The Gate Traveler

Side Story 11: Conundrum

Alfonsen Holerand Mirbit VII was confronted with a severe conundrum that left him unable to devise a solution. The Gate, his dependable conduit to Muslar, had departed from its customary path. This was unprecedented; Gates were perceived as immutable, their destinations unalterable.

His family’s archives contained intricate Gate chains that extended to twenty worlds or more, and these Gates had been in use for the past thousand years without ever changing their destination. However, he now stood beside a Gate that, instead of leading from Muslar to Leylos, led to a world of which he was entirely unaware.

Traveler’s Gate #568333259
Destination: Terra/Gaia/Earth
Status: Unintegrated
Mana Level: 6
Technology Level: Low
Threat Level: Humans—moderate. Other species—very high.


Alfonsen Holerand Mirbit VII resolved to confront the Travelers' Archive, despite its abysmal condition, and seek a resolution after experiencing profound dissatisfaction for an extended period. Eventually, after days of sifting through the atrocious chaos that was the Archive, he discovered a clue. A Traveler had reported that the destination of a Gate he traversed had altered, and upon crossing through it, he found himself in a world teetering on the brink of integration. Alfonsen Holerand Mirbit VII was unfamiliar with the concept of integration; however, he recalled reading an article related to the subject several pages prior.

He managed to locate the article after yet another round of sifting through the abysmal chaos. But upon perusing it, he was confronted with yet another dilemma. Should he proceed to the new location and seize the opportunity to acquire ability points and fill his vacant class and profession slots, or should he wait for the Gate to revert to its original configuration?

After a protracted period of contemplation, which involved a significant amount of high-quality wine and deep sighing, he resolved to confront the new location. He was optimistic that he would ultimately find his way home. And if he were entirely honest with himself, he relished the freedom from his ancestors' relentless scrutiny.

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