The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 37

Oriana looked around in his room curiously, wanting to take a closer look at the place where her dearest father once lived.

Fei Ju jumped on the bed excitedly—she also missed her former home a bit.

Ye Ting found that his room was full of Christmas gifts, almost all of them sent to him by friends he knew in Hogwarts—and of course, his huge fan group.

Since Ye Ting spent a lot of time reading in the public library and the library in the Ravenclaw Lounge when Ye Ting was at Hogwarts, everyone felt that books were the best gift for Ye Ting.

He received about sixty books, and even the professors sent him some more advanced magic books. These books are neatly stacked on the floor-more than twenty of them are Gidro Loha Special book, it seems that this guy still has a good way of deceiving little girls.

Most of the members of the fan club gave chocolates and gift cards. Among them, there were almost two hundred chocolates, enough for him to eat for a year, and there were more than one hundred gift cards.

Of course, Ye Ting would never dare to eat these chocolates easily, because he could not decide which chocolate would be added with ecstasy—four or five of the chocolates he received when he was injured were added with ecstasy. Fortunately, he I didn’t eat any one.

There are also other gifts. For example, Roger gave him a statue of Alasdair Maddock-this guy is the most successful team in the league-the ace chaser of the Montrose Magpies , Is also Roger’s most admired player; Zhang Qiu gave him a set of Tatehill Tornado posters—she is a loyal fan of this team; Hermione gave him a shorthand quill pen; Penello gave him A hand-knitted scarf from him—According to the news of her roommate, she has been preparing this scarf in secret since a month ago, but she neither knits a scarf outside the dormitory nor let her roommate talk about it Go out; and Dumbledore gave him a pack of disgusting cockroach dumplings.

Seeing this unexpected pile of gifts, Ye Ting was both happy and upset.

Fortunately, this time, he made a fortune in Russia and bought enough specialties and souvenirs before returning. It was just enough to take all these as a gift in return.

In addition, these souvenirs can also be used as proof of his travels-he also found several unanswered letters from Zhang Qiu, Hermione and Penello in the gift pile, thinking of making an appointment with them before the separation to write on the holiday Ye Ting felt a headache when he contacted him, and hoped that these local products from Russia could calm their dissatisfaction.

Item 0057

On the last day of the Christmas holiday, Ye Ting came to Gringotts in Diagon Alley by himself early in the morning, and he wanted to exchange a large sum of U.S. dollars into Jin Jialong.

In Gringotts, the exchange ratio between Jin Jialong and the British pound is 1:5, and Ye Ting put out half a million US dollars to exchange for Jialong, which means that he can exchange almost 80,000 Jin Jialong.

Faced with such a big deal, the young fairy at the counter obviously couldn’t be the master. He hurriedly called a very old and very old fairy, his face was wrinkled like an orange peel that had been left for a long time, and his voice was sharp and astringent.

“Since I started working at Gringotts when I was young, I have never seen such a big deal.” Faced with a check for half a million dollars, the old goblin burst out with vitality that was incompatible with his age, with money in his eyes. Guangming: “Are you sure you want to replace all of them with Jin Jialong?”

“Of course.” Ye Ting handed the check impatiently.

When receiving the check, the old goblin’s hand couldn’t help trembling. At that moment, he even gave birth to the idea of ​​apparating and leaving immediately after receiving the check.

Of course, he couldn’t really do this, because Ye Ting could invalidate the check with a phone call before he could get rid of the tracking and exchange the check.

Sometimes, Ye Ting would be surprised by the financial system of the wizarding world.

Although half a million dollars is a lot of money in the Muggle world, it is only a fraction of a fraction for the real rich, but for wizards, this half a million dollars—that is, eighty thousand gold gallons is equivalent to a lot of money. A fortune.

Harry Potter’s parents left Harry at most tens of thousands of Jin Jialong, but this still includes the property owned by James Potter as the heir of the pure-blooded family of wizarding circles, and the Potter’s family is in The pure-blood family can be considered quite rich.

In other words, even the largest richest man in the wizarding world is at the level of ordinary rich people in the Muggle world, and the population of the wizarding world is much lower than that of the Muggle world. So why has the wizarding world’s economy been Didn’t it crash?

As long as any Muggle rich child becomes a wizard, and then spends one or two billion pounds in exchange for Jin Jialong, and then spends all of it, there will be severe inflation in the entire wizarding world—he even suspects that Gringotts can’t produce it at all. Dorking Garon.

Of course, the one or two billion pounds in 1991 is much more valuable than the one or two billion pounds two or three decades later.

However, as the productivity of Muggles continues to increase, even if Muggle’s currency has been depreciating, the wealth of Muggles is still growing at a rate far surpassing the wizarding world.

In another ten or twenty years, the Muggle world will be able to exchange one or two billion gold gallons at one go. There will be much more wealthy people than it is now. At that time, the wizarding world is more likely to have a financial crisis.

Nowadays, finance in the wizarding world is normal. The biggest reason is concealment and closedness. This is like China, which had a relatively closed financial system at that time. Since Chinese funds can freely enter and exit foreign markets, foreign funds cannot enter China freely. , So the international financial crisis has little impact on China.

