The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 73

“This is a bad idea, Professor Lockhart.” Snape said. “Longbottom can cause damage even with the simplest spell. We will put the remains of Finley in a matchbox and take it to the hospital. Ward.”

Neville’s pink round face blushed even harder.

His sullen eyes scanned the crowd, as if to find a victim among a group of lambs.

Until he saw Ye Ting in the crowd.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes. In fact, he had already placed Ye Ting’s charge of the theft of the medicine storage room some time ago, because among all the little wizards in the second grade, only Ye Ting likes to study some weird things. In addition to the theft of the last school year, he believed that the biggest suspect was Ye Ting, but he had no evidence.

But this did not prevent him from finding a chance to teach Ye Ting a lesson.

However, usually in class and homework, he has no choice but to take Ye Ting, but he suddenly felt that now is a good time.

“Oh, Mr. Ting Ye, why are you here.” Snape stepped forward with a nasty smile, “I thought you would not be interested in these low-level battles.”

“Actually, I just came to visit.” Ye Ting gave in aside, “You can leave me alone.”

However, Professor Snape showed a terrible smile and said to him: “Oh, no, no, how can I leave you alone? In fact, I have a wonderful proposal. As Ravenclaw’s genius, you Why not come to the stage to be a demonstration for everyone?”

Hearing this, Ye Ting curled his lips, and he knew that Snape had no good intentions.

However, he was not afraid of Snape’s conspiracy. After all, his routine was nothing more than expecting Ye Ting to make a fool of himself in a duel, but besides Dumbledore, who else in Hogwarts could defeat him? So he nodded happily.

Now Snape seized the opportunity. He slid onto the stage like a big bat, “Come on, Mr. Ye, your opponent is me, let everyone see your strength!”

By Ye Ting’s side, Zhang Qiu nervously grabbed the corner of his clothes: “Ye Ting, don’t go, Snape is unkind to you, you will be hurt.”

Hermione also looked at the old bat angrily: “Professor Snape is really annoying, he is a professor,” he turned to Ye Ting, “hurry up and reject him, anyway, you are only a student, this is not a shame. “

“No, he can’t beat me, don’t worry.” Ye Ting whispered comfortingly, he patted their hands, then straightened his cloak, and walked forward.

Immediately, the crowd parted the way for him, and he walked onto the stage in the admiration of all the little wizards, looking at Snape with a calm face!

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“Don’t worry, your geniuses and male gods will survive.” Snape licked the corners of his lips, looking impatient.

Ye Ting didn’t speak, he calmly bowed to Snape, and then assumed a dueling posture.

“one two Three-“

Ye Ting’s reflex nerves far surpassed Snape, and he first silently cast a disarming spell on Snape.

The rapid reflex nerves and the silent curse created a huge first hand. As soon as Snape raised his wand, Ye Ting’s curse shot at him.

But Snape was worthy of being a veteran master. He calmly recited an iron armor curse, finally blocked the blow in time, and then immediately launched a counterattack with a coma curse.

But to Snape’s attack, Ye Ting’s reaction was completely unexpected. He continued to use his wand to cast spells on Snape with his right hand, while his left hand just waved his cloak to fend off Snape’s coma spell.

This move surprised everyone.

In fact, for powerful wizards with advanced magic, it is a very common trick to use a magic wand to provoke the opponent’s spell. This is just a clever combination of a silent spell and an iron armor spell. In this trick, the iron armor curse is infinitely simplified, it only acts on the tip of the wand, and the duration is very short, and it can’t resist any powerful spells. But on the other hand, it has become quite easy to cast and control, so that a sufficiently skilled wizard can prepare another spell while provoking the opponent’s spell.

But Ye Ting’s move was another matter. Not only did he use his left hand to cast a spell without a wand, but he also used one mind and two. The wand in his right hand cast another spell at the same time.

In fact, Ye Ting felt a little strange that he could do this, because when he just waved his cloak, he felt that another force had strengthened the iron armor curse, which made him feel that this originally could only stop the coma curse and disarm. The tricks of ordinary spells such as curses are now not inferior even in the face of more powerful curses.

In the end, he discovered that the source of this power is not something else, but a resistance to magic, and it is far beyond ordinary magical creatures-but it still needs magic to maintain.

He immediately understood that this was the magic resistance of the giant dragon, and it was the ability that the dragon soul brought to him. Although it was a little immature compared to the real dragon, it was enough to make him in the wizarding duel all the time.

