The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 24

The three-headed dog in the first level can actually be handed over to Feiju. Although Feiju is still unable to transform into a human form, she has been able to fight with demon power. She must be unable to face opponents of the fire dragon level. But it is more than enough to defeat a three-headed dog.

The devil’s vine in the second level can be dispelled with fire, and he will use the flame curse.

The third level is to ride a broomstick to catch the flying key, and this is his strong point.

The fourth level is the giant wizard chess. The passer must use the wizard chess to defeat the opponent. Although he does not know how to play this game yet, with his intelligence, it should not be too slow to learn.

The fifth level tests logical reasoning. Most ordinary little wizards can catch the blind, but in front of him, who is also considered a master in the Muggle world, Professor Snape’s puzzle is just a brain teaser.

But he didn’t want to get through all the cards now.

Because the last level is the legendary Mirror of Eris, and the Philosopher’s Stone is hidden inside the mirror.

This magic mirror can reflect people’s strongest desires, and only those who want to find the magic stone but don’t want to use it can take out the stone from the magic mirror.

But Ye Ting couldn’t do this at all, he really wanted to use the Philosopher’s Stone.

Of course, he wants to achieve immortality, but he does not want to use the magic stone to achieve immortality, because the immortality achieved through the magic stone is very flawed: the user must drink the potion made by the magic stone every week to maintain immortality, and this Immortality can only make people live, but it cannot guarantee youthful vitality-Nico Lemay and his wife are examples. Although they have lived for hundreds of years, they are mostly old people.

Moreover, Ye Ting believes that with his own ability, he can find a more perfect way to achieve “immortality”. Even if he can’t do it himself, he will be able to do this by “summoning” or “traversing” in the future. After all, countless Of the planes, there are always some planes with ready-made methods to achieve immortality.

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Ye Ting was just curious about the Sorcerer’s Stone, and wanted to use it as an experiment to study the secrets of the Sorcerer’s Stone.

It is a pity that with his current level of magic, he is temporarily unable to crack the Mirror of Eris and obtain the Philosopher’s Stone by cheating.

On the other hand, even if he could get the Sorcerer’s Stone, he didn’t want Dumbledore to find that he had taken the Sorcerer’s Stone. Before he could not be invincible, it was really not a good thing to be targeted by Dumbledore.

So he can only take away the Philosopher’s Stone in troubled waters, and the best chance is when Harry Potter and Voldemort compete for the Philosopher’s Stone at the end of the semester.

Since the plot has been changed by him, Hermione is no longer a member of the protagonist’s trio, so he can’t guarantee that this time Harry can successfully reach the final level and successfully face Voldemort.

In order to prevent accidents, Ye Ting decided to postpone the expedition to the end, so that he could just run into Harry, or follow him.

In case Ye Ting, Hermione and Penello’s Raiders team entered the level before Harry and Voldemort, with Ye Ting’s ability, he would surely be able to pass all levels and walk to the Mirror of Eris.

But if they do, the early breaking of the level may prompt Dumbledore to reset the level. Then the plot will change drastically, and the chance of getting the Philosopher’s Stone by fishing in troubled waters will be very slim.

This is the plan, so there are two things that Ye Ting needs to do at present, one is to learn to play wizard chess, and the other is to have a better flying broomstick—this is not only for this pass, future travels and Quidditch It is also indispensable for the game.

In this duel with Roger, Ye Ting discovered the shortcomings of sweeping five stars: not only could not meet Ye Ting’s requirements in terms of speed and operability, but also the quality was not very good. Whenever Ye Ting wanted to force control and With extreme actions, he will feel that the broom has reached its limit and may disintegrate at any time, which makes him fearful and unable to exert his full strength.

Of course, if Roger knew about this, he might be shocked to give up Quidditch altogether.

With regard to flying broomsticks, Ye Ting had his own idea, that is, to make a suitable flying broom by hand instead of buying a ready-made broom.

The flying broomsticks in the Harry Potter world are all made of ordinary wood. Although these woods have certain magical properties, they are generally too ordinary—this is the same for magic wands.

But in terms of materials, Ye Ting also has his own advantages.

He can perform a cross-dimensional summoning once a month. Although in most cases nothing is gained, he can occasionally summon some good things, including many rare materials.

A long time ago, he summoned a branch of Garnier. Garnier is the mother tree where the crow demigod Aviana lives in World of Warcraft.

It is not famous in itself, but its three seeds have grown into three famous world trees, namely Nordrassil, Teldrassil, and Vodashir.

