The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 70

To make matters worse, it rained heavily during the game and Harry was spotted by a roaming ball. The wandering ball lost control during the game and stared at Harry alone, swearing to stop without knocking him off the broom.

Faced with such pressure, Harry did not give up. Instead, he struggled to be hit by a runaway ball. Malfoy caught the Golden Snitch one step at a time, and finally succeeded in winning the game at the expense of being hit by a fracture.

But Ye Ting did not see all this, because he left in the middle of the game.

The rain in this game was heavy, and it was accompanied by lightning and thunder. This was the first thunderstorm since the beginning of school, which made Ye Ting realize that the time for him to become Animagus had come.

So he quickly left the scene and rode the “sun wheel” to the Forbidden Forest in the rain.

Before leaving, he didn’t forget to ask Hermione to find Professor McGonagall for him-because the process of Animagus’ change was too dangerous, he needed Professor McGonagall to help him.

Item 0097

The location agreed by Ye Ting and Professor McGonagall was near Hagrid’s hut. When he took the blood-red potion and rode out of the forbidden forest on the sun wheel, he found that the professor had been waiting there for a long time.

“Why didn’t you tell me before you studied Animagus?” As soon as he saw Ye Ting, Professor McGonagall criticized him severely, “Animagus is too dangerous for your age. You can definitely try again in a few years.”

But when he saw the potion in Ye Ting’s hand, she knew that it was too late to persuade at this time.

She had to sigh, and her tone softened, “Well, with your level of polymorphism, it’s not too early to practice Animagus, and at least you know that you call me before the first transformation. .”

She suddenly turned into a piebald cat in the rain. This cat has a pattern in the shape of glasses on the eye sockets, and then changed back to the prototype. She introduced to Ye Ting: “Animagus is a kind of cat that does not require a wand to support. In fact, it is a kind of wandless magic. It has the same shortcomings as wandless magic: it is difficult to cast, and if the operation is not accurate enough, it is easy to cause unexpected consequences.”

She sternly warned: “Because it is the transformation magic that acts on her body, Animagus is very dangerous. Just practicing it is a huge risk. It requires not only strong magic power, but also precise control ability. And a strong will to prevent irreparable consequences in the process of deformation practice.”

Ye Ting nodded to Professor McGonagall, his tone was very affirmative, “I’m fully prepared, and Agmanis can’t trouble me.”

“Okay,” Professor McGonagall understood Ye Ting’s determination, “you can start, the tip of the wand points to the heart, and the spell “Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus” and then Drink the potion.”

When the bright red potion entered his abdomen, Ye Ting gradually felt a sharp pain all over his body, as if all the muscles were about to crush himself, he gritted his teeth and tried to persist. Immediately afterwards, he suddenly felt two different violent heartbeats in his chest. The smaller one was familiar to him, and he could hear this sound whenever he exercised vigorously; but the other heartbeat was even bigger and quite With every beating of the second heartbeat, he could feel the powerful magic power accompanied by the turbulent blood, emerging from the chest cavity-he had vaguely guessed his Animag What kind of creature is this?

Sure enough, the image of a giant dragon appeared in his mind. That image was different from the two-footed dragon-like fire dragon in Harry Potter’s world, but actually appeared in the major magical worlds. Giant dragon.

It has a lion-like body, a slender and rugged neck connected to a majestic and majestic dragon head, with horns and thorns on its head, and a long tail winding down. It walks with four powerful feet and flies with a pair of giant wings like bat wings. Its body is covered with fine scales. The scales are platinum, but the surface is translucent, glowing with diamonds. Gloss.

The image of this giant dragon is not that big, probably only four or five meters long, but its appearance is elegant and majestic. It is not difficult to imagine what a magnificent sight it will be after it has grown into a behemoth that is dozens or hundreds of meters long.

The giant dragon is indeed a powerful creature. It can stand firmly on top of the species even in the magical world, but when the image of the giant dragon appeared in Ye Ting’s mind, his heart immediately “cocked”. Because the wizard’s Agmanis cannot transform into magic creatures, all the animagus who tried to become magic creatures failed, and often produced unpredictable consequences. Ye Ting believed that this was due to ordinary creatures. There is no magic power, and magic creatures are born with magic power, and it is completely different from the magic power of wizards.

In other words, before solving the magic problem, his Animagus is impossible to succeed.

However, now he has drunk the potion and chanted the spell, and now it is too late to stop the change.

He has felt the changes in his body.

The beautiful platinum-gold scales have emerged on the surface of his body, and the shape of his bones is constantly changing.

His claws began to stretch, his teeth became sharp, and spikes gradually appeared behind him.

What made him most uncomfortable was that there seemed to be something about to grow out of his shoulder blades and coccyx. He felt as if he had two more arms, and the end of his spine also had a tail-like feeling.

He felt that his thoughts were also changing. He began to become arrogant, pursuing desires, and advocating power… Various emotions that conflicted with his original thought poured into his spirit-Ye Ting heard about ordinary anima Gus needs to fight against the feeling of wildness and low intelligence when he is practicing. From this point of view, there are still some benefits to being transformed into a dragon, at least their intelligence is okay.

But soon he didn’t think so.

He found that the challenge of transforming into a giant dragon to his spirit far exceeds that of transforming ordinary creatures. The dragon’s strong thoughts began to impact his soul, which made him have to concentrate on resisting this feeling.

Once he surrenders and accepts this temptation, then he will completely degenerate into a dragon, a mad dragon with only frantic desires in his heart.

However, this extreme emotion full of arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and **** always tempts him. In the Bible, the ancient dragon is Satan, and Satan is the symbol of the seven deadly sins. The dragon is just such an image. It represents the ultimate sin, and it also represents the ultimate power. This power is constantly tempting Ye Ting, just like the instigation of the devil and the whispers of hell. Can’t escape sinking.

Just like Adam and Eve could not refuse the temptation of the ancient snake. Even if the ancient snake is Satan, Satan is the ancient dragon. The origin of mankind determines that they cannot maintain themselves under such temptation.

Even the glorious vice-jun Lucifer could not apply for arrogance, and eventually fell to hell.

But Ye Ting actually persisted. At this time, his will seemed to have no limit, and he persisted under the temptation to fall into the dragon clan completely.

If you want to describe it, Ye Ting felt that his soul seemed to be walking a tightrope over the abyss, and the abyss still had a great attraction to him. His soul must maintain a balance in this attraction, and must keep moving forward.

Except for the experience of drifting in the tunnel of time and space, this is probably the desperate situation with the lowest survival rate in the world.

However, he still managed to calm down and walked forward with difficulty.

Item 0098

At the invitation of Ye Ting, Professor McGonagall had to rush to the edge of the forbidden forest before the Quidditch competition in his academy was over, looking for her proud protégé.

Because, her proud disciple actually cut first and then played, and was prepared in advance to start his first Animagus transformation today.

Professor McGonagall severely accused him, but finally agreed to guide him in the transformation of Animagus.

Thus, the student began the transformation of Animagus in front of Professor McGonagall.

Until this time, Professor McGonagall thought that this was just the first transformation of an ordinary Animagus. Although it was a bit dangerous, it was generally not very difficult for this student’s talent.

When Ye Ting’s body showed beautiful scales and his claws and teeth began to change, Professor McGonagall thought his Animagus was a rare lizard, or even more exaggerated, it might be a dinosaur-Arni It is very rare for Magus to become an extinct prehistoric creature, but it is not impossible.

However, who would have expected that Ye Ting would actually grow wings on his back and a tail on the back — he did not become a reptile, nor was he a fire dragon with wings and forelimbs integrated, but Really become a dragon!

That is far beyond the fire dragon, even in the wizarding world, it is only a magical creature in the legend.

If the Ministry of Magic were to classify the danger of the dragon, the fire dragon would be the highest level XXXXX, but even if the dragon added ten Xs, it would not be enough.

But it is precisely because of the power of the dragon that Professor McGonagall is particularly worried that there is no precedent for turning into a magical creature, and what Ye Ting wants to transform is a dragon that far surpasses ordinary magical creatures. She doesn’t think Ye Ting will succeed. She didn’t expect his success, she only prayed that Ye Ting would be able to successfully transform back into a human form in the end, instead of causing any unexpected consequences-the most likely is to die because of the exhaustion of magic power.

In fact, Ye Ting was plagued by magic.

At this moment, not only his soul is struggling to resist the temptation of the abyss, but his body is also undergoing inhuman torture.

The huge magic power demand of transforming into a giant dragon is constantly squeezing his body and spirit, and the magic conflict between the giant dragon and the wizard has also made him feel painful everywhere.

At this time, he seemed to be being Ling Chi-and still 3,600 knives were cut at the same time.

If this sensation is acting on the body, then his pain nerves will be completely numb, but this sensation is not on the body, but on the spirit, so he has to feel all the pain completely.

In other words, he had to walk a tightrope while being Ling Chi, just mental exhaustion made him feel exhausted.

But this tightrope, he must finish walking completely before his magic power is exhausted.

This forced him to forcibly squeeze his soul while constantly squeezing his body.

Finally, relying on extremely strong perseverance, he forcibly recovered his will before he died because of the exhaustion of magic power.

In the eyes of Professor McGonagall, the dragon who was struggling painfully on the ground in front of him finally slowly opened his eyes.

It was a clear and sensible look, but the look revealed strength and resistance.

She was quite familiar with this look, and she was sure that the creature in front of her was still her proud disciple, his consciousness had not fallen, nor had he fallen to the point that he was another creature.

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