He decided to make a duel cloak that was tough and handsome in the future-this trick was so handsome from the outside: with a wave of his hand, the cape was flicked, and the opponent’s curse would be bounced off. This shape is really true. It’s too chic, so it is necessary to have a cloak that can show this handsomeness and chicness.

After all, being strong or not is a matter of time, and being handsome or not is a lifetime matter.

At the beginning of the battle, Ye Ting and Snape shot at each other such spells as the Disarming Curse, the Stunning Curse, and the Full Body Binding Curse, just like two cowboys holding revolvers shooting at each other.

However, compared to Snape, Ye Ting is clearly superior.

Because he can use both hands together, attack with one hand, and defend with the other.

His cloak is like a copper wall and iron wall. Although there are many traces of burnt ground on it, it perfectly blocked all Snape’s attacks. The flying spell blew up the walls of the hall with potholes, and the little wizard in the distance. They had to protect their heads with both hands to prevent them from being hit by the broken rocks from Bengfei.

Ye Ting even tried to bounce back the original path of the flying spell, but apparently, because the angle needed to bounce back the spell was too large, judging from the defensive strength he applied to the cloak, he couldn’t do this for the time being—but if At this time, he is surrounded or in a melee, so the effect of this trick is different.

At the same time, his movements and footsteps are far more flexible than Snape, and sometimes he even seems to be dancing on the tip of a knife: He does not block any spells that are not aimed at the core part of his body, just tilts his head. Or move your legs, shake your body a little, and dodge these spells in a thrilling manner.

In the eyes of the little wizards around, Ye Ting is like a peerless master wandering in the rain of bullets, and those spells seem to pass by Ye Ting, every time it seems to hit him, but it is always bad. A little bit.

This thrilling scene made their hearts seem to be held tightly.

This is the real duel! They thought so.

In comparison, the trial between them just now was nothing more than pediatrics.

Even Professor Flitwick sighed: “Mr. Ye’s mastery of the commonly used spells in wizard duels has reached the utmost point. If it continues like this, even if the three Snapes are added together, it will be completely impossible for him. .”

Compared with the two, Snape, as a professor, was more embarrassed. He controlled the wand with one hand. When casting a spell, he had to consider both attack and defense, so he was quickly suppressed by Ye Ting’s continuous spells. Living.

His attacks were mature and sophisticated, and the silent spell made his spell launch much faster, and it continued to flow, but even so, he was still not Ye Ting’s opponent.

Gradually, he started to defend more and attack less.

Finally, Snape could no longer tolerate such a disadvantaged state. He was never the kind of wizard who was good at fighting with simple spells. He was a master of dark magic.

He cast another Iron Armor Curse, temporarily slowing down the situation, then set his posture, and read a powerful explosion curse to Ye Ting.

The red ball of light flew towards Ye Ting’s feet. It seemed that Snape really only wanted to teach Ye Ting a lesson, but the latter did not want to admit defeat. His wand swept up in the air, and the ground of the stage followed him. ‘S gesture raised a stone wall.

“Really skilled in transformation.” Seeing Ye Ting’s hand, Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction.

The exploding curse hit the stone wall with a loud noise, and the hurriedly deformed stone wall was immediately blown to pieces. Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, who were watching the battle, had to take action together to block the splashing stone. On the edge of the stage.

The violent explosion also made Snape also had to raise his arms and use his wide robe sleeves to block the dust and rubble, but when the smoke cleared, he was surprised to see that the rubble on the ground had already floated. Get up and surround Ye Ting on the opposite side like an asteroid belt.

Ye Ting stared at Snape and gave him a dashing smile.

“Ten thousand arrows are all fired.”

In an instant, the floating rubble shot in Snape’s direction like arrows from the string, and the opponent had to chant an obstacle curse in a hurry, barely blocking the attack.

But the amount of rubble was too much. They were shooting at Snape continuously from different directions, which forced him to avoid the stones and ran awkwardly on the stage, but still from time to time. There will be a few gravel stones hitting him, making him painful.

However, this pain does not bother him.

Snape straightened up suddenly. He no longer avoided or resisted. He stood up to the stone’s attack. While enduring the pain, he pointed his wand at Ye Ting and counterattacked him.

A raging tongue of fire spouted from the tip of the magic wand and burned towards Ye Ting, and a sea of ​​fire soon formed in front of him. The sea of ​​fire separated Ye Ting and Snape, and quickly spread in the direction of Ye Ting.

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