The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 3

“Oh, you are naturally suitable to be a wizard. There are always some geniuses in the Wus Orphanage.” Dumbledore sighed, and then he said a word to himself, without being heard by others.

The two walked forward in the alley, and finally stopped in front of an inconspicuous small bar.

“Broken Cauldron Bar,” Dumbledore introduced: “This is a very famous place. The Broken Cauldron Bar has been magically used to ensure that ordinary Muggles will not find it here without a lead!”

This is a small and dirty bar. People in a hurry didn’t even look at this small shop. Their eyes slid from the big bookstore on one side of the street to the record shop on the other side, as if they couldn’t see it at all. .

Although this is a very famous place in the wizarding world, it is really dim and shabby inside. Nine elderly women were sitting in the corner, drinking a small glass of sherry, and one of them was smoking a long pipe. A young man with a tall hat was chatting with the old bartender. The top of the old bartender’s head was bare, like a swollen walnut. When the two of them walked in, the chattering buzzing stopped immediately, everyone nodded and smiled at Dumbledore, and he responded politely one by one.

The barkeeper picked up a cup and said, “Professor Dumbledore, are you here to pick up the new students yourself?”

“Yes, a freshman from a Muggle orphanage.” Dumbledore replied.

“Is little Harry okay? He’s going to Hogwarts this year too!” Tom seemed to say a pleasant thing, and everyone in the vicinity listened.

“Harry will be picked up by Hagrid!” Dumbledore explained, and then took Ye Ting to the yard, where there was only a glimpse of the piled brick wall.

“The entrance to Diagon Alley is here. You must remember the way to enter Diagon Alley.” Dumbledore’s wand slid lightly across the special spot on the stone brick wall and tapped three times, reminding: “Okay, stand back, Mr. Ye.”

The brick knocked with the wand shook and started to move. A small hole appeared in the middle. The opening of the hole became bigger and bigger. Soon there was an archway wide enough for two people to pass through in front of them, leading to it. A winding cobblestone street with no end in sight.

Turning around, Dumbledore opened his arms and said to Ye Ting: “Welcome to Diagon Alley.”

Following Dumbledore, Ye Ting entered the magical world for the first time.

He understands that his life will say goodbye to the ordinary, the fame and fortune of ordinary people will no longer be his pursuit, and his future will be accompanied by legends.

Everything will start in the small alley in front of you.

This small alley was full of strange shops, vendors standing on the street, and people buying things. Most of them knew Dumbledore and nodded to him.

The old man took Ye Ting through the alley, and while nodding to others, he explained to Ye Ting what each store would sell, and what Ye Ting needed to buy in it.

Finally they reached a snow-white building, which was much higher than the surrounding shops.

“This is Gringotts.” Dumbledore introduced: “Gringotts is the bank of the wizarding world. Here you need to exchange Muggle currency into wizards’ gold gallons, silver sikes, and copper nats.”

Next to the shiny bronze gate of Gringotts stood a fairy in a crimson and golden uniform. They are about a head shorter than Ye Ting, with a dark and clever face, sharp beards, and very slender fingers and feet.

When they entered the door, the goblin bowed to them. Then a second door appeared in front of them, it was silver, and the following words were engraved on the two doors:

Please come in, stranger, but you have to be careful of what it will end up being insatiable. Asking for nothing, you will be punished the most severely. Therefore, if you want to take away a piece of wealth that never belongs to you from our underground vault, the thief Ah, you have been warned, beware that it is not treasure, but evil.

Item 0006

The two fairies bowed to them and led them into a tall marble hall. About a hundred or so fairies were sitting on high stools behind a long row of counters. Some used copper balances to weigh coins, and some used eyepieces to check gems, while scribbling in the large ledger.

Ye Ting walked to the counter and took out a stack of pounds from his pocket and said, “Hello, I need to convert pounds into gallons.”

An old goblin stepped forward and took the pound: “The pound is five to one for Gallons. Are you sure you can change all the 200 pounds into Gallons?”

“Yes,” Ye Ting nodded: “In addition, exchange all of the Galleons for Si Ke.”

“One gallon is equal to 17 cikes.” The old fairy explained. After a while, a younger fairy handed Ye Ting a heavy bag.

Next, Dumbledore started purchasing with Ye Ting.

“First of all, you need a magic wand.” He said: “And the magic wand made by Ollivander is the best.”

The shop is small and broken. The golden sign on the door has been peeled off. It says: Ollivander-a well-made wand since 382 BC. In the dusty shop window, a magic wand lay alone on the faded purple cushion.

“How are you, Ollivander, my old friend.” As soon as he entered the door, Dumbledore greeted warmly. A shriveled old man appeared around the corner and embraced Dumbledore enthusiastically.

“Hello, old friend.” He said retro English in a soft tone: “Why are you coming to me when you have time?”

