The Gate Traveler

Chapter 7: Healer

On my way back, I saw a broken motorcycle on the side of the road. It was smoking, and it was obvious the accident had just happened. After parking on the side of the road, I looked for the rider, but couldn't find them. Following the trajectory of the skid marks, I saw the place where the motorcycle hit the guard railing. There were some broken branches in a particular direction. After calling the police and ambulance, I climbed over the guardrail and started climbing down.

After two minutes, I found the rider. He was in terrible shape, trapped between a boulder and a tree, and there was a large puddle of blood beneath him. His pulse was very weak, and he was freezing. This guy was fading fast. Regular first aid wasn't going to cut it. I needed some magic, but I didn't think my Heal Muscles spell would do the trick. Moreover, I needed to know what was happening inside his body.

My attempt to look inside his body, like I did inside myself, didn't work. This was unacceptable since I had already discovered that magic follows intent. I took charge of my mana and infused it into his body, pushing with all my determination to "see," and it paid off. Little by little, I began to sense and understand what was happening inside him. He was dying and had less than ten minutes.

Something popped in front of my eyes, but I didn't have time for it right now, so I willed it away.

The most pressing issues were severe bleeding in his brain and a broken neck. He was lucky to be still alive. With great concentration, I willed the brain bleeding to stop. I didn't give it a chance not to work, using my full intention and willpower. This was my magic; I knew what had to happen and how the body worked. It will work! The magic tried to "run away" from me, but I didn't give it a chance. This needed to happen, and with a final push of intention, it did. The bleeding stopped.

Again, something popped in front of my eyes. Go away.

Mana: 580/3000.

Since I wasn't sure it was enough mana for everything needed, it was better to focus on urgent stuff first, then we'll see. Concentrating on the broken neck, I "made" the break mend. By this point, I was an expert in wielding my will and intention to get the desired result.

Mana: 530/3000. So far, so good.

Next is the brain pressure from the bleeding. I "ordered" the surrounding tissues to absorb the blood. I worked slowly and saw that the tissues couldn't absorb more. They would explode.

What to do, what to do!?

An idea struck me: I created the mana dart spell but stopped it from flying away, and concentrated to refine its shape, making the tip longer and thinner. Using my sight, I monitored the spell as I gently pressed its tip to his head, creating a small opening. Then I "took control" of the blood inside his head and "guided" it through the opening. It took a few minutes for all of it to drain, and I healed the opening closed.

Another pop-up. Go away.

Mana: 350/3000.

My mana levels were dropping, and I began to feel dizzy. Deciding to stop using my mana, I switch to regular first aid. Before that, I concentrated for the last time, put my hands on his head, and willed a general wave of healing through his body to help him stabilize. When the mana left me, I almost fainted. It took a few minutes and a lot of deep breaths until it passed.

Mana: 50/3000.

Another pop-up. Go away.

At this point, I started administering regular first aid.

After hearing the sirens, I dialed the police station again, stated that I was the person who had called earlier and was connected to the police car at the location. I let them know I'm a doctor and where they can find us. In a short time, the medical personnel lifted the guy, wheeled him into the ambulance, and took him away. He was still in terrible shape—broken leg in two places, broken arm, internal bleeding, cuts and bruises all over his body, but he will live.

It felt good to save his life. Over the course of my nine years in the ER, I had saved many lives, yet this time stood out. Maybe it was because somebody else could have saved those people in all the other cases, but in this case, I was his only chance.

I need to get to the Gate; my mana is too low.

I started snickering. All my life, I had no mana, and it was fine, but suddenly, my mana was low, so I needed to fix that.

I drove back to the hotel and decided to deal with the pop-ups that kept bugging me before.


You have learned the spell [Diagnose]


You have learned the spell [Stop Bleeding]


You have learned the spell [Heal Bone]


You have learned the skill [Minor Spell Adaptation]


You have learned the spell [Control Blood]


You have learned the spell [Healing Touch]




You have shown an aptitude for healing and learned six spells from the Healer Class without purchasing them.

