The Giant Creator

Chapter 141 - Episode [141]: The Sun and Liu Alliance Disintegrate

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The fans of Leeds United and Liverpool are still scolding, and the gunpowder smell between the two sides is full. If it is not for the security personnel to look side by side, I am afraid they have already started.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely hot!

Fans of double-starters are like deadly enemies, frantically hostile, and madly scolding and scolding each other. This is almost like a battlefield.

The fans on both sides seem to be endless.

On the sidelines, Zhong Cheng’s face has always been somber and in a very bad mood!

For Liverpool fans, for Liverpool, Zhong Cheng immediately felt uncomfortable, and even his heart was full of disgust and anger!

Liverpool, starting today, we are the enemy!

Benitez’s face is also not good-looking. He is angry with the irrational and inappropriate behavior of Liverpool fans. How can he treat an injured player like this?

Looking at the stands, the fans of both sides reacted fiercely. Benitez knew that starting from today, they have another deadly enemy in Liverpool.

Liverpool and Leeds should be allies, because the enemy’s enemy is a friend.

Both Leeds and Liverpool have the same enemy, and that is Manchester United!

The hostile relationship between Manchester United and Liverpool is due to their geographical location and the changes in the roles of the two cities during the Industrial Revolution. The rise of a poor area makes the originally rich area poor. The contradiction between the two cities is caused by Come here.

Also, when Manchester United’s head coach Ferguson came to power, he shouted a sentence: “I’m here to drive Liverpool off the throne!” And Ferguson has done all this, Liverpool people for Manchester United The hostility is getting deeper and deeper, and the conflict between the two teams is getting deeper and deeper and becoming a deadly enemy.

The Premier League Double Red Club has been hot again and again for this reason.

Leeds United and Manchester United are also deadly rivals. The grievances between them came from the famous “rose war” between Lancashire and Yorkshire in the 15th century. The two families fought to win the British throne. The battle of “the bloodiest in British history” took place near Leeds.

Leeds United’s jersey is now white, which means a white rose for Yorkshire. The Manchester United fans are red, with red roses representing Lancashire. This rose war grudge is not just evolving in football. In any event in the sports world, Leeds and Manchester are rivals.

After that, there was a lot of entanglement between the two teams and grievances, making the two teams endless!

Leeds United and Liverpool have a common enemy, and they should be allies. They should look like Shu and Wu during the Three Kingdoms, and Manchester United look like Wei.

However, starting today, their Sun-Liu Alliance has collapsed!

Beginning today, Leeds United and Liverpool will become the enemy!

━━━Split line ━━━

Huntelaar was carried down, but the game continues!

Zhong Cheng has been replaced, replacing the injured Huntelaar with the young Bentner!

When Ben Turner came on the court, with Zhong Cheng’s request, that is, he would never give up in the back and give me an assault whenever he has a chance to get more goals.

The Leeds players were also very angry at this time, and their hearts were full of anger.

After hearing their boss’s request, they all nodded firmly, and they asked Huntelaar for a talk.

And at this time, snowflakes began to float in the sky!

This snowflake is not very big, but it is a very bad thing for this game.

This snowfall not only made it colder, but also made the field worse. At the same time, the chances of injuries for players on both sides of the court also increased, and it also increased a lot of surprises. Zhong Zhongcheng and Benitez are very serious, but they are afraid of accidental injury to their players!

Penalty, Leeds get a penalty!

Veteran Albertini was holding a football and went to the penalty spot.

Liverpool fans at the scene were madly booing Albertini, and some people yelled at the extremely unpleasant words that stimulated Albertini to take a penalty.

The fans of Leeds United are madly cursing Liverpool fans, expressing their dissatisfaction.

At this time, the referee blew the serve whistle.

Albertini made a run-up and came to a pause before the football. The fake motion pulled the football to the lower left corner. In fact, the ankle flicked and pushed the football to the lower right corner of the goal.

Young Harrison was scammed by Albertini, and he rushed to the bottom left corner of the goal.

Football flew into Liverpool’s goal without a doubt.

“Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal …” BBC commentator Mark Lawrence opened his throat, pulled the trigger, and the bullets flew out in a bang.

The Leeds fans at the scene were always happy, jumping up and screaming wildly.

“Hahaha, we have scored again! How about the trash in Liverpool? You have been stepped on by our feet. You only have to lick. The soles of our feet, a bunch of trash!”

“Well, isn’t it very angry and unpleasant now! Hahaha, you just wait, you’re finished, you will always be stepped on by our feet, Liverpool is garbage, Liverpool go to death! Liverpool must die, hahaha! “

The fans of Leeds United are really happy, humiliating the Liverpool madly, satirizing the Liverpool with the language of humiliation and viciousness, and salting the Liverpool wounds. The Liverpool people were almost mad, their faces flushed and their blood was rising.

