The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: You are already married, so just give in, little wife
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The girl in front of him pouted and began to shamelessly refuse that she had lost the game.

The general’s expression remained unchanged. He cast a glance at her blankly and said in a towering manner, “You can’t memorize it? Then according to the house rules, the punishment for not listening to my words will just be…”

Zhan Muqian’s tone remained calm, but his eyes gazed meaningfully at her knees that were wrapped in gauze.

Her knees…

Mianmian’s cheeks uncontrollably burned pink.

In all honesty, although she was a gangster, she was just a virginal gangster.

Her spirit was not tainted but she had been completely tainted by this old gangster.

“House rules” these two words that were so upright and plainspoken, yet now it had been corrupted by his perversion…

Mianmian uncontrollably recalled how she looked kneeling down.

B*tch! How could a magnificent Demon Queen like her resign to such humiliation!?

She placed her arms on her waist fiercely, her eyes glaring tenaciously at him. “General Zhan, my knees were scraped by the broken glass, and yet you still want me to… Do you still have a shred of humanity!”

“I naturally do,” Zhan Muqian smiled, his mysterious handsome face was laced with an evil danger. “The lady’s knees are weak, you can’t injure them again.”

Mianmian let out a sigh of relief.

Just as she thought that the man was finally saying something humane, her body was suddenly lifted up by him from the bed.

She was in doubt and confusion. Zhan Muqian carried her to the window ledge that was shedding warm sunlight into the room.

Just as her feet touched the ground, the man held her two hands and pressed them strongly against the window ledge with a sneer.

He gently patted the little girl’s face. “Just sit stably in a moment.”

The inexperienced problematic girl had yet to regain her senses.

Only till the general had pressed softly against her waist, when his hand tore open the hem of her lounge clothes without any hesitation, hooking onto the exceptionally soft cloth and pulling it down—

Jiang Mianmian screamed.

After realizing what was going on, she struggled against him with all her might. “Scoundrel! Let me go! I refuse! I absolutely refuse this! You can’t force me, marital rape is still rape!”

Mianmian’s lower back was shackled by the man’s powerful grip, the man who did not let her have a say about this matter. Unable to escape, she could only reluctantly twist her head around and glare at him harshly.

In the next moment, she heard the sound of him pulling down the zip of her pants…

“Zhan Muqian, I dare you to force yourself onto me! I will sue you in court! Rapist, domestic violence, mistreating a woman!”

The corners of the man’s thin lips raised a little upward, his treacherous and willful appearance left her practically blowing her top.

“I didn’t force you to sign the family rules. It’s in black and white, mutually consensual. It will be useless going to the courts.”

Mianmian’s mind was in a mess. She was so terrified that her legs wobbled.

Adding on to the fact that her knees still hurt a little… How could she even be the slightest bit prepared?!

“Just give in, little wife. Part your legs.”

Mianmian now understood that he was amenable to coaxing but not coercion. She instantly regretted rebuking and going against him.

Her legs weak and her heart trembling, the little girl bit her lips pitifully and tried her hardest to squeeze out some crocodile tears…

“Uncle, uncle, Uncle Zhan, hubby… My leg hurts, I can’t stand… I’ll memorize, I will memorize it properly, wouldn’t that be okay? Just give me a bit more time… I will definitely have them all in the back of my head!”

She had admitted defeat and compromised. But Zhan Muqian did not have any intention to cease.

A hand held onto her waist while another reached for the lower half of her body—

“Ah— Uncle, there, you can’t do that there!”

The smile at the corner of the general’s lips became even more profound.

His voice was low and bewitching. “What are you shouting for? You are already married to me. Where else am I not allowed to touch, huh?”

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