These three trees, Nordrassil was enchanted by the guardian dragon, and while sealing the new well of eternity created by Illidan, they became the mother tree of the night elves.

Teldrassil is another habitat of the night elves. Darnassus, the capital of the night elves, is located in Teldrassil.

Vodashir is located in Northrend. It could have become the night elves’ first lesson in the world tree. As a result, the roots were so deep that they even reached the lair of the ancient **** Yogg-Saron, causing Yogg-Saron’s power. The leak, the result was ruined.

As the mother tree of the World Tree, Garnier can imagine the power it contains.

And this branch is Aviana’s favorite and most often inhabited branch, which has powerful magic power, and the wand made with it can definitely surpass all the wands in the Harry Potter world—including the legendary old wand.

However, Ye Ting was unwilling to let others know the existence of this branch, so the branch was temporarily stored before he learned to make a magic wand.

In addition, Ye Ting also obtained some other materials, such as Tiamat’s long beard, golden wool and other things that only appeared in legends, but Ye Ting could feel that these two materials came from the same world— Type month.

On the day of summoning a few days ago, he fortunately summoned two mythological woods-Fusang and Wakamu branches.

In myths, hibiscus is the sacred tree where the sun rises, and Wakamu is the sacred tree where the sun sets.

Not to mention the powerful properties of the two materials themselves, they also have the symbolic meaning of rising and sunset, these symbols are actually quite important in magic.

In the manufacture of flying broomsticks, the flying broomsticks made of these two kinds of wood can even have the flying speed of the Golden Crow to patrol the earth.

But before making his own flying broomsticks, Ye Ting had to find a laboratory first, and then buy a few flying broomsticks to take apart for research.

In fact, there is a place in Hogwarts that is very suitable as Ye Ting’s laboratory, and that is the room for requests.

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The House of Requirement is located on the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, opposite the tapestry of Barnabas.

The method of entering this room is extraordinary. The user must concentrate on thinking about the required site and walk through that section of the wall three times. After that, there will be a very smooth door on the wall. Only through this door can you enter the responsive house. .

Ye Ting has personally tried the Room for All Requests. According to his understanding, this room is essentially not a single room, but many different subspaces. These subspaces were originally chaotic, and under the magic of the House of Request, they were shaped into many different rooms based on the imagination of the users.

The largest subspace in the Bing Room is a garbage dump. Everything that was cleared by the teachers and students of Hogwarts with the Vanishing Curse is piled up here. According to the original book, one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes-Ravenk Lao’s crown is also hidden in it.

When the user imagines the desired venue, the magic of the responsive house will filter the rooms that have been shaped, and then connect the most qualified room to the door.

And when all the rooms that have been shaped do not meet the requirements, the magic will shape a subspace in chaos into a room that meets the requirements.

In this way, it is not really responsive. After all, the total number of chaotic subspaces as prototypes is limited. When all such subspaces are used up, there will be no new rooms in the responsive house. Future users Even with a new wish, it is impossible to respond to every request.

But no matter what, the magic of the Room of Requirement is indeed beyond imagination. Even the phase coincidence magic of platform 9 and three-quarters can’t compare with the House of Requirement in complexity—this is a space, consciousness and induction. The compound magic of pseudo-creating power.

Although Ye Ting’s learning of magic spells has just reached the second grade, he can still judge that it is impossible to create a responsive house with modern magic spells. This must involve more complex and essential magic. .

If you want to learn such magic, only by learning ancient magic texts, and then further research on the spells and ancient magic, can you gain something.

Therefore, Ye Ting’s top priority is to learn the ancient magic texts so as to master the alchemy of making flying broomsticks. In addition, he has to find a way to earn enough Jin Jialong to buy flying broomsticks as research materials in Diagon Alley.

But these are not what he can accomplish at present.

As for Jin Jialong, after returning to the Muggle world, he can use magic and knowledge of previous lives to earn enough pounds to exchange for Jin Jialong.

In addition, he can only go to Diagon Alley after leaving Hogwarts, so it seems that everything can only be done after the Christmas holiday.

At present, Ye Ting has to chew on with the thick “Advanced Magic Text Translation” every day. He has read the most basic “A Simple Introduction to Ancient Magic Texts”, and if he goes further, he can really start some simple alchemy experiments.

In Ye Ting’s eyes, the subject of ancient magic writing is a comprehensive knowledge of linguistics, religion, philosophy, history, folklore, and programming. Although the meaning and combination of magic writing have a certain logical relationship, It involves many images in mythology and history. These images are what distinguishes magic from science.

In the world of Harry Potter, the essence of magic comes from magic.

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