase fluency.
    Cost: 1 Ability Point
    A onetime cost of 500 mana for each language.

    5.2 Written language:
    Look at a written text (at least 5 words) to develop the basic ability to read the language.
    Read the language to increase fluency.
    Cost: 1 Ability Point
    A onetime cost of 500 mana for each language.

    5.3 Runes/Magic Script:
    Look at a rune or magic symbol to understand its meaning and use.
    Proficiency increases with additional runes or magic symbols.
    Cost: 5 Ability Points
    You can learn three Rune/Magic Script languages/versions.
    Each additional language or version costs 1 Ability Point.
    Mana Cost: 50 mana to learn each Rune/Magic Symbol.

  6. Travelers' Map: Unique Class Ability
    In each new world, you can access a map filed by previous Travelers to this world.
    The map continues to fill during your travels.
    You can also study existing maps to fill sections of your map, but those sections will not update in the general Travelers' Map and will not be visible to the next Traveler.
    Cost: 1 Ability Point
    A onetime cost of 100 mana in each new world.
  7. One of the Crowd: Unique Class Ability

    This Ability is everything a Traveler needs to hide their status as a Traveler.
    In worlds with low to high mana levels, many classes can view personal information or have runic or magic script artifacts to view the personal information of a being.
    To help hide your status as a Traveler, you can hide/edit parts of your Personal Information:
    * Change your name to match local conventions.
    * Display your Profession or one of your sub-classes as your Class.
    * Display a false class based on one of your Skills or Spells.
    * Hide any part of your Personal Information and display question marks instead. Note that displaying question marks might direct unwanted attention your way.
    Cost: 1 Ability Point
    No mana cost.

    In technological and some mana worlds, various means of proving identity exist, such as identification papers, badges, identity chips, and more.
    Use this ability to conjure the needed identifications to travel the world peacefully.
    A onetime cost of 100 mana to conjure identifications.
    If the identification means are more advanced, such as an identity chip connected to a central database, it costs 500 mana to conjure the chip and connect to the database.
    Depending on the need, more mana might be required to perform additional adaptations, or conjure various credentials to ease your travels.

    If your race is unknown in the new world, you can glamour yourself to look local.
    The glamour will remain constant and drop when you pass through a Gate to a new world.
    A onetime cost of 300 mana in each new world.

  8. Sub-Classes/Professions: Unique Class Ability

    This ability allows a Traveler to take three more classes and professions to help them in their travels.
    The sub-class and sub-profession will not be as powerful as a parallel primary class or profession, but it will be powerful enough to help the Traveler protect themselves or achieve their goals.
    1st sub-class/profession: 1 Ability Point
    2nd sub-class/profession: 3 Ability Points
    3rd sub-class/profession: 5 Ability Points
    No mana cost to gain a sub-class or sub-profession.

  9. General Spells and Skills: Unique Class Ability
    The Traveler visits many worlds, faces many challenges, and needs many Skills and Spells to travel safely and hide their status as a Traveler.
    As such, this class is not limited to the Skills or Spells the Traveler can learn.
    A Traveler can learn any Spell or Skill in the connected worlds.
    Cost: 1-3 Ability Points for each Spell or Skill.
    All Spells and Skills start at level 1.
    Use the Spell or Skill to raise its level.
    No mana cost to gain a Spell or Skill.
    Mana cost for use varies according to the Spell or Skill.

Level 10 in the Gate Traveler Class opens additional options


Opening the lists of Spells and Skills left me feeling overwhelmed. It was endless. There were martial skills from every discipline on Earth and much more that I had never heard of, as well as weapon skills ranging from medieval weapons to advanced sci-fi weapons like laser guns and gravitic pulsers. There were driving, sailing, and flying skills for many vehicles, vessels, planes, and spaceships. A giant section of magic spells from every school imaginable. Professional skills for every profession in existence, and many I have never heard of. General skills like cooking and cleaning, swimming, climbing, playing various musical instruments, using multiple industrial machines, and so much more. There were also more unique skills like enchanting, artificing, cursing, spellbinding, warding, alchemy, dungeon engineering, various protective and aggressive formations, and more. I just kept scrolling, and the list never ended.

Wow, this class is seriously overpowered!

Laughter overcame me, and I couldn't stop—I sounded like the people on the forums I struggled to understand last week.

I can be an OP MC!

The thought was so absurd that I lost it completely. I laughed until my sides hurt and tears ran down my face. It was a hysterical laughter that wouldn't stop. The thought of OP MC sent me into peels of laughter again and again.

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