The Genius of Naruto Naruto

Chapter 43 Crisis, Hard Fight

Chapter 43 Crisis, Hard Fight

Naruto found that when the two guards were not at home, there were ordinary people in the house. It was very simple to go to their house to do something, but usually it was meaningless to go to their house when they were not at home. big.Moreover, this is the Land of Earth, and basically they will not trouble them. If there are assassins, they will target daimyos, and generally they will not target them.

After Naruto's observation, one of the two guards was protecting Daimyo. At this time, there were some ordinary people in the house, so Naruto quickly sneaked into the guard's house.Then I found the room where the guards often lived. There were a lot of washed clothes in the room, and what Naruto was looking for was the dress on the day of the sacrifice.Naruto found a very beautiful wardrobe in the guard's room. When he opened the wardrobe, there were dresses in it.Obviously, as a person around the daimyo, one must also pay attention to clothing, and this guard also attaches great importance to these dresses.

Although there were no ninjas around, Naruto was still very careful, quickly marked each dress, then restored everything to its original state, and left quietly.When Naruto returned to the hotel where he was temporarily staying, he realized that he seemed too nervous, so he shook his head and smiled.

The ceremony was getting closer and closer. In order to ensure the success of the mission, Naruto sneaked into the home of another guard again when the two guards changed shifts the next day, intending to do the same thing as yesterday.

Maybe it was because yesterday was too smooth, Naruto was not as cautious as yesterday, directly and quickly marked the dress, ready to leave.Suddenly there were footsteps outside the house, and he quickly approached Naruto, shouting loudly: "Who is inside?" At the same time, he kicked the door open.

Naruto quickly hid in the corner of the room, and ran away with Flying Thunder God. When Naruto returned to the room, he was covered in cold sweat. Unexpectedly, a sentient ninja appeared.This ninja should only go to guard the house occasionally. As a powerful ninja, he must have some friends of the same level. Naruto was careless for a while and was almost discovered.

The sensory ninja originally felt that there was someone in the room, but after entering, he found nothing, and felt that the person in the room suddenly disappeared, and in the end it was only his own illusion.

After doing all this, there are not two days until the day of the sacrifice. Naruto is still constantly improving his plan, and he has practiced countless times from his heart, but Naruto does not know the specific strength of Yanyin very well, and it is unknown There are still a lot of things, but there is only one chance, and Naruto has no choice.

Two days later, it was time for the sacrificial ceremony to officially begin. This day was very lively, and countless people gathered in the city. Everyone was celebrating the sacrificial ceremony and praying for good weather every year.When everyone was celebrating enthusiastically, only one person couldn't suppress the tension in his heart. He put on the black robe and mask that he used most often when he acted, and lurked in a private house next to the street.

This intersection is the only way for the daimyo to go to the sacrificial place. At the same time, a lot of people gathered here. Many people greeted the daimyo here. It can be seen that this daimyo really won the hearts of the people.

Naruto had already made his own arrangements, and the waiting time was extremely long for Naruto. Finally, the daimyo's convoy appeared.First of all, a large number of guards opened the way, and the people who came to greet them consciously gave way to the guards, and the guards moved forward slowly.

After the guards, convoys began to appear. Besides the daimyo, some other important figures also had their own cars, and there were a large number of guards and ninjas next to each car.Naruto began to look for daimyo's car. As the convoy moved, Naruto's eyes began to lock on the most luxurious car with the largest number of ninjas around. If Naruto guessed correctly, it was daimyo's car.

Naruto took out Thor's sword, hid in the darkness, held his breath, and prepared for this thunderous blow.At the moment when Naruto was about to make a move, he heard, "No, there is an assassin", followed by a few kunai shots at Naruto.Naruto heard the wind and knew that Kunai was extremely powerful, and it was obviously aimed at him. He didn't expect that he was discovered by the sentient ninja of the Land of Earth just as he was about to make a move.But Naruto also reacted very quickly, the sword of Thunder god lit up chakra, blocked these kunai, and at the same time, thunder tunnel lit up on his body.

The shock wave from the simple fight between the two destroyed the house where Naruto was hiding, a cloud of dust was stirred up around, a loud noise and the collapse of the house caused a riot among the people.Regardless of his own safety, Damin said loudly: "First cover all civilians and evacuate, and don't let any civilians get hurt."

Seeing this scene, Naruto was also moved by this daimyo's Aimin, but he had to do his best to do the task already.However, Naruto also allowed the civilians to evacuate. Naruto did not move for the time being. The Thunder God sword in his hand was shining with thunder. Although he was wearing a mask, his fluttering black robe looked extraordinary.

After all the civilians had retreated, the daimyo of the Land of Earth looked at Naruto in a black robe and said, "I don't know who sent you here, but thank you for not hurting my people, but come when I hold a sacrifice Assassination, no matter what, is a capital crime for you, and to show respect, I will give you a good fight."

At this time, Naruto really felt that this daimyo was extraordinary, raised the sword of Thor in his hand and said: "In order to show respect for you, I will definitely fight with all my strength."

The daimyo waved his hand and said, "Ninjas of the Land of Earth, defeat the enemy in front of you."

All the ninjas immediately surrounded Naruto, not missing a chance for Naruto to escape, and one of the two most powerful guards of the daimyo was also on the periphery of the encirclement, ready to make a move at any time. The person who hindered the sacrifice escaped.Since the appearance of the daimyo, Naruto has been paying attention to the two guards, and found that one of them has bought a new dress, and this person is the one who is protecting the daimyo, and the other is preventing Naruto from escaping. The plan cannot be successfully implemented.

Naruto was still thinking, the ninjas of the Land of Earth had already started to attack.

"Earth Dun, Earthen Gun" several ninjas launched at the same time. If it weren't for Naruto's extremely fast speed, it would be almost impossible to get out of the range of ninjutsu, but the number of opponents is too many. Another wave came again.

"Earth Dun, Earth Dragon Bullet" Several earth dragons rose up into the sky, chasing Naruto, and Naruto just wanted to escape.

"Earth Dungeon, Earth Flow Great River" A super-large-scale earth flow has rushed towards Naruto, and there is no way to dodge it.Naruto increased his chakra, and the thunder god armor on his body became brighter and brighter. At the same time, he swung the sword of thunder god, and he was safe and sound under the bombardment of Tudun.

But Naruto is also very clear that these are just tentative attacks. Those few really powerful ninjas didn't make a move at all. They should have killed with one blow, and then fled immediately. Now they are surrounded and are completely in a hard fight. up.

(End of this chapter)

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