The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 871:

Sure enough, Xiao Sao Hoof now is still a pure and adorable new one.

However, as the massage continued, Yrel seemed to have adapted to Ye Ting’s touch, and his whole body was relieved. He was so softly spread in his arms and motionless, just enjoying quietly for a while. The tranquility.

After a while, Ye Ting’s massage was completed, and the strain and soreness caused by the battle had completely recovered, but the girl still remained in that posture without moving.

I took a closer look and realized that as early as during the massage, Yrel fell asleep on his thigh, only the tail quivered from time to time, as if he had a dream.

Looking at Delano lying lazily in his arms and watching her quietly sleeping face, Ye Ting did not disturb the girl, but touched her face dozingly, keeping her in this position to let her fall asleep like this .

He was captured by the orcs because of the sudden war, and was taken to Highmaul fort and held in prison. He was frightened for a long time. Immediately after Ye Ting arrived, he began intense combat training, and then he was about to face the battle of the dead.

This series of experiences is really wonderful and exaggerated for a young draenei girl-a month ago she was still a trainee little pastor.

If the bowstring is tightened for too long, it will break.

In previous games, she was the female NPC who impressed Ye Ting the most. Now that she saw her alive, Ye Ting had to admit that she was a lovely girl.

If Ye Ting’s embrace could give her peace of mind overnight, Ye Ting wouldn’t mind doing so.

At the end of the gladiatorial fight, Yrel returned to the prison at about noon, but it was not until the red sunset and moonlight came in from the small window of the prison that the girl dimly opened her eyes.

Then the first thing she saw was the man looking at her.

With one brush, the girl’s face flushed.

It wasn’t until this time that she realized what she had been doing before.

She actually received a man’s massage carelessly, and then just lay on his lap and fell asleep comfortably.

Such behavior was never dared to be done by Yrel in the past.

But now…

Cough, after all, this man is the one who gave her strength and hope. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is her benefactor and her savior.

And she once swore that kind of oath. If the price of the oath is strictly enforced, then she is now his own.

It’s okay to be a little closer to him.

Thinking of this, Yrel finally persuaded himself to accept the current situation, so he stood up calmly.

“Um, thank you. It should be very hard to be pillowed by me for an afternoon, right?”

“Fortunately,” Ye Ting shrugged, “It’s mainly because Little Yrel is too cute, so I forgot to work hard when I watched it.”

Facing Ye Ting’s molesting words, Yrel was first startled, then turned his head blushing.

“Dang, of course, so you have to treat me better in the future and teach me more things.”

In terms of love, the draenei seem to be bolder than the humans and elves in Azeroth.

Perhaps this is because their level of technological development has promoted social development?

While Ye Ting was thinking about this issue, Yrel first changed the subject.

“I mentioned to you our leader, Prophet Velen.” The girl said suddenly, “He has been leading us to escape the Burning Legion and lead us to find a place to live in the huge universe, so We have always admired her and everyone regarded him as a great mentor to all draenei. But now, I suddenly don’t think so.”

“How to say?”

“After participating in the gladiatorial fight and seeing many of my compatriots die on the beast’s hands, I suddenly hated him a little,”

Yrel’s words contained resentment: “If it weren’t for his weakness, Draenei would not be severely injured, nor would we be caught here and become slaves in the eyes of those orcs, nor would those compatriots. Died in vain.”

“Perhaps.” Ye Ting nodded in agreement, “In fact, I have always felt that the Prophet Velen was never a qualified leader. I admit that he is indeed a powerful pastor, a wise scholar, A great prophet, even a benevolent saint, but such a person is only suitable to be a supporter, as a leader’s right hand to guide him to success, but he himself is not suitable to be a leader.”

“Because what a leader needs is not just wisdom and kindness, but more importantly, determination and cruelty-that is, being able to be cruel and able to make decisions, even if this decision means giving up important things. And Weilun just lacks. Such a quality-he is too kind and cares too much about morality, but morality is nothing in the face of survival.”

“The most important thing is that he relies too much on his prophecy. According to your description, I think the choices made by the prophet Velen were bold before he descended on Draenor, but after he descended on Draenor, his actions His style suddenly became cautious. Combined with his loss of predictive ability due to an emergency landing, this is obviously a sequelae of relying too much on predictive ability.”

In fact, there is no shortage of such characters in World of Warcraft.

People with certain predictive ability tend to blindly believe in the future they see, and will never look back until their beliefs are severely hit. Then he became confused and at a loss after losing his ability to predict.

They have forgotten the fact that the future is not static.

And this is exactly what Ye Ting, a traveler, keeps in mind.

Chapter 1060: Yrel’s Progress

Since expressing his dissatisfaction with Vinylon that day, Yrel hasn’t commented on it again.

However, Ye Ting found that from that day on, Yrel had worked harder than before.

Whether it is training for combat or learning the theory of light and shadow, Yrel appears very active: each practice is to do his best until he exhausts his last trace of physical strength; it is even more important when learning the light and shadow. Diligent in learning and asking, often take the initiative to ask a variety of related questions.

Diligent learning coupled with enough talents allows Yrel to get a lot of progress every day, from a cute new warrior and priest to a master of martial arts and a master who is proficient in manipulating light and dark energy.

This made Ye Ting very pleased.

During this period of time, the prison of the arena was like a top university, and Ye Ting was one of the top mentors, cultivating Yrel, the best student.

No one knows what level of ability this student can reach after graduating from here.

In addition to studying the main tasks, Yrel would also curiously ask Ye Ting in his spare time to learn about the story of Ye Ting’s mother star (what Yrel thought) Azeroth.

Among them, she is most concerned about the social and political conditions of the races in Azeroth, how the leaders of those races lead the race, how to deal with the friction between nations and races, and so on.

Maybe even she herself didn’t know some of the thoughts hidden in her heart. But from what she said, Ye Ting had already seen everything.

So Ye Ting began to use Azeroth’s historical allusions to tell Yrel stories.

Talk about the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, “Guanzi”, “Han Feizi”, and “On the Monarchy”…

No one knows what Yrel has learned from it, but it is foreseeable that this draenei girl, who originally thrived under the education of Velen, will inevitably suffer greatly from her three views after this experience. Distortion-or return to the “right” path.

In addition to academic progress, Yrel is also proud in the arena.

For two weeks in a row, she had to go to the arena for an average of two days and defeated many enemies of all kinds.

For example, three or four clefthoof cows, such as Deinonychus King Evil Claw, such as a one-eyed monster, such as a rare ogre mage… She even slayed a huge thunder elephant with tears.

You know, the Thunder Elephant has been a friend of the draenei for a long time, and is the most commonly used battle mount for the Paladins of Draenor.

Thunder elephants are basically equivalent to warhorses to humans, chocobos to elves, and wolves to orcs.

At this time, Yrel was basically a big celebrity in the Highmaul Arena.

Even the orcs from Frostfire Ridge know that there is a powerful female draenei gladiator in the Highmaul Arena, who has won seven consecutive games in the arena, and is considered the gladiator with the most consecutive victories in recent years.

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