New class unlocked: [Healer]

Would you like to take the Healer Class as your sub-class?

Note: Due to your achievement, you can take the Healer Class without spending ability points, and the class's strength will equal that of a primary class.



I never pressed Yes so fast in my life.


Would you like to display your Healer Class as your primary class?



Yes, again. I was worried about what to display instead of Gate Traveler. That solved it.

Next message.


Level up

+3 intelligence, +3 wisdom, +2 vitality, +3 free points

Class: Healer Level 2

Stat points: 3

Level up

+3 intelligence, +3 wisdom, +2 vitality, +3 free points

Class: Healer Level 3

Stat points: 6


I clicked on the Healer Class to get the information about the class.


Class: Healer

This is a common, respected class.
Healers can heal any injury or disease, but need unique spells for more complicated situations, such as poisoning or curses.
This class offers three starting spells when you get the class and an additional spell every five levels.
When the Healer levels a spell to its highest level [25], they can choose another spell from the list to level.
Healers can learn spells more easily from the Life and Nature disciplines.
Each level gives +3 intelligence, +3 wisdom, +2 vitality, +3 free points


Nice and simple, I liked it.

I checked and had no more messages. Where are my three starting spells for getting the class? I tried clicking the line "this class offers three starting …", but nothing happened.

Maybe in my main info?



John Rue




Healer Level 3


Heal Muscle—12
Stop Bleeding—1
Heal Bone—1
Control Blood—1
Healing Touch—1

Hidden Class

Gate Traveler Level 1

Gates to next level


Class Abilities

Travelers' Archive
Local Adaptation—Spoken language
One of the Crowd

Stat points


Ability points


General Spells

Mana Dart
Mana shield

General Skills

Making handmade pasta - 1
Pencil sketching - 1
Making Beer - 1
Staff Fighting - 10
Krav Maga - 10
Archery - 10
Minor Spell Adaptation - 1




















I clicked on the Healer class line, but it opened the class description. I clicked on the spell line, and a message appeared:


Congratulations on receiving the [Healer Class]

You received the following spells:

Assess—you already have a higher version of this spell. A new option was added.
Minor Heal—you already have a higher version of this spell. A new option was added.
Neutralize Poison


Those spells filled me with a thrill, but I wanted to scream and rage against the world. If I had those abilities before, I could have healed Sophie. It was so unfair that I got those abilities only after her death. The "What if?" almost broke me again, worse than before. After crying and punching the bed, I finally subsided and resigned myself that I couldn't do anything.

The following day, I decided not to convert another 5 free stats to an ability point, but to add all 6 to Perception. It was really low compared to the rest. When I added the points, I had a strong feeling of vertigo for a minute, and then the world woke up. The colors were brighter and more vibrant, and everything was sharper. I could hear people walking by my room, smell the detergent they used for the sheets, feel the air coming through the window on my skin, and hear street noise from outside. It was overwhelming for a second or two, but then I adjusted.

Not liking the length of my info page, I checked to see if it was possible to make it more user-friendly, and it worked. The only thing I couldn't do was hide/delete the name and age line. While experimenting with it, I discovered I could alter my name and age or display question marks, but removing the lines was impossible. Still, the result looked much better. My health increased, but it still didn't match any stats. I had absolutely no clue how it worked. Plus, I got 6 more stat points in intelligence, but my total mana didn't go up, so it's not like they describe it in the books? Hmm, need to research this in my "manuals," maybe I'd find another attribute that controls mana or a combination of attributes.


John Rue, 37
Healer Level 3
Gate Traveler Level 1 [Hidden]
Gates to next level (0/3)
Class Abilities—expand
Stat points: 0
Ability points: 2
General Spells—expand
General Skills—expand
Health: 1750/1750
Mana: 52/3000
Personal stats—expand


That was a good day's work. Tomorrow to Frankfurt.

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