The Giant Creator

v3 Chapter 558 - Episode [558]: If you have a chance, you will not be soft

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Zhong Cheng knows that the two teams ambushing in the safety zone are also paying attention to the situation on the top of the mountain!

Perhaps, the two teams are thinking about whether to attack?

If their equipment is good, Zhong Cheng believes that these people should not take risks in the dark. It’s not worth it to hang up like this. If their equipment is extremely poor, they are likely to take a risk!

Therefore, this is also a good thing for Zhong Cheng!

From one thing, Zhong Cheng was able to judge the equipment situation of the two teams, which also allowed Zhong Cheng to have some understanding of them. This is better than no knowledge!

Zhong Cheng secretly scanned the two teams of people in the mountain area with thermal imaging sights. They seemed to have no action?

Maybe they really didn’t mean to act, or maybe they were waiting for the darkness.

The top of the mountain that had just been hustle and bustle suddenly became quiet. If it wasn’t that the sidecar motorcycle under the mountain was still burning, it really seemed like nothing had happened?

The survivors on the top of the mountain were also quiet, with no sound at all.

Five minutes passed in an instant.

The number of survivors was refreshed on the wrist. Before this encounter, the number of survivors was 52. Now the number of survivors on the wrist is 47. In other words, 5 people died during this time!

The total number of the two teams that just entered the battle is 7 people, that is to say, only two of them now survive?

No no no, no!

What if someone else died in this area during this period of time? So there are more than two survivors on this mountain?

So, now it is difficult for everyone to judge how many people are left?

Zhong Cheng’s thermal imaging sight is also useless now, and there is still no way to judge how many people are still alive on the opposite side. Therefore, Zhong Cheng’s “plug-in” is also rubbish.

However, Zhong Cheng knew that the lone wolf would act soon. Maybe it was when it was dark?

At this time, a person suddenly rushed down the top of the mountain!

Zhong Cheng was shocked, this **** guy is really bold, he is rushing down. Licking equipment? This guy is not afraid of other people around here, was he just killed by a black gun?

However, to be honest, Zhong Cheng did not want to shoot at this time.

Although he has a silencer, the silencer is not completely silenced. At the same time, the silencer is not a flame arrester. After the sky is dark, the flame of this muzzle is particularly obvious.

For the average person, what might they find? But for this group of old oil seeds, Zhong Cheng is likely to be exposed.

Maybe other people had the same idea as Zhong Cheng, no one shot, shot this guy’s black gun.

However, Zhong Cheng discovered that the lone wolf had begun to act!

The lone wolf took advantage of the opportunity for someone to rush down to the top of the mountain. Licking the equipment, he immediately quietly touched the top of the mountain, ready to come to a mantis to catch cicada.

Zhong Cheng stared closely at the figure in the thermal imaging sight.

Puff puff!

Wild Wolf One directly killed a person on the top of the mountain with a silencer pistol, and then he ambushed.

Seeing this, Zhong Cheng understood. There should be two people left on the top of the opposite mountain. The person who stayed on the top of the mountain was also slightly injured, so he was easily killed by the Wolf One.

At this time, the guy who licked the equipment down the mountain should not have found the companion on the top of the mountain has been killed.

This guy might be still licking in the joy of licking the good equipment, how can I know that there is death on the top of the mountain waiting for him. Of course, this guy is also quite cautious, and he was very alert when going up the mountain.

It can be seen that this group of guys is really a group of well-trained guys.

However, Zhong Cheng was still in silence for this guy who had just licked Wan equipment and was ready to go up the mountain. The **** of death was waiting for him.

Sure enough, this guy found something wrong just after going up the mountain and immediately prepared to deal with it.

Puff-puff, the sound of three silencer pistols sounded, and this last survivor was also directly overturned. This guy finally licked up the equipment and became a loot for Wild Wolf One. This time the Wild Wolf One really became the last big winner, a wave of riches!

Zhong Cheng also admired this **** wild wolf one, really has the ambition and means, great!

At this time, Zhong Cheng was ready to steal a wave of Wild Wolf One.

Zhong Cheng wanted to take revenge!

Because there are no more people here, Zhong Cheng can try to get rid of this guy.

The sky is now relatively dark, and you can move quietly. Zhong Cheng didn’t want to be Voldemort all the time. When there was a chance, Zhong Cheng still had to shoot directly.

Just as Zhong Cheng was preparing for action, a new situation appeared in Yamashita.

Zhong Cheng originally wanted to make sure that there was nothing wrong under the mountain, and he really had to start acting. Fortunately, Zhong Cheng was cautious. It was this confirmation that made Zhong Cheng change his mind.

The two squad ambushing in the ditch under the mountain is off!

The two teams were ready to go to the far end, and then set off from the far side of the mountain, and were ready to surround the mountain to kill the remaining two guys on the top of the mountain.

Yes, these two people don’t know that the two guys on the top of the mountain have been killed by the later lone wolf. They shouldn’t even know that there is a lone wolf on the top of the mountain?

