The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 891:

This fact is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Delaney people present. Like Yrel at the time, many draenei even have a tendency to break their faith.

Just when they were shocked to doubt their lives, Yrel took the opportunity to take out the set of theories that Ye Ting had taught her at the beginning, and spread her way of holy light and shadow to these poor people whose outlook on life was broken.

That is to say, neither a person nor a race can only have a purely good side, and an evil side is also necessary, otherwise the suffering of the draenei is the price.

For example, the most important thing for race is survival, not pure good and evil. The good way of the light is beautiful, but it needs the evil of the shadow to defend.

Even Ye Ting’s bald mouth: “Plow in the dark, but serve the light.” The words came out.

Yrel’s mission is undoubtedly successful.

The theory of the generation of light and dark broke the three views of the draenei, and fell into doubt about themselves and the “path of the holy light” that they have always followed, and Yrel’s “path of light and darkness”, or ” “The Way of Balance” was put before them in time and became their last straw.

Humans are very strong creatures, and with enough faith, even death cannot frighten them.

But people are also quite fragile at the same time. In the case of broken beliefs, even if the flesh does not have any wounds, it cannot prevent the collapse of people.

These confused people are like falling into the water, desperately in need of something as a pillar, so Yrel extended a rope called “The Way of Balance” to them in time and pulled them ashore.

Undoubtedly, compared to the relatively extreme “Way of Light”, the “Way of Balance” is more realistic and easier to be accepted by people, especially these draenei.

Coupled with Naaru’s endorsement, and put it in front of them to test.

At the moment, almost all the draenei present announced their faith in “The Way of Balance”, or in other words, Yrel himself.

Yrel didn’t know that not everyone had the same talent as her, and could fully understand the true meaning of light and shadow.

“Lazy to think.” is the norm among most people.

Morality, politics, society, ethics… everything is too complicated for the human brain, so people need a simpler and more direct thing as their benchmark, as the standard they rely on.

It is precisely because of this that belief in such a vague thing is so widespread among human beings. Even in the modern age where science is popular, there are many people who are superstitious about the religious religion called “science”, and a sentence of “research shows” can make them There is no doubt about a certain point of view.

In this respect, there is no difference between draenei and human beings.

Yrel thought she succeeded in spreading the “Way of Balance” she believed in to more people, but only Ye Ting knew that those draenei did not really understand the “Way of Balance”, they just believed It’s nothing more than Yrel himself who has said the “Way of Balance”.

They believe that Naaru is correct, they believe that Yrel who saved them is correct, they believe that seeing is believing, and they think Yrel’s “Balanced Way” sounds reasonable. Although they don’t know the truth, they just came to the conclusion that “the way of balance” is the truth.

And Yrel, who has revealed to them the “Way of Balance”, is naturally the one who has mastered and interpreted the truth, and is the object of their follow.

Just as the thirteen disciples followed the Son, the ten largest disciples followed the Buddha, and the seventy-two sages followed Confucius.

Belief is such a magical thing, you only need to know it to be effective, you don’t need to know why.

The draenei who was brought into Oshu’gu was the person who had previously sensed K’urei’s call. Either he had a potential talent for the Holy Light, or he was a priest and a paladin, but lost the power of the Holy Light after being captured. .

Belief in the “Way of Balance” immediately regained the strength of the draenei present.

Of the twenty-four draenei present, twelve awakened the power of the holy light, while the other twelve were favored by the shadows.

Chapter 1082

The essence of the power of light and shadow is closely related to the soul, and their existence is based on human emotions.

This force exists because of “confirmation” and disappears because of “suspicion.”

The reason why these draenei talents with the Holy Light lost the blessings of the Holy Light after being captured, it was because they had doubts about the Holy Light—I doubted whether the idea of ​​the Holy Light was correct, questioned why Drey believed in the Holy Light. The Nigerians will suffer such a fate.

But Yrel made them believe in the holy light again… or the idea of ​​holy light and shadow.

According to Ye Ting’s observations, those who re-awakened the Holy Light had more kind thoughts than evil thoughts in their hearts. In short, even if they suffered the fate of slavery, they still believed in justice and good deeds.

And what about those who abandon the holy light and get the blessing of the shadow?

They have a more extreme and dark side. They still believe that justice and kindness are good, but they believe that justice and kindness need to be demonstrated by more extreme means, and that the injured draenei need revenge.

As the power of light and shadow awakened one after another on them, the draenei who were present had even more worship and belief in Yrel, almost equivalent to their original belief in Velon and Naaru.

These twenty-four people also became Yrel’s first subordinates and believers, and became the backbone of her future expansion of her influence.

While Yrel was happily “brainwashing” his compatriots, Ye Ting walked towards Naaru’s “corpse”.

That is, the crystals that are scattered on the ground, no longer lustrous and lustrous.

From the “tangram” fragments all over the floor, Ye Ting picked up a spherical crystal.

Among so many fragments, only it is the most special. It is not in the shape of a “tangram”, and it is the only one among the fragments that still has a little luster. If you listen carefully, you can hear the music from it.

“Is this the relic of Lord Kure?”

After the sermon, Yrel’s attention was focused on Ye Ting, and then he saw the gleaming crystal.

“To be precise, it is the most important part of Naaru’s body.” Ye Ting stretched out his hand to pick up the crystal and looked at it carefully. “That is the core of Naaru’s power, equivalent to Naaru’s brain and heart.”

Ye Ting didn’t mention that someone had obtained another similar crystal in Azeroth, which came from the fallen Narukara.

In Azeroth, people who knew nothing about Naaru named it “Rizeb’s Shadow Crystal”.

In the end, the crystal was injected with the energy of the holy light, and then became the core of a legendary weapon.

The name of that legendary weapon is “Ashbringer”.

Of course, for today’s Xiao Sao Tizi, this incident can be considered to happen in the future. Just a few days ago, Kara, as the Dark Star, was used as a “super weapon” to deal a heavy blow to the Temple of Karabor.

“Since K’ure has entrusted everything to you, let it be handled by you.”

Ye Ting looked at the crystal for a while, then threw it towards Yrel.

“You, you, you, how can you be careful with it like this?”

The girl didn’t expect that he would treat this important relic to her like this. She hurriedly caught it, rolled her eyes at Ye Ting and solemnly took it into her arms.

“Really, don’t treat Master Naaru’s relics so roughly.”

“It’s just a naru, it’s almost the same as Elune.” Ye Ting shrugged, and the words in his mouth sounded particularly rebellious to Yrel.

But for Ye Ting like this, Yrel was used to it long ago in prison.

In other words, in the girl’s mind, it is not a big deal to look down on Naru with Ye Ting’s ability and status.

Suddenly, the girl thought of something, and suddenly patted her head.

“Oh, when I was interrupted by you, I forgot to tell you everything I wanted to say before.” At this point, the girl’s face was full of joy that could not be concealed.

“It looks like good news.”

“Yes. While passing on the power of the Holy Light and Shadow to me, Lord Kure, like me, showed many memories-among them are the skills of using the Holy Light, the secrets of the Naaru, and this Knowledge of the spacecraft.”

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