“Oh, go to Muggle to pick up a student, Wu’s Orphanage, you know.” Dumbledore blinked, and then introduced: “It’s him, Mr. Ye. Although he was born in Muggle, he is already skilled. Control your own magic.”

“Um…no wonder.” Ollivander leaned forward, staring at Ye Ting with a sharp gaze, and took out a long tape measure with silver scales from his pocket. “Okay, Mr. Ye, come on. Let me see.”

“Which arm do you use to make the wand?” he asked.

Ye Ting said, “I am used to using my right hand.”

“Raise your arms, okay!” He measured Ye Ting for the beginning, starting from shoulders to fingertips. As Ollivander measured it, he said: “Every Ollivander wand has super magical substances, and this is its essence, Mr. Ting Ye. We use unicorn hair and phoenix tail feathers. And the nerves of the dragon. Every Ollivander’s wand is unique, because there are no two unicorns, dragons, or phoenixes that are exactly the same. Of course, if you use a wand that should belong to another wizard, you will never There will be such a good effect.”

Ollivander wandered between the shelves while chattering, climbing up and down the ladder, keeping a tape measure and automatically measuring for Ye Ting. Although his words were nagging to make people sleepy, Ye Ting still listened carefully. Although he already knew something in the original book, he was still very curious about everything in the magical world.

“Okay,” Ollivander said, and the tape slid to the ground and rolled into a ball. “Then, Mr. Ye, try this one. It is made of sycamore wood and phoenix feather core. It is twelve and one-half inch long. You can give it a try.”

Ye Ting took the magic wand and felt that something was wrong as soon as he waved it. Sure enough, the next moment a golden-red flame emerged from the tip of the magic wand, and he ignited the cabinet in front of him when he called. Ye Ting even felt that he was about to summon a living phoenix.

“Clear water is like a spring.” Dumbledore quickly waved his wand, and a gurgling spring emerged from the tip of the wand and immediately extinguished the flames.

“It seems that this magic wand is not for you.” Ollivander shook his head. He took out another one: “It is made of beech wood and snake nerve. It is nine inches long. Give it a try.”

This time the accident was a blast of black smoke. The cabinets and boxes that were shrouded in it were corroded as ugly holes as if they were splashed with acid, and they finally returned to their original state.

Next, Ollivander asked Ye Ting to experiment with another magic wand. It seemed that the more experiments he took, the happier he was, but accidents occurred again and again. Ollivander and Dumbledore both learned well. , Always prepare with a magic wand to prevent any irreversible consequences caused by sudden flames, frost or explosions.

Thanks to the dirty windows of Ollivander’s shop, the pedestrians outside did not notice all this.

Finally, before the magic wand box flooded Ye Ting, Ollivander finally stopped the experiment that made no progress.

“Oh, what a picky customer.” He sighed, “Is there any spell being cast in that place? This kid’s magic power is stronger than him.”

“Mr. Ollivander, what are you talking about? I don’t understand.” Ye Ting knew: “He” refers to Voldemort, but at this time he still pretended to be ignorant.

It’s just that Ollivander changed the subject dryly, “No, it’s nothing, you will know later, let’s return to the topic of magic wands.”

“This is the best wand I can think of for you.” He stumbled and drew out a delicate purple wand from a large box and handed it to Ye Ting.

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Ollivander introduced the magic wand.

“The material is the tail feathers of a very old Phoenix King bird, and the core of a century-old elderberry tree. It is twelve inches long, flexible and elastic. It is one of the most proud works in my life. I can never find it again. With such precious materials, there is no way to make a magic wand stronger than this.”

“I just hope that this magic wand will not have any more accidents.” Ye Ting has been exhausted by frequent’surprises’. He has no energy to consider whether the wand is strong or not. He just wants to end this kind of experiment soon, but he is still cautious. Took the magic wand.

The moment he took over the wand, the wands of the whole shop trembled, and a wonderful feeling passed from this wand to his hand—it was a sense of fluency and tame like an arm’s finger. It seems that magic can be easily used without any effort.

Ye Ting lightly waved the magic wand, this time there was no accident, the tip of the magic wand flashed a brilliant silver light, and then all the tremors of the magic wand stopped.

“Awesome… It’s amazing.” Ollivander sighed loudly. “It is an honor to see this wand find its owner in my lifetime.”

Then, he turned his head to look at Ye Ting, and reminded: “The wand made of phoenix feathers as the core of the wand is powerful, and is the most critical of its owner, and the Phoenix King Bird is especially so; the elderberry wand is more difficult to control than any other wand. , And the highest requirements for the user’s talents. Any wizard who can use an elderberry wand is destined to be extraordinary. If you can become the owner of such a wand, you are destined to have a legendary future.”

When he said the last sentence, he looked at Dumbledore.

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