The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 43

The combination of the two materials produces an unprecedentedly powerful wand, even the legendary old wand does not have such power.

This wand is twelve inches in length, tough and flexible. Ye Ting named it “The Weaver”, just like Malygos’ nickname.

Anyway, this dragon is both a dead wife and crazy, and in the end he couldn’t die well. Such a good name would be wasted if he didn’t use it.

No one knows that the most powerful wand in Harry Potter’s world was born in the room of responsiveness.

Because of Ye Ting’s powerful control, no one found that his magic was much stronger than before.

In mid-March, it seemed that fate did not want Hogwarts to have a peaceful life. This time, there was an accident at the hunting ground guard Hagrid.

He actually raised a dragon.

No one knows how he got a dragon egg, but he actually hid the dragon egg in his cabin and hatched it with the fire.

This is a rare Norwegian Ridgeback, with a thin, jet-black body, spiny wings, and a long big nose. The nostrils are white, the head has horn bumps, and the orange-red eyes protrude outward.

Hagrid named it Noble.

However, in the wizarding world, private dragon-raising is illegal. At the wizarding conference in 1709, a bill prohibiting dragon-raising was officially passed.

Hagrid tried hard to conceal all this, but he was discovered.

First of all, he was found by Harry and Ron to borrow books about raising dragons in the library and brought the books to the cabin.

Then, his behavior of hatching “dragon eggs” in the fire was discovered by Feiju who came to molested Yaya. Feiju is not an ordinary cat, but a cat demon with human wisdom. All this told Ye Ting, so Hermione, Zhang Qiu and Penello also knew all this.

Ye Ting has a special curiosity about the fire dragon, because in his previous life, the fire dragon is a very famous fantasy creature, and can even be called the pronoun of Western fantasy together with magic.

So he enthusiastically proposed to Hagrid to conduct a series of live observations of Noble, and at the price, Ye Ting would provide Hagrid with magical services during the period of raising the dragon, including making potions for the fire dragon to prevent diseases. Perform a flame bath on the fire dragon-to replace magma-and cast a fire and water curse on Hagrid’s cabin once every three days.

Since Ye Ting promised that he would only take a little blood and collect some of the cuticle that Nober had fallen off, and would not harm it. For Nober’s growth, Hagrid agreed to Ye Ting’s condition.

However, the most unlucky thing is that out of curiosity, Harry Potter and Ye Ting came to visit Xiaolong’s birth on the day of Norbert’s incubation skipping classes. As a result, Harry was followed by Malfoy, so Malfoy knew it too. The existence of the dragon.

But Malfoy is different from others, he has always been ill-intentioned.

Hagrid would be expelled if this matter was revealed.

In fact, for the next week, the malicious smile on Malfoy’s face made Harry and Ron very uneasy.

They had to spend most of their spare time in Hagrid’s dim hut and reasoned with him.

“Just let it go,” Harry persuaded.

“Let it go.”

“I can’t,” Hagrid said.

“It’s too small and will die.”

In just one week, its length has tripled. Clouds of smoke came out of its nostrils. Hagrid put aside the job of guarding the hunting ground, because the dragon made him messy. The ground was filled with empty brandy bottles and chicken feathers.

Hagrid looked at the dragon with teary eyes and said, “He really knows me now, look at me. Noble! Noble! Where is mother?”

Harry raised his voice. “In two weeks, Norbert will be as long as your house. Malfoy may go to Dumbledore at any time.”

Hagrid bit his lip.

“I—I know I can’t keep it forever, but I can’t just throw it away, no.”

Finally, Harry had an idea. He thought of Ron’s brother, Charlie Weasley.

Charlie studied fire dragons in Romania, and he was the best person Harry knew to take over Norbert.

So Ron sent a letter to Charlie.

In this regard, Ye Ting has a different view.

“In fact, even if Dumbledore knew about Norbert’s existence, he didn’t belong. All he would do is to send Norbert away.” During a routine observation of the fire dragon, Ye Ting suggested: “Although Dumbledore Lido is always planning something mysteriously, but he is a good guy overall, I don’t understand why you Gryffindor always don’t want to believe him? Good for Snape, this time the fire dragon Okay, you always want to hide from him, I don’t understand how this is good for you.”

Harry and Ron were speechless about what he said, but they still insisted on their opinions.

However, something worse happened when Charlie’s reply to Ron was caught in a borrowed book, and the book was borrowed by Malfoy.

In other words, Malfoy knew that Norbert was going to be sent away on Saturday night.

According to the plot of the original book, Malfoy did not stop Norber from being sent away by Harry in the end.

However, perhaps because of Ye Ting’s existence, Malfoy didn’t dare to stop all of this in the castle, but he wanted to see Harry’s luck, and wanted to deal with Harry’s friends.

So he made another decision.

An accident, just like that happened.

Item 0065

At the Friday dinner, Harry Potter noticed that at the Slytherin table, Malfoy had sneaked out of the lobby with a steak.

He felt a little strange, so he also found an excuse to leave the table and followed.

However, in the corridor, he lost his trace of Malfoy.

“No! Malfoy must have gone to Hagrid.”

At this time Hagrid was eating in the lobby. Hagrid’s cabin was absolutely unattended. If Malfoy wanted to do something before Norber was sent away, this was the best time.

Harry quickly called Ron and hurried to Hagrid’s cabin.

When they arrived, they were shocked by the scene before them.

The door of the cabin was wide open.

Malfoy was running towards the Forbidden Forest with the steak, while Norbert was flying and jumping and following him clumsily. He had walked a long way, leaving them a mess.

“Hurry up and catch them.” Ron said loudly, “We want to stop Malfoy.”

The two drew their wands and chased after Malfoy, which quickly attracted his attention.

“Why are you here, Scarhead?”

Malfoy looked a little flustered when he was discovered by his opponent, and immediately quickened his pace.

“Quickly stop, Malfoy,” Harry yelled at him.

“Otherwise I will be rude to you.”

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