The Giant Creator

Chapter 294 - Episode [294]: Going to Jinxi for another walk

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That night, Zhong Cheng hosted some of the creators of Crazy Stone in a top private restaurant in Beijing.

This is a feast for Crazy Stone!

Because Zhong Cheng is busy with the game, when the “Crazy Stone” was later removed, Zhong Cheng may not have time to return to China to celebrate with these people, so he was ahead of schedule.

“Mad Stone” on the first day of the box office is really amazing, 2.5 million!

If you think about it, the investment and post-production of “Mad Stone” is only 6 million soft girl banknotes, and the cost can be recovered in two and a half days. If you add the publicity investment, the “Mad Stone” can be recovered in three days. Cost back.

Of course, the movie box office does not belong to [Zhong Cheng Films]. Taxes have to be paid in it, and it has to be divided into major theater lines. But as long as “Crazy Stone” continues to maintain this trend, then “Crazy Stone” is really on fire, [Zhong Cheng Film Industry] will also make a lot of money!

At the table, Zhong Cheng was still very excited.

Zhong Cheng looked at the creators of “Crazy Stone” and said, “Thank you very much for your concerted efforts. Without you, there will be no success of” Crazy Stone “. You are the biggest contributors. Thank you for your efforts! thank you very much!”

Lin Hao and others immediately applauded and said one after another: “The boss is too polite.

Lin Hao said modestly: “These are all the credit of the boss. The script given by the boss is too professional. If even this show is not good, what face do I have here?”

Huang Bo also said excitedly: “That is, the boss is a person with great ability, we just follow you! Of course, Lin Dao is also very talented, with you, we [Zhong Cheng Film Industry] It ’s hard to think if it ’s not hot . I propose, to the boss, to the beautiful producer, to the forest guide, toast! “

Zhong Cheng smiled, this platinum can really come!

Zhong Cheng and Isabella George looked at each other with a slight smile.

Zhong Cheng said immediately, “Okay, toast!”

The people at the scene immediately raised their wine glasses in excitement and cheered with excitement: “Cheers! Cheers for [Zhong Cheng Pictures]!”

Zhong Cheng held the glass and drank it all up.

Perhaps it was anxious to drink, Zhong Cheng could not help but cough, his face was a little red.

Isabella George asked with concern: “How is it? Be careful, if you can’t make it, drink less!”

After that, Isabella George also pulled out her own handkerchief and gently helped Zhong Cheng wipe her mouth.

Huang Bo, Lin Hao and others looked at each other, and then they started to coax: “Oh, oh! The production is really good for the boss, born a pair!”

Huang Bo shouted loudly: “Kiss one, kiss one!”

Lin Hao and others also immediately agreed: “Kiss one, kiss one!”

Zhong Cheng is full of embarrassment. Do you know the identity of Isabella George? Just fooling around? Still kiss one? That’s my mother’s sister. Of course, this mother is a stepmother and has no blood relationship. However, the relationship is complicated and easy to cut!

Zhong Cheng felt a little embarrassed, but Isabella George didn’t have any embarrassment. She cast a wink at Zhong Cheng in an ambiguous way, and then took the initiative to live on Zhong Cheng’s neck, and sent it to the domineering Yu sister A fragrant kiss.

Zhong Cheng froze then, his eyes widened!

Lin Hao and Huang Bo were both shocked by Isabella George’s domineering Royal Sister Fan, screaming with excitement, screaming with excitement, very excited.

This evening, this group of people was playing very well and playing very hi.

Zhong Cheng was drunk that day, and in the end didn’t know how he got back to the hotel!

The next day, Zhong Cheng got up and found that Isabella George, who was wearing a **** red cheongsam, was lying next to him. The button on the chest of the cheongsam opened, revealing the white lace and Bra and white A flowery …

Zhong Cheng squeezed his temple slightly, and his head really hurt.

Looking at Isabella George next to him, Zhong Cheng was not shocked, because this was not the first time. When they were in England, they were always lying in a bed, but the magic was that nothing happened.

And the same last night, there is no drunk dog blood plot!

Zhong Cheng’s head still hurts, but Zhong Cheng still got up. He got up to help Isabella George cover the quilt, and then he got up.

Zhong Cheng is about to leave the capital here. He is going to Jinxi to see how [Zhongcheng Coal Mine] is now? Isn’t it expanding now? Zhong Cheng is going to take a look.

Zhong Cheng saw that Isabella George was too tired, so she did not wake Isabella George to say goodbye to her, but left a note to Isabella George directly.

Zhong Cheng said goodbye to Huang Bo and others on the same day, but when he said goodbye to Lin Hao and others, Zhong Cheng reminded Lin Hao that the movie “Night Store” was about to start filming. Lin Hao and others nodded, he would go to discuss with Isabella George, the boss.

Zhong Cheng was very relieved to give them the matter, and then he boarded the plane directly to Jinxi.

On the plane, Zhong Cheng really did not encounter any affair. Even the beautiful stewardess on the plane didn’t call Zhong Cheng or anything, this trip was quite peaceful.

On the plane, Zhong Cheng read today’s newspaper. Many newspapers reported the amazing news on the first day of the box office of “Crazy Stone”. Many media people were shocked and claimed that “Crazy Stone” was a super dark horse. , Beyond everyone’s expectations.

The “China Film News” used a very large page to cover the news of “Crazy Stone”. They still invited professional knowledge to analyze the film. The results of their discussion claimed that the success of the show was not a fluke. Because the script of this play is really good, and the shooting method is very clear, it can be regarded as a very good film in recent years.

And “China Film News” also called “Crazy Stone” as a model of small-cost movies, is the most successful case. In the future, small-cost movies will be based on “Crazy Stone” and carefully study what people have made.

At this time, Lin Hao’s name was instantly spread throughout the commercial movie circle, and even a lot of coal bosses came to him, hoping to invest in him to make movies!

Because this movie is too profitable, investing in millions of dollars can earn tens of millions, even hundreds of millions, and many people are rushing to it, such as Lin Hao.

And Zhong Cheng also saw that the box office on the second day of “Crazy Stone” also came out. Compared with the first day, there was no decrease, but there was an increase. It directly hit 2.88 million soft sister notes, which will soon Exceeded 3 million soft sister paper. Seeing here, Zhong Cheng is really assured. It seems that “Crazy Stone” is really on fire, and this play must be able to make a lot of money.

At present, the major domestic media are reporting the news of “Crazy Stone”. This wave of publicity is definitely to attract more attention. The attracted audience will come into the cinema to watch this play. The box office in the future will definitely Will skyrocket.

Moreover, there are still a lot of entertainment news from movie stations reporting the amazing box office news of “Crazy Stone”, which will surely attract another wave of viewers. “Crazy Stone” is hard to imagine without fire!

When Zhong Cheng saw this, he left “Mad Stone” behind him, and his heart flew to [Zhong Cheng Mining].

After coming to Jinxi, Zhong Cheng met Pan An.

Pan An was wearing a hard hat, and his face was covered with mud. I really did not expect that Pan An would still have to work in person. Zhong Cheng gave Pan An a thumbs up.

When he came to this coal mine base, Zhong Cheng was also shocked. This changed a lot from the first time he came. Obviously the conditions are better now, especially the housing treatment of workers. much better.

Zhong Cheng was very satisfied. When meeting Pan An, Zhong Cheng once again emphasized the security issue.

To be honest, the biggest problem of coal mining enterprises is safety. Zhong Cheng does not want any safety problems in [Zhongcheng Coal Mine].

Pan An also attaches great importance to this. He agrees with Zhong Cheng very much, saying that what they attach most importance to is security. He Pan’an is an old miner. He realized the difficulties and sufferings of these workers, so he built the workers’ facilities here so well.

After coming here, Zhong Cheng also saw the second-phase project of [Zhongcheng Coal Mine], which is now under construction. [Zhongcheng Coal Mine] is about to expand.

After hearing Pan An’s report, Zhong Cheng was also shocked. This coal mine is really too profitable. Sure enough, the coal boss is the rich man, and he has caught up with the bus himself.

At this time, Pan An also put forward a suggestion that he was going to buy one or two coal mines elsewhere, and he went to inspect it. If the coal bosses in these two places were for the gamblers, lost too much money and owed a large debt, they would be reluctant to sell the hens who laid the golden eggs.

Zhong Cheng knows that this coal mining company can be at least ten years old, or even longer. Zhong Cheng naturally hopes to become bigger and stronger. He told Zhong Cheng: “If there are no major problems in the two coal mines, just buy them. I will let Isabella George talk to you about this matter. You discuss it first, and after you have worked out the plan, hand it to me! “

Pan An immediately said, “Okay, I know!”

That day, Zhong Cheng visited here for a day, and in the evening, Zhong Cheng went to the cafeteria and felt the food of the workers. The food was really good. Zhong Cheng is very satisfied.

Zhong Cheng immediately said: “In terms of logistics, we must not drag the workers back. We are not earning this lack of money, you know?”

Pan An nodded firmly and said, “Know, rest assured. What kind of person am I? Do you not know?”

Zhong An is assured of Pan An. He believes that Pan An is a person!

Zhong Cheng spent two days in a coal mine in Jinxi, and then went to Yunhai Real Estate Company to take a look. This real estate company did not take long to get up and had just started. It was also co-authored by Isabella George.

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