“Miscellaneous! Dry garbage! A group of mad men! A group of country guys who have never seen the world, you garbage, waiting to die. Look at us Liverpool is stepping on you, garbage! You are always garbage! A group of scum from the Champions League, you just wait to die! “

Liverpool fans responded wildly, and the scene was full of gunpowder!

━━━Split line ━━━

The smell of gunpowder on the stands gradually spread to the court. Players on both sides are getting bigger and bigger on the court. People often turn on the court.

Leeds United’s defense is inherently tough and moves a lot. The Liverpool players were on fire, and when they saw such a big move by the Leeds United players, their anger was ignited. The Liverpool players were also frantic shovel and push people, and the action became larger and larger. .

On the court, the referee’s whistle rang continuously and the game was intermittent.

The anger among the players is also growing, and the look at the opponent is different.

In the stands, the fans on both sides saw this, and they fanned the flames, cursing, cursing, inciting, and shouting, “Fuck him! Fuck him!”

Whistle, yellow card, whistle, then yellow card!

In these ten minutes, the referee has shown six yellow cards!

The referee’s brow was tightly frowned. He felt that the game seemed to collapse. Yeah, he couldn’t hold it. The players on both sides had already killed red eyes.

The referee had to frequently warn and persuade the players on both sides to be calm and calm!

And at this time, after Olich took the ball, he suddenly turned around and turned around. Marseille turned around and played Liverpool’s backside Sharif Dior. Sarif Dior in anger felt very lost face, and the anger disappeared instantly. With reason, Saref Diaw turned around and suddenly accelerated, slamming Olich directly behind him.

Olich was like a big tree that felled, and fell **** the court.

All the Leeds fans at the scene took a sigh of relief, which was really too cruel and too dangerous. The Leeds fans quit and frantically cursed Dior: “Butcher, you scum! You The devil from hell, the scum of humanity! Damn it! Kill him! Kill his entire family! Your Tama’s waiting for Lao Tzu, La Tzu knows where you live! “

On the sidelines, Zhong Cheng jumped up directly, screaming frantically at the court: “Is this kicking? This is murder! This Tama is murder! Damn garbage, he should be dragged out and shot! Red card ! Red card! “

On the court, the anger of Leeds’s players came up instantly, one by one, like boxers, rushed to the shovel of Sarif Diaw.

Ribery, who rushed to the front, didn’t care that he was shorter than Dior. He rushed in front of Dior and pushed him towards Sarif Dior, snarling wildly: “You Tama Isn’t the death hunt for you? “

Sarif Dior was pushed back two steps by Ribéry, shaking unsteadily, and almost leaned backwards. He stabilized his body, but suddenly he seemed to be wrong, and it seemed to be stunned for a few seconds, then Sarif Dior fell back exaggeratedly, and fell **** the turf.

Seeing this scene, Ribery is the smoke of Qiqiao, you lie!

How dare you act for Lao Tzu?

Angry Ribery rushed up frantically again, looking like a cannibal.

At this time, the same angry Liverpool players rushed over, stopped Ribery, and put Dior behind Hu. The players on both sides gathered together and pushed and shoved. The scene was very chaotic.

The fans in the stands were still not chaotic enough, and they began to throw hard objects at each other crazy, causing the on-site security personnel to keep blowing the whistle and knocking on the shield with a truncheon. The demonstrations reminded the fans on both sides. .


The referee’s whistle rang constantly, and the players in the referee group quickly separated the players on both sides. Then the referee came directly to Dior, showed Dior a red card and sent Dior off the field. At the same time, he also issued a yellow card to Ribery as a warning.

This caused Liverpool players and fans to be very dissatisfied, booing the referee.

On the sidelines, Benitez also kept jumping, accusing them that they thought that Ribery should also be a red card and that **** scar should be sent off.

Zhong Cheng was equally dissatisfied, ranting wildly on the sidelines: “The red card is too cheap for him. He should be suspended and nailed to the historical shame pillar. He can never participate in football again!”

Mixed road, this game is already chaotic.

And the snow is getting worse, the players are beating on the turf, and the turf is a bit muddy.

And this game seems to have become a wrestling match.

It was then that Leeds scored a corner kick.

Albertini kicked the corner and Vermaelen overwhelmed Jimmy Traore in the middle and slammed the football into Liverpool’s goal.

At this point, Jimmy Traore was careless again. He didn’t seem to notice someone behind him, so when defending, he didn’t have a card at all, and he took a step too late and was directly given by Vermaelen Pressed, the football flew into Liverpool’s goal without a doubt.

Four to one!

At the last moment, Leeds sprinkled a handful of salt on the Liverpool wounds!

The fans of Leeds United are ridiculing and humiliating Liverpool people. They are all proud and extremely cool!

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