The genius of Naruto is a bit ordinary

Chapter 256 Caged Bird

Konoha, Hokage's office.

At this moment, Xia Li was listening to Neji and Kakashi's full report on the mission.

Kakashi did not encounter any obstacles, and Ino also successfully used the spiritual transformation technique in this mission.

And it was the spiritual technique that allowed them to harvest each other's drawings and capture a coach alive. Ino's contribution was very great. Xia Li could prepare the reward himself.

Next came Neji's report. The process was not beyond Xia Li's expectations. Naruto... indeed he believed Shen Nong at first.

Although Xia Li did not tell Naruto that Shen Nong had a problem, Xia Li was once again certain of one thing.

That is, no matter how powerful some people are, they cannot let each other perform tasks alone.

Those who can perform tasks alone must not only have sufficient strength, but also have a clear and calm mind.

The best person who can do this is Kakashi, so when Tsunade was in charge, Kakashi was often entrusted with S-level tasks alone by Tsunade.

Apart from Kakashi, there are only Neji and Sasuke on the surface.

Others either don't have enough brains or don't have enough strength. Aburame Shino is okay, but she has some personality problems...

Xia Li thought and rubbed her forehead. There were still too few useful hands.

Listening to Neji's report, Hinata's performance in this mission was a bit beyond Xia Li's expectations.

Moreover, Neji also mentioned that Hinata seemed to have created a move to protect the Eight Diagrams Sixty-Four Palms. Xia Li was somewhat impressed by this, and this move did exist in the original work.

However, Neji also said that Hinata's move can cut the local muscles and meridians. However, Neji was not with Hinata at the time and did not see it with his own eyes. He heard it later when Sakura praised Hinata. .

This made Xia Li instantly think of the chakra scalpel, and also recalled the words of guidance she gave Hinata at that time, but she didn't expect that the other party actually listened.

Moreover, Xia Li did it even better than she imagined. Xia Li just thought of letting Hinata combine the chakra scalpel with the Hinata family's soft fist.

But I didn't expect that the other party could combine it with the absolutely defensive Guardian Bagua to form a terrifying move that was both offensive and defensive.

Xia Li also smiled at this time. Even now, Hinata who has mastered this move is probably stronger than in the original work.

This gave Xia Li a sense of accomplishment. Unlike Naruto and Sasuke, even if the two Xia Li didn't mention anything, the other one could become strong according to their own path.

Therefore, Naruto and Sasuke's becoming stronger does not give Xia Li any sense of accomplishment.

"Well done." Xia Li couldn't help but praise him after hearing Ningci's report. Basically, Ningci handled everything calmly and decisively.

Xia Li was a little surprised that Shennong could actually use the Eight Gate Dunjia, but Xia Li was also thinking about it.

Which side does the Eight Gate Dunjia originally belong to, Konoha or Kong Ninja?

Maybe Konoha's Eight Gate Dunjia is a trophy Konoha obtained after defeating Kong Ninja before?

However, Shennong's ability to open the eight gates is obviously very poor, but the opponent's eight gates are opened without the risk of losing life, which is interesting.

No matter which side you belong to, you can learn from Shennong's Eight Gate Dunjia.

Because Metkai and Xiao Li's Eight Gate Dunjia are not cheated, the power of their Eight Gates is terrifying and abnormal. If you can help them eliminate the shortcomings of using the Eight Gates, even if the power is less, it will be worth it. of.

"Ningji, during the battle with Shennong, did you see the opponent's specific use method?" Xia Li looked at Ningci.

"Yes." Neji nodded.

"Yeah." Xia Li also told Ningji about the shortcomings of the Eight Gate Dunjia, especially the shortcoming that you will die if you open the eighth gate.

"How is it possible..." Neji was also surprised, but it was a bit natural. How could Xiao Li's power be without price.

"So, I want you to record what you saw and give it to Matt... Forget it, give it to Teacher Tsunade." Xia Li originally wanted to give it to Matt Kai.

But... with Metkai's mind, it is estimated that giving it to him is almost like reading a bible. It is basically impossible to gain anything. It is better to let Tsunade read more. For Tsunade, these should not be difficult.

"Yes." Neji also nodded, taking this matter a little seriously. After all, it was related to the safety of his teacher and companions.

Xia Li nodded and looked at Lu Jiu.

Shikaku also nodded, and then left with Kakashi, leaving Xia Li and Neji behind.

Neji was a little surprised when he saw this scene, but he didn't say anything. After Shikaku and Kakashi both left, Neji asked.

"I wonder what Hokage-sama wants from me?"

