The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 873:

Yrel can swear with his double horns that she has definitely seen that orc before—he is definitely the same orc who sat in that position when Yrel first participated in a gladiatorial fight.

Yrel was impressed by his appearance and the sharp blade in the palm of his left hand.

But now that guy has undergone a huge change from the beginning.

The skin that had been pale because of long periods of non-contact with the sun now showed a weird and evil green—an orc in that color that Yrel had never seen before.

Yrel didn’t understand what happened, but Ye Ting, who knew the history, immediately understood.

The appearance of the green orcs meant only one thing, and that was that the Burning Legion’s plan to enslave the orcs was one step closer.

Reminiscent of the spatial fluctuations a few days ago, how could Ye Ting not know that it was the traitor Gul’dan among the orcs who successfully summoned the vanguard general of the Burning Legion, the Abyss Demon Lord Mannoroth.

In order to further control the orcs, Gul’dan gathered the patriarchs of the large and small clans of the tribe and tricked them into drinking the blood of Mannoroth in the name of power. The green color is the manifestation of the orcs being corrupted by evil energy.

This should have happened about yesterday, because the green orc he saw now was only one person, and he was probably one of the chiefs participating in the meeting, while the other ordinary orcs still maintained their brown skin.

But Ye Ting knew that since the first green-skinned orc had appeared, the tribe was not far from the corruption of all members.

Chapter 1062 Kargath Bladefist and Fel Power

Although he was surprised by the green-skinned orcs, Yrel, who had already experienced many battles, did not make a fuss about it, but stood calmly and calmly in the field, waiting for the start of the gladiatorial battle.

However, uncharacteristically, her opponent never entered.

Instead, the green-skinned orc on the high platform stood up.

He walked to the edge of the high platform and looked around the orcs in the arena. In the process, he even gave Yrel a special look.

From that look, Yrel felt a deep malice.

Then, the green-skinned orc cleared his throat and spoke.

“Warriors of the Shattered Palm Clan!” His voice was low and hoarse, “and the orc compatriots of the tribe, I am the chief of the Shattered Palm clan, the ruler of Highmaul, Kargath Bladefist–”

As soon as his words came out, the entire arena became quiet. Obviously, this chief Kargath has great prestige in the tribe.

“Just yesterday–” he continued shouting, “The chief of the Rampage clan, the wise Gul’dan brought a new power to the tribe-that is a power that can regenerate people. It reshaped the orcs, and it reshaped me—it gave me new and stronger power—”

Having said that, he took a step forward and showed his green body to all the orcs in the arena.

Most of the orcs present are very familiar with Kargath. As the hero who once gained freedom from the arena of ogres and founded the Shattered Palm clan, Kargath is known among the orcs for his cruelty and power. The big celebrities among the orcs.

As the former king of gladiators, Kargath was already quite strong, but now the orcs found that Chief Kargath is much stronger than in the past, but this change took place within a day.

What a miraculous change this is.

Now Kargas’ eyes flashed red, he raised his head and shouted, his voice shook the entire arena, and then said: “That power makes me stronger and more bloodthirsty—that power will lead the orcs into a new era. ——After gaining that power, Chief Black Blackhand announced an even more exciting news like us——”

He paused, glanced maliciously at Yrel below, and then said:

“We are going to make history-we are about to attack the enemy’s last stronghold-we are going to tear off our limbs, we are going to be bathed in blood. We will sweep the streets of their capital like their worst nightmare-victory will belong to the tribe !!!”

After listening to Kargath’s words, the originally composed Yrel was shocked, and she finally understood where the other party’s malice came from.

Isn’t the orc’s so-called enemy the draenei? Are they going to attack Shattrath?

At this moment, Yrel had a lot of thoughts after hearing the news, her mind could no longer stay in this arena, but quickly flew back to the main city of the draenei.

She wanted to go back there right now, tell her people about the news, tell them that the orcs are coming, and tell them that the orcs have gained new power.

It’s a pity that she can’t do this for the time being.

“Victory belongs to the tribe!!!”

“Blood and glory!!!”

“Kill all those blue monsters—”

As Kargas shouted, the orcs present also roared, and the words were full of undisguised malice towards the draenei, which made Yrel’s face more ugly.

Shao Qing, Kargas finally raised his hand to stop the fanatical compatriots.

“I am very glad that you have such enthusiasm, so before tomorrow’s battle, let us share the power of this blessing,”

Having said this, he raised the cup in his right hand with strange glyphs engraved on it. As night fell, those glyphs seemed to faintly gleamed. The contents of the cup were also shining.

Kargas held the cup in front of him, and the terrible yellow-green light shone on his face from below, casting a strange shadow.

“Everyone who wants this blessing can drink it,” he said with a smile, with an extraordinarily grinning grin, “I will let people distribute it, and anyone who desires power can drink it-and then , We will bring blood and death to the draenei—”


Having said that, he pointed to Yrel in the audience.

“Draenei’s blood, start with this girl-then, who wants to be the first to show his loyalty, accept this blessing, and then bring us a wonderful gladiatorial fight?”

Kargas looked around, no one dared to come forward for a while.

Drinking the blood of the devil to gain power is naturally what the orcs present are willing to do, but fighting against Yrel persuaded them.

No way, Yrel’s combat effectiveness in the arena is really exaggerated.

In the last battle, Yrel actually defeated a pair of Sabretooth brothers by himself. The pair of Sabertooths had yellow and gray fur, they were the most powerful gladiators in the arena except Yrel. Each of them was an elite of the elite, but the more powerful was, They have excellent understanding and cooperation.

As long as the two brothers act together, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they will die under their claws—they even jointly killed an adult Goron.

But it was such a pair of brothers who were killed by Yrel.

With such a terrifying combat power, no orcs present dare to pat their chests and say that they can deal with her by drinking the blood of the devil.

The reaction of the orcs made Kargath frowned, and just as he was about to say something, a tall orc squeezed forward from the crowd.

It was a grayish orc. The position of his left hand was not a palm like Kargath, but a long knife fixed to his arm. Obviously, it was also a member of the Shattered Palm clan.

Seeing him appear, Kargas’ face obviously eased a lot.

“Let me come, Chief, please leave me the chance to kill this blue monster!” the orc said coarsely.

“Only you seized this opportunity, Gagoma.” Kargas hammered the opponent’s chest, then handed him the cup of green liquid tumbling.

The orc named Gagoma did not hesitate. He raised the cup to his lips and took a deep sip, everyone was watching his reaction.

Under everyone’s gaze, Gagoma suddenly bent down, her body trembling all at once. Just when people thought he was about to have some accident, before their eyes, Gagomana’s shoulders suddenly widened. His armor was squeaked by the powerful body.

Slowly, he stood up straight, taller than before, reshaped by the green liquid to be strong and powerful, he glanced at the crowd, and red light flashed in his eyes.

“How do you feel, my deputy, Gagoma?” Kargas asked in an unprecedentedly gentle voice.

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