The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: The Wild Lolita vs. the General in Nth+1 round– KO!

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Zhan Muqian carried her all the way to her bedroom.

As he put her on the bed, she warily watched his every move with her big, round eyes.

The general curled his index finger and flicked her forehead lightly with it. His action might be gentle but his words were anything but such. Opening his mouth, he spouted a stern warning, “I won’t punish you tonight. But if I catch you playing a fool with another man again, I’ll mete out punishment according to military rules.”

Pausing a bit, he continued with another stern warning, “Don’t let me see you in such trampy outfits anymore. Otherwise, Mianmian… You don’t have to think about wearing any clothes in the future. You can stay naked in front of me and let me enjoy the view.”

Glaring at him with an angry frown, she lambasted, “Despicable bastard!”

Mr. Zhan merely patted her little cheek and said, “You haven’t seen how bad a bastard I can be.”


The Wild Lolita vs. Gangsta General in Nth+1 round— KO!

The next morning, for the very first time, she chose to wear a pair of jeans to school.

The rebel girl truly believed that her brain must have been fried by now.

For someone who was not afraid of the President, one sentence from Zhan Muqian was sufficient to keep her in check.

There was a particular sentence which especially struck fear in her heart… You don’t have to think about wearing any clothes in the future…

The thought of such a steamy scene was stirring enough to send her brain into a meltdown.

By the time she made her way down to the dining hall, the general had already finished his breakfast. Before leaving, the man threw her a nonchalant glance. “I’m going on a business trip for a week. Your university entrance exam is approaching, make sure you complete your schoolwork. I’ll check these when I’m back.”


What’s there to check; d*mnit!

After he left, she laid on the chair, paralysed with dread. The delicious breakfast spread on the table no longer appeared appetizing to her.

She had slept with this uncle on a moment of impulse only to end up with such dire consequences: The man wanted to control everything about her. First, it was how she dressed, and now, he also wanted to monitor her schoolwork?!

Was the man so controlling because he has given her his precious chastity?

Good days are no longer around; WTF!

With a grim face, the girl lit a cigarette and took a drag moodily.

Today, Jiang Mianmian was only late by two hours and class was about to start when she reached school.

As she walked past the mathematics faculty block, she bumped into Jiang Li and Luo Qiu.

Pretending not to see them, she walked straight into the elevator.

Letting out an odd snigger, Luo Qiu wondered aloud, “What’s wrong with Jiang Mianmian today? She’s dressed like a normal student. She usually likes to seduce men with her trashy outfits, right?”

At this moment, the girl beside her was still chafing over the reality that the man she was infatuated with had bedded her older sister instead.

The other girl retorted coldly, “Perhaps a sugar daddy had set his eyes on her and wants her to change her style.”

That night, Luo Qiu had lost the fight totally. She was badly beaten up whereas Jiang Mianmian could escape with minor scratches. The blood stains on her sister’s outfit had belonged to the men dispatched by her.

Her friend was not someone who could bear being a loser. Pulling Jiang Li to one side, she whispered into her ear, “I know a way to teach that girl a lesson. It’s good enough to get her expelled from school! The university entrance exam is approaching… if she’s expelled, it might cause the president to be so upset that he would boot this cheap sister of yours out of the family!”

The president’s daughter furrowed her brows slightly as she listened. “This doesn’t sound good… regardless, she’s still my dad’s older daughter. The school won’t expel her no matter what happens, right?”

Her friend assured her, “Jiang Li. have you forgotten that nobody knows that Jiang Mianmian is the president’s daughter? Besides, who will believe that with her kind of reputation?”

She leaned forward and whispered further into her friend’s ear. The latter’s face gradually sank as she listened to her plan. “Isn’t this… too much?”

Looking proud and confident, she patted Jiang Li’s shoulder reassuringly and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure the plan goes off without a hitch. Furthermore, I’ll be the sole mastermind. You won’t be implicated!”

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