"Well, I want to know what you think of the caged bird now. Are you still thinking about how to get rid of the caged bird?" Xia Li asked.

Suddenly, Neci's heart tightened. He had no idea that Xia Li would ask questions about the caged bird.

At this time, Ningji also became a little nervous, because maybe Xia Li would help him solve this problem.

"Of course!" Neji replied.

"Can you tell me why you want to release the caged bird?" Xia Li looked at Neji.

Neji's heart slowly sank when he heard this, because from Xia Li's tone, he seemed to feel that the other party did not want to unlock the caged bird.

"Is there any reason why you want to remove a curse seal that can control your life and death at any time? Moreover, its existence is still limiting the strength of the Byakugan." Neji said in a deep voice.

"Indeed, if it were me, I would not want to let others control my life and death." Xia Li nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Then there is another question, do you want to just release the caged bird yourself or Will the separated people release the caged bird together?"

Neji paused and began to think about it. He had thought about this problem before.

"If possible, I certainly hope that everyone can release the caged bird." Neji finally said.

"Well, have you ever thought about what will happen after releasing the caged bird?" Xia Li continued to ask.

Neji suddenly fell silent.

After Xia Li waited for a long time but didn't get an answer, she also said, "Then let me tell you?"

"In the beginning, you will become the hero of the separated family. Even if there are different voices in the divided family, but under the general trend, almost everyone will praise you for helping them fight for the release of the caged bird that can control their life and death at any time."

"And this process will probably turn into a turning point when the outside world learns that the caged bird disappears when the Hinata family separates. Neji, you must not have forgotten why your father died, right?"

Xia Li asked calmly.

"Because the Cloud Ninja Village looked at the Hinata family with a white eye and wanted the body of Lord Hinata who had not been engraved with the Cage Bird Curse, and then my father decided to replace Lord Hinata with himself." Neji replied after being silent for a while.

"So, what will be the result when the outside world learns that the caged bird of the Hinata family has disappeared? It goes without saying, right? It's not just the outside world, but no one inside Konoha is watching?" Xia Li suddenly showed a playful smile.

"Have you also seen Danzo's Sharingan? Maybe there will be a person with white eyes all over his body."

Neji didn't answer. He had thought about these questions, but the answers he got every time were very difficult.

The caged bird indeed restricted them and protected them at the same time. Thinking of this, Neji felt deeply ironic.

"So, at that time, it is basically inevitable that the members of the Hyuga branch will suddenly disappear every three days. It was okay from the beginning, but as time goes by, when more and more people disappear, you, the hero, may also You will become a sinner."

Xia Li has no doubt about this. Most people are selfish. When something is good for them, they will be very happy, but when something is not good for them...

"And if you don't want to disappear every three days, you must always stay in the family and accept the protection of the masters in the family." After Xia Li said this, he looked at Ningji again and asked.

"Ningji, you said that a life where you can only stay in a small family and have to follow adults wherever you go, and even this is unsafe, is it really better than the life of separation now?"

"I... don't know." Neji replied somewhat complicatedly. What Xia Li said was something he had never wanted to think about.

He didn't expect that Xia Li would tear open the wound here, and Neji's eyes also showed confusion.

Everything Xia Li said was not difficult to understand, and even he could easily deduce this inevitable result.

"So, if you want to release the caged bird yourself, you are really not afraid of it because of your strength. But if you want to release all the caged birds in the family, the result will only be worse." Xia Li said again without mercy. .

" there really no other way?" Neji opened his mouth and finally asked.

"Well, there is a way." Xia Li nodded.

Immediately, Neci stared at Xia Li, trying to get Xia Li's way.

"The first way is to stop people all over the world from looking at you with disdain." Xia Li said.

Suddenly, even Neji couldn't help but show an expression like "Are you kidding me?" because this was simply impossible.

"It's possible, but it's really impossible for you." Xia Li shrugged her shoulders, thinking that there might be a way to achieve the ultimate infinite Tsukuyomi.

"The second way is to let Hinata produce the strongest person who can crush the ninja world. At that time, not many people will dare to touch the eyebrows of the Hinata family." Xia Li continued after seeing Ningci's disbelief.

Neji was speechless because he still couldn't do this, even he couldn't see this hope.

"The third way..." Xia Li suddenly showed a strange smile.

"Neji, don't you feel it's unfair because your family has to be carved as a caged bird while the main family is not?"

Neji also nodded when he heard this.

The next moment, Xia Li's devilish words rang in Neji's ears.

"So, Neji, have you ever thought about asking Hinata's clan to also carve the caged bird? That would be fair."

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