The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 57

But this time, Ravenclaw has Ye Ting and Hermione, leading them to win the Academy Cup and have a bigger gap with Gryffindor.

Moreover, in this Philosopher’s Stone incident, Ravenclaw surpassed Gryffindor in terms of the number of participants and contributions, so even if it was an extra point, Ravenclaw might not lose.

This time, he wanted to see how this eccentric old man would help Gryffindor.

As he expected, Dumbledore did not add points based on contribution as in the original book. Instead, he added 50 points to everyone involved in the event based on the number of heads, and then added 10 points to Neville Longbottom.

This is really partial.

The Gryffindors were very happy now. They surpassed their rival Slytherin. When Snape looked at Professor McGonagall, his expression was quite embarrassed, while Professor Flitwick hummed a little song happily—his The college leads the second place by 314 points.

The next day, the final exam results were also announced. Ye Ting and Hermione both tied for first place with full marks. Of course, everyone knew that the reason why Hermione was tied with Ye Ting was because the total score of the exam was only that high.

After that, the semester finally ended, and the little wizards took the train to the nine and three-quarters platform. Ye Ting waved goodbye to the three girls on the platform.

“This holiday I will find a new address.” He said to them: “When the time comes, I will write to you and tell you the new address, and then we can exchange letters. Of course, you can also come and play with me. .”

Item 0079

After returning to the Wu’s Orphanage from Hogwarts, Ye Ting obviously felt a little uncomfortable.

Of course, at Hogwarts, he can hide in the responsive room and do whatever research he wants to do as he pleases. When he is bored, he can fly freely in the air on the “sun wheel”. Circle, enjoy the wind-like feeling.

Since he helped the horse tribe, he has also had one more pastime, which is visiting the Forbidden Forest.

With horsemen as guides, the Forbidden Forest is like his back garden, allowing him to wander and gather at will.

But now, he has to stay in a small room. His daily pastime is only reading books, not even magic. Although he played the Aurors well at the airport last time, it was only a special situation, and now he doesn’t If you dare to use magic in the Wu’s Orphanage, you may be dropped out of school. After all, his current strength is not enough to fight the entire Ministry of Magic.

But then again, if he is strong enough to ignore the rules of the Ministry of Magic, then why should he care about being dropped out?

In short, Ye Ting, who felt aggrieved, finally couldn’t help it. He found Mrs. Gary and got permission to live alone from her. Of course, it was inevitable to use some magical means such as spiritual hints, but because he didn’t use a magic wand, So Zongsi cannot detect this.

Then, he could finally act alone.

However, his top priority is not to find a new residence, but also to seek investment.

The most famous incident in the financial market in 1992 was the pound crisis. In this incident, financial speculators headed by Soros seized the opportunity of the incoordination of exchange rates between European countries and shorted the pound. Make a fortune.

This happened in September 1992, but Soros has already begun to make arrangements, so after Ye Ting left the Wu’s Orphanage, he immediately flew to the United States and invested all of his wealth in Soros’ hedge fund. -It is inevitable to use magical means. Otherwise, how can the hundreds of millions of hedge funds allow an account with only a few million dollars to join?

After that, Ye Ting began to prepare his new home. He planned to build the new home in places where wizards live. In these places, because there are many wizards living in them, and they are relatively concentrated, it is impossible to use traces to detect whether the little wizards have used them. Magic, this gave Ye Ting the opportunity to bypass the Ministry of Magic’s regulations and use magic outside the school.

Now he has two preferred places. The first is Hogsmeade, Scotland, which is a bustling wizarding town and close to Hogwarts; the other is Otley, Devon, England. · St. Catchpole Village is just a small village, not prosperous, but there are many Ye Ting’s acquaintances, such as the Weasleys, Lovegoods, and Diggory’s.

Both locations are very good, which made Ye Ting tangled for a long time-the former is prosperous, convenient for shopping, and he can go back at any time when he is in Hogwarts, just like a school district room; the latter is relatively close to acquaintances, boring He could still stop by at the time, George and Fred from the Weasleys, Diggory from the Godricks, and Luna from the Lovegoods were all very interested.

For this, he struggled for a day. Suddenly, he recalled what happened to Harry during this summer vacation: The Weasley twins and Ron were riding in a flying car from Dursley’s. Harry Potter picked it up.


Ye Ting had inspiration immediately.

Why not buy an RV as your own home?

The wizard will use a non-marking stretching spell, which can expand a limited space without visible change from the outside.