After cherishing the check, the old fairy began to sell Ye Ting’s Gringotts vault: “Dear sir, you have a lot of wealth, but you can’t really bring all the 80,000 Jin Jialong. Come on. I sincerely recommend the vault of Gringotts. Gringotts can provide you with the safest and highest quality savings service. No one but you can take out a nat from the vault, and Our interest rate is also higher than that of Muggle banks. The cheapest vault is only 500 gallons. If you are willing to pay 10,000 gallons, your vault will be protected by our highest standards—including a sphinx Or fire dragon as an anti-theft measure…”

The old fairy said a lot of words, it is hard to imagine that he was still looking old and dying just now.

Ye Ting can’t stand his continuous sales. He doubts that if he doesn’t let this guy shut up, the old man might even have financial services, fixed fund investment, etc., plus he does have savings needs. , So he immediately agreed to spend 10,000 gallons to buy the most expensive vault, and his money was now lying in the deepest part of Gringotts along with the oldest families in the wizarding world.

When leaving Gringotts, Ye Ting got a dragon skin pocket, which contained five thousand gold gallons, a key to the vault, a personal seal, a checkbook from Gringotts, and a badge.

Checkbooks and seals are used for large purchases, while badges are a symbol of the status of Gringotts’ valued customers.

After arriving at Diagon Alley, Ye Ting was finally able to make a large purchase as he wished—he had been waiting for this day after purchasing before the beginning of school—he bought a platinum and fairy silverware (similar to the Lord of the Rings) Mithril, the material for the Gryffindor sword) foldable and self-stirring crucible, a platinum balance and binoculars, several sets of crystal test tubes, a set of marble wizard chess, large quantities of various precious magic materials, and a large amount of expensive Cat food.

Even after using the shrinking spell, his backpack was still full.

Of course, he didn’t buy any more books.

As a result, Hogwarts’ collection of books must be much more than that of “Leihen Bookstore”.

Secondly, Ye Ting feels that most of the books that can be bought have the opportunity to be given to him by his fan club as a gift—as far as he knows, his fan club has a public book list that all members of the fan club give him All of the books will be entered into the book list to avoid repeated gifts.

Thirdly, most of the books written by wizards are fancy and random and lack system and logic. Ye Ting is currently doing a job in addition to studying, and that is to systematically use the knowledge of wizards through the thesis of Muggle academia. Summarize. The final result is probably a great book like Oxford Encyclopedia or Magic Academic Edition “Yongle Dadian” and “Siku Quanshu”. With such books, he doesn’t need to collect so many academic books on wizards.

Finally, he went to Mrs. Morkin and ordered seven or eight sets of costumes in the style of FGO’s Chaldean uniforms, Atlas uniforms, and polar Chaldean uniforms, which ended the purchase.

Sure enough, shopping and consumption is not the privilege of girls. In fact, as long as they have the opportunity, boys will also enjoy this process.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed to King’s Cross station non-stop and embarked on the train to Hogwarts.

Of course, on the train, he had to coax the three girls who were angry because of the missed communication. Fortunately, the “souvenirs” he sent were more powerful—the one he gave to Hermione was an amber necklace wrapped in a beetle. Zhang Qiu’s is a pair of enamel earrings, and the gift to Sister Penello is a gorgeous Faberge egg.

Girls are worthy of being dragons, creatures who have a natural affection for shiny things. Such gifts easily get their favor-the three girls are from good families, otherwise they would not dare to accept such gifts-plus Shang Ye Ting wittyly shifted the topic to the Russian landscape and the experience of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which successfully aroused their interest, and that was the result.

After a pleasant train journey, they returned to Hogwarts.

Item 0058

After returning to school, Hogwarts’ first Quidditch match was Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin. Ravenclaw’s genius and the “male god” confronted Slytherin, who hates Muggles the most. The smell of gunpowder in the game is terrible.

Before the game, Malford blocked Ye Ting in the hallway, with Crabbe and Gore behind him. They were also going to watch the game and cheer for the Slytherin team.

“Get out of the way, Ravenclaw’s’little white face’,” Malfoy screamed to Ye Ting defiantly, “Or are you ready to accept insults in front of your lover on the court? Break your leg!”

After saying this, he thought he laughed humorously, and his two attendants also laughed exaggeratedly, as if someone was using a knife to force them.

Ye Ting shook his head speechlessly. This kind of kid trick made him feel very ridiculous. A dude like Malfoy could only move his lips in front of him.

However, although he is not angry, it is natural that someone is angry for him.

“You are jealous, Malfoy.” Beside Ye Ting, Hermione sarcastically said, “You neither have girls like it nor can you join the Quidditch team. You can only say something sour.”

Her words pierced Malfoy sharply, and his face became a little ugly.

“No one asked your opinion, you smelly little mudblood.” He said to Hermione fiercely, “Hurry up and get off with your concubine.”

This sentence immediately caused an explosive reaction.

Zhang Qiu stared at him angrily and warned: “How dare you…shut up.”

However, it was Ye Ting who responded the most. He coldly announced to him: “You will pay for this sentence.”

At that moment, his cold aura made Malfoy seem to be naked in the ice and snow, and he couldn’t help but fought a cold war.

Ye Ting pulled out his magic wand and pointed it at Malfoy. He was immediately transformed into a white mouse and scurried on the ground in a panic.

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