These two men went up the mountain so brashly that they might be killed!

Zhong Cheng was also silent in silence for the two, watching the two act. Zhong Cheng is still ready to move, but he is going to be slower. After he and the two wolves are on the job, he also comes to the Canary!

However, just when Zhong Cheng was acting, the two squads ambushing in the small red building under the mountain also acted.

Zhong Cheng changed his strategy immediately!

The two men also rushed up, and the battle was suddenly chaotic!

Moreover, Zhong Cheng could not be sure whether the two-person team and the two-person team of the ditch were the same team? They just dispersed and formed two small teams?

This situation is more complicated, and Zhong Cheng’s restless heart calms down.

Zhong Cheng is temporarily a cat, but this does not mean that he will not act!

To be honest, these people rushed out and got on. This is the best news for Zhong Cheng. If tonight can wipe out the people nearby, then Zhong Cheng will have a very good rest time.

Zhong Cheng is a cat, observing the form of the scene.

Suddenly, Zhong Cheng was tight. The two **** guys in Xiaohonglou at the bottom of the mountain came directly to him. They were people who wanted to go up the mountain from here and then go around the top of the mountain opposite.

Zhong Cheng held his breath for an instant, because if at this time, he and the two came to the encounter, their position would be exposed in an instant, and they would become the prey of Drain Squad and Wild Wolf One!

At this time, Zhong Cheng was very nervous.

Zhong Cheng crawled behind a big tree in the grass, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer.

At this time, Zhong Cheng was thinking about whether to kill these two people?

Obviously, the two did not expect that there would be anyone on this mountaintop. Although they were very cautious, their attention was obviously on the opposite mountaintop.

But does this mean that the two can’t find Zhong Cheng?

Perhaps the two will be cautious and will come face-to-face with Zhong Cheng?

Tension, this time is very nervous.

This is what Zhong Cheng thought in his heart, and he was absolutely unable to do anything until he had to do so. Once he ca n’t quietly kill the two, then this evening will not be peaceful.

The footsteps of these two people are getting closer and closer, and Zhong Cheng seems to feel that these two people are about to step on top of his head. Zhong Cheng is very, very nervous, do or not do it?

This step is getting closer and closer, and it seems that he will soon be in his place.

Zhong Cheng’s right hand was slowly touching down, touching the pistol on the thigh side, and his left hand was touching the dagger on the thigh side. Kill the two silently.

Closer, closer and closer.

Zhong Cheng took a breath, and the cat was wearing a body like a tiger that was about to throw out.

“な ど な ど , 前 に 事 が あ る (Wait, there is a situation ahead)!” Suddenly, Zhong Cheng’s footsteps stopped in front of him, and a voice came.

Zhong Cheng raised a brow, Japanese?

These two people turned out to be Japanese, and what did they seem to have discovered? Have they found themselves? The cold hair on Zhong Cheng stood up instantly. It seems that this matter cannot be disbanded today. Since it has reached this point, what else do you do? Let’s kill the two first.

Zhong Cheng’s ten toes were tight, ready to jump out immediately to give them a fatal blow.

“向 こ う の ふ も と の 方 に は 人 が い る (opposite the foot of the mountain, there are people)!” Just reminded that the voice sounded again.

Zhong Cheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his face twisted, can these two **** Japanese guys speak without gasping? Nima, this is scary and scary!

Another Japanese said: “は い 、 二人 の よ う で す (yes, it seems to be two people)!”

After a pause, someone said, “ど う し ま し ょ う か. (What shall we do?)”

“ま た 待 っ て 、 も し か す る と 他 の 事 が あ る か も し れ ま せ ん! (Wait, maybe there will be someone else!) The first Japanese said immediately.

The other person immediately said, “は い (OK)!”

The two of them suddenly squatted down in front of the tree in front of Zhong Cheng, yes, not far in front of Zhong Cheng’s face. Zhong Cheng clearly saw these two unlucky backs, and the two knew nothing about the situation behind them!

Chance, this is a godsend!

This is the meat given to Zhong Cheng. If you do n’t eat it, it ’s so sorry.

Zhong Cheng stared closely at the two people in front of him, and his body suddenly rushed forward silently like a cat. The dagger directly wiped one of the Japanese necks, and blood was splattered.

Another Japanese responded very quickly in the face of a sudden scene. Although shocked, he did not panic. He immediately threw his sniper rifle behind him and pulled out the pistol from his thigh. He was about to raise his finger to Zhong Cheng.

The black shadow flashed in front of him, and with a pop, Zhong Cheng’s dagger was inserted directly into the Japanese’s throat. The left hand of Zhong Chengcheng was stuck in the opponent’s pistol, without giving the opponent a chance to shoot.

The Japanese struggled twice, and their bodies softened!

Perhaps these two Japanese did not want to understand in the end, where did the guy who killed him come from. Of course, these two guys are a bit too careless, even if they are so close together, this gives Zhong Cheng such a chance to double kill easily.

If the two are separated by a little distance, Zhong Cheng will not be so easy to succeed.

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