The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 11

The little wizards at the second table on the left clapped their hands and applauded. Zhang Qiu and Marietta stood up and introduced Hermione to the students.

Then the Sorting Hat reported many names, and the crowd continued to decrease.

When it was Neville’s turn, the fat boy ran to Gryffindor with his hat, completely forgot to take off his hat, and made a lot of jokes.


“Ting Ye.”

This distinctive name attracted the attention of the little wizards, and Ye Ting walked out of the crowd generously and came down to the Sorting Hat under the spotlight.

He wore the “Clock Tower” standard cloak. The handsome and neat design of the cloak was different from the dark old cloaks of the little wizards. In addition to his outstanding appearance, Ye Ting was in the little wizards—especially girls. In this episode, it has caused countless exclamations and discussions. The boys want to know where such a beautiful cloak comes from, and the girls want to know who is such a handsome person.

Ye Ting took the sorting hat in his hand, and the slippery touch made him fully understand how dirty it was, coupled with the pungent smell, which made him feel like he was holding a rotten orange in his hand. , He can’t wait to throw it out immediately.

Forcibly resisting the nausea, Ye Ting put on the sorting hat.

As soon as it touched his head, the Sorting Hat exclaimed loudly, shocking the teachers and students at Hogwarts.

“It’s strange, this is the first time I can’t see a new thought.” In his mind, the sorting hat’s funny voice sounded: “In your mind, I only see a chaotic transformation. World, what did you do?”

“I don’t know either.” Ye Ting pretended to answer in his mind, but he realized that the experience and training in the time tunnel not only brought him the ability for infinite progress, the talent for time and space, and perhaps also Has a tough soul that cannot be seen through.

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There was no way to see through Ye Ting’s thinking, and the Sorting Hat couldn’t make a judgment on him.

It hesitated for a while, until Professor McGonagall urged it to defeat it.

“Okay, okay, then I’ll make an exception. It’s up to you to decide where to go to you. Which college does Mr. Ye want to go to?”

“Ravenclaw.” Ye Ting replied.

“Ravenclaw!” shouted the Sorting Hat, and then left another sentence in his mind: “I will remember you, boy.”

Most of the Ravenclaw students are girls. Seeing such a handsome guy being assigned to Ravenclaw, they cheered and enthusiastically welcomed Ye Ting.

Ye Ting sat among the girls and dealt with their enthusiasm politely. Most people wanted to get to know him. The senior sisters couldn’t wait to have a romantic date with him. This made Ye Ting had to turn down them one by one. During this time, he heard Hermione and Zhang Qiu complaining: “shameless.”

Others asked him about the source of the cloak. Ye Ting introduced his design and Mrs. Morkin’s shop to them, which unexpectedly aroused admiration and praise.

This is the first time he has faced so many girls at the same time. If he were in his previous life in college, he would have been nervous to say nothing, but now, he can deal with this freely-of course Now, college girls are much more difficult to deal with than the little girls at Hogwarts.

The last branch that caused a sensation was of course Harry Potter.

Everyone wanted to meet the boy who survived a catastrophe. When he was assigned to Gryffindor, there was a loud applause, and the Weasley twin brother shouted: “We have Potter! We! Potter!” Even the ghost of Gryffindor welcomed it.

The last three people. Lisa Dupin became Ravenclaw’s freshman.

Ron Weasley was assigned to Gryffindor.

Braith Shabini was assigned to Slytherin.

Albus Dumbledore stood up. He looked at the students with a smile on his face and stretched out his arms to them. It seemed that nothing made him happier than seeing them all together.

“Welcome!” He said, “Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words. That is: idiot! Cry! Remnants! Screw! Thank you!”

He sat down again. Everyone applauded and cheered.

But in fact, all the little wizards were confused by his last words.

“What does that mean?” Hermione frowned.

“Leave that alone.” Zhang Qiu replied, “Dumbledore is a great wizard, but a little crazy…”

“He is not crazy.” Ye Ting interrupted: “These words are read backwards in Latin, which means ‘May Merlin bless you.’”

“Do you speak Latin?” Hermione was so surprised that she didn’t even notice that the pumpkin pie in her hand fell to the ground.

“Yes, when I decided to go to Hogwarts the next day, I started to learn Latin—” Ye Ting replied while enjoying a plate of roast lamb in front of him, “I also learned ancient Celtic. And Old Norman, these are historically important and mythological languages. I think they may be needed to learn magic. It turns out that I am right.”

“There are also ancient Celtic and Old Norman languages! I don’t even know what they are!” The girls all marveled at his genius and erudition, especially Hermione, who is also a schoolmaster, this is true. He was convinced by Ye Ting.

In the face of the real enchanting genius, even the Xueba must be ashamed.

Next is the time to eat. Ye Ting enjoyed the Hogwarts food.

Although everyone knows the dark cuisine of Britain, the magical world of Britain is completely different from the world of Muggles. These delicacies make him overwhelmed. Except for a bit too sweet, Ye Ting is full of praise for almost every dish.

“If I were from Shanghai, I would like them twice as much.” This is Ye Ting’s final evaluation, but even Zhang Qiu didn’t mean to get him.

After everyone had a full meal, Dumbledore waved his wand casually, and instantly, all the dishes disappeared.

He stood up, and the restaurant was quiet again.

“Oh, now everyone is full and drunk. I want to say a few more words to everyone. At the beginning of the semester, I want to make a few points for you.”

“Attention first-year students, all the woods on campus are forbidden to enter. Some of our classmates in the old class should also keep this in mind.”

“Furthermore, Mr. Filch, the administrator, wants me to remind everyone not to use magic in the corridors between classes.”

“The review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Anyone interested in participating in the college team, please contact Mrs. Hooch.”

“Finally, I must tell everyone that anyone who does not want to suffer an accident or die in pain, please do not enter the corridor on the right on the fourth floor.”

The freshmen talked a lot, and Hermione also asked Zhang Qiu curiously. But even Zhang Qiu was inexplicable about the last one. She said that this rule was newly added this semester.

Only Ye Ting knew that the biggest accident this school year came from this corridor.

However, from the enthusiastic discussion among the students, the legend of “Seven Unbelievable Campuses” is quite popular in both the East and the West.

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When the discussion among the little wizards subsided, Dumbledore made the next decision.

“Now, before everyone goes to bed, let us sing the school song together!” Dumbledore said loudly. The smiles of the other teachers seemed to freeze.

Dumbledore flicked the wand, and a long gold ribbon floated out of the wand, twisting and coiling lines of text like a snake over the high dining table. Ye Ting could see that this was Hogwar. The lyrics of the school song are here.

“Everyone chooses the tune they like,” Dumbledore said. “Get ready, sing!”

So all the teachers and students sang loudly.

The sound was terrible, and Feiju, who was sleeping soundly in his backpack, was awakened by the sound of the chorus, covering his ears and shouting “meow”.

Everyone sang this school song in a hurry. Only the twin brothers of the Weasley family continued to sing to the slow melody of “Funeral March”. Dumbledore used his magic wand to direct the last few bars for the two of them, and when they finished singing, his applause was loudest.

“Music,” he said, wiped his eyes. “It’s more charming than everything we do here! It’s time to go to bed. Everyone, go back to the dorm.”

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