The wizards used this spell extensively in their storage supplies and houses.

And Ye Ting is quite good at this spell, he himself has a very strong spatial talent, and has always been handy in learning spatial magic.

Although the larger the space, the more difficult it is to use the Unmarked Stretching Curse, but with his level, the space of an RV can be expanded into a luxurious villa.

In this way, he can choose his place of residence at will. During the holidays, he will live in the village of Otter Catchpole and move to Hogsmeade after school starts. He can even drive this car wherever he wants to travel in the future. vehicle.

He can even go a step further and buy a bus himself, and then convert it into a motorhome-anyway, one of the three basic types of motorhomes is a bus motorhome.

By the way, the other two are truck-type RVs and trailer-type RVs.

If he said nothing, he immediately tried to disguise his identity and bought a double-decker bus.

This is a VolvoOlympian double-decker bus from Volvo, Sweden. It is the latest double-decker bus produced by Volvo’s Scottish factory in 1992. As a result, it was cut off by Ye Ting as soon as it left the factory.

This car is 12 meters long, 2.5 meters wide, and 4.4 meters high. The engine is… the engine is not important, it can be modified by magic anyway.

Next, he had to find a place to modify the bus. Because of the use of magic, he had to find a wizard colony to modify it to avoid being discovered by the Ministry of Magic.

In Ye Ting’s view, the best place is the village of St. Catchpole, because there are not only many wizard families inhabited there, but also a ready-made helper.

That was the twins and Ron’s father, Arthur Weasley.

Arthur Weasley works in the Muggle Prohibition Office of the Ministry of Magic, but he likes anything related to Muggles and even wrote the Muggle Protection Act. And he is also very interested in Muggle technology. He would buy Muggle items, disassemble and study them in a small shed, trying to figure out their principles, and he would also cast magic on them. The twins and Ron drove to pick up Harry’s Ford is his masterpiece.

Interested in Muggle items, and have experience in modifying Muggle vehicles, friendly and easy-going, and can be regarded as an acquaintance, is there a more perfect helper than him?

Thinking of this, he immediately wrote a letter to the twins, asking them to pass their request to Mr. Arthur Weasley—Compared to Ron, Ye Ting has a better relationship with the twins. At Hogwarts, the two of them often reported to Mr. Arthur Weasley. Ye Ting asked about alchemy, and Ye Ting also gave a lot of suggestions on their homemade prank props.

Soon, Ye Ting received a reply. It was not the twins who wrote the reply, but Mr. Weasley.

This letter was quite enthusiastic. In the letter, Mr. Weasley stated that he had long admired Ye Ting’s name, and praised Ye Ting’s behavior at Hogwarts. Faced with Ye Ting’s proposal to convert the bus into a house. Imagine that Mr. Weasley expressed great interest and actively asked to join the renovation work.

At the end of the letter, he warmly invited Ye Ting to visit the Burrow—this is the name of the Weasley’s house—and also included the address of the village of San Catchpole.

Item 0080

After arriving in St. Catchpole Village, Ye Ting was warmly welcomed by the Weasley family.

The twins embraced him enthusiastically, and then looked at his double-decker bus: “It’s cool! You actually want to build your home in a car. How did you come up with this idea?”

They also handed him a piece of toffee, but Ye Ting refused their kindness.

“In this candy, the smell of hiccup potion is about to float out,” Ye Ting glanced at it disgustedly: “Whose bad idea is this?”

“George’s idea!”

“It was Fred’s idea!”

The twins immediately shifted the blame to each other.

Ron just shook hands with him, appearing more cautious. His relationship with Ye Ting was average, but after experiencing the Philosopher’s Stone incident, he began to respect Ye Ting.

Mr. Weasley was a thin man, a little flattered, but his remaining hair was as red as his children’s. He was wearing a green robe and looked a little bit dusty. He came back from the Ministry of Magic to meet Ye Ting.

Mrs. Weasley was a chubby, kind-looking woman. She was wearing a printed apron with a magic wand in her pocket.

When the twins brought Ye Ting to them, the Weasleys greeted them with enthusiasm and gave Ye Ting a welcoming hug.

“Hello, Mr. Ye.” Mr. Weasley shook hands with him: “I have heard of your deeds. You were able to confront the mysterious man in the first grade. You are such a genius-I heard about you. I used to live in a Muggle orphanage—oh, I shouldn’t mention this—but you must know the Muggle world well, right…”

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