The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 90

“The dementor’s influence on her is quite serious. There has been a dementor on the train. Maybe it was because the dementor took a few more puffs on her, which would cause her to collapse directly.”

He took a piece of chocolate from his pocket, peeled off the tin foil, and stuffed it into Zhang Qiu’s mouth.

“Eat, you will feel better after eating. I just bought it from Duke Honey before I came here.” Ye Ting fed Zhang Qiu after eating chocolate, and touched her hair again, “Think about the happiness. This is very helpful to resist the influence of the dementors. By the way, call God to protect you.”

The silver-white dragon once again drilled out from the tip of Ye Ting’s wand, and it happily flew around them, dispelling the despair and uneasiness around them.

Hermione noticed that the gloomy atmosphere around him gradually faded, and the little wizards felt warm, even the frost on the ground began to melt.

“What is this silver light?” Hermione asked curiously. “I don’t think I seem so sad anymore.”

“The one just now is the patron saint.” Marietta looked at the silver-white dragon hovering above them, and said in surprise, “I heard my mother say that this is a very high and deep magic that requires a very strong magical power. As support, only truly powerful wizards use this spell.”

Ye Ting controlled the dragon to breathe out a breath of dragon to Zhang Qiu. The silver-white flame did not make her feel burning or painful, but instead made her feel warm and happiness from the heart.

Obviously, Zhang Qiu at this time had gradually recovered. She immediately understood her current situation, so she blushed out of Ye Ting’s arms and hid behind Hermione and Marietta.

The four of them got into the carriage drawn by Ye Qi. The damp and musty smell on the carriage made Ye Ting very unhappy. He snapped his fingers, and the surrounding area immediately became dry, and even the drizzle did not fall on everyone. Body.

“Thank you,” Zhang Qiu said softly, his voice so small that he couldn’t even hear the mosquitoes.

“Your wandless spellcasting is getting more and more proficient.” Hermione looked envious.

The carriage drove towards the door of Hogwarts.

In front of the gate, they ran into two terrible dementors. They were floating at the gate as guards. For every student who entered, they had to go up and check, and sometimes even took two mouthfuls. This made all the little wizards feel a chill.

Seeing the two dementors, Zhang Qiu immediately closed her eyes in fright. She hugged Ye Ting’s arm and buried her head in his arms, as if as long as this was the case, these dementors would not notice her. NS.

Hermione was also a little scared, and she nervously took Ye Ting’s other hand.

Only Marietta sat in the back with some embarrassment, she and Ye Ting were not quite familiar.

But when their carriage passed the gate, the dementors did not go forward to check as usual. Instead, they encountered natural enemies and immediately flew far away.

“What’s going on?” Hermione pulled Ye Ting’s clothes corner, “Why did they run away?”

“It’s probably frightened.” Ye Ting curled his lips disdainfully, “I was stopped by them when I returned to school. They wanted to take a bite at me, but my patron saint killed two of them. But thinking of you guys. It is also possible to encounter all of this, so I will go to the station to pick you up.”

Hearing his words, Hermione and Zhang Qiu couldn’t help but warm in their hearts, while Marietta curled her lips jealously.

But the remarks about scaring away the dementors stunned the surrounding little wizards. Everyone had seen the terrible dementors, but the dementors’ reaction just now made them unbelievable, so Ye Ting’s head again One more title: “The One Who Fears Dementors.”.

But anyway, with this kind of experience, Zhang Qiu and Hermione really had less fear of Dementors.

…When the little wizards entered the auditorium, Harry Potter was called away by Professor McGonagall. It is said that when he was on the train, he was frightened and fainted by a dementor. This was already in Slytherin. It became a joke, Ye Ting saw that Malfoy seemed to be telling a very interesting story to a large number of people in the Slytherin House. As they walked by. Malfoy acted ridiculously about fainting, causing everyone to laugh.

Hermione was also called away by Professor Flitwick, but after waiting a few minutes, she appeared. She seemed to be very happy for some reason. The little Professor Flitwick followed her behind him, and he held an old one. Hat and a three-legged stool, this time the freshman sorting ceremony was presided over by him.

The sorting ceremony ended soon. This semester there were very few boys among the freshmen in Ravenclaw, only four.

Between the beginning of the banquet, Professor Dumbledore said: “Welcome to Hogwarts in the new school year! I have a few words to say to all of you, one of which is very serious. Make it clear before getting confused by this delicious meal…”

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued. “After they searched the Hogwarts Express train, you must all know. At present, our school is going to receive some dementors from Azkaban. They are here to perform the official duties of the Ministry of Magic. They are stationed here in the school. All entrances to the film site,”

Dumbledore continued, “During their stay here, I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school without permission. Dementors should not be deceived by tricks or disguise, even in invisibility cloaks. .”

This sentence was clearly aimed at Harry.

“Dementors by nature don’t know what requests or excuses are. So I warn each of you: don’t give them any excuses to hurt you. I count on the prefects, and our newly appointed head of the Boys’ Student Union and the Girls’ Student Union. Leader, you have to make sure that no student will collide with the Dementor.”

“It’s more gratifying,” he continued, “this year, I am very happy to welcome two new teachers to our team. The first is Professor Lupin, and he graciously agreed to take the course of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Vacancy.”

Ye Ting noticed that after hearing Lupin’s name, Snape’s face was quite ugly. Everyone thought it was because Snape did not compete for the position of professor in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but Ye Ting knew that this was due to some Past events—the father of Snape and Harry, James Potter was a classmate, and Lupin and James were buddies. In school, James not only bullied Snape, but also married Snape’s goddess, Lily Evans.

This hatred looks quite big.

Later, Dumbledore announced that Hagrid would be the professor of the course of protection of magical creatures, but Ye Ting felt that this hybrid giant would definitely cause trouble, because for him, the definition of dangerous creatures has always been different from others. .

He raised fire dragons, treated three-headed dogs as pets, and made friends with giant eight-eyed spiders. Obviously, he didn’t think these creatures were dangerous, but little wizards would never think so.

Item 0125

After the school dinner was over, the news spread among the little wizards that Harry Potter was stunned by the dementors and that Ye Ting scared away the dementors at the gate.

Comparing the two, the former has become everyone’s laughing stock, but the latter is admired by everyone. People who can use the patron saint to drive away dementors are already quite powerful wizards, and even the patron saint can capture the photo The ghost scared away, this was really the first time I saw him.

And when they learned that Ye Ting’s patron saint is dragon, everyone exclaimed: As expected of Ravenclaw’s genius.

Since learning that the dementors will stay outside Hogwarts for a long time, the little wizards have become interested in the patron saint spell, especially Hermione and Zhang Qiu, they asked Ye Ting to teach them how to summon the patron saint.

As a result, this semester’s defense against the dark arts practical class has one more learning project-practicing the patron saint spell.

In order to help them quickly master this technique, Ye Ting specially found a Bogut and planned to use it to simulate a dementor.

Bogut in the Harry Potter world is actually a very special creature. Like dementors, they are neither born nor die. They are produced by human emotions and feed on these emotions. Bogut can transform into anything that anyone nearby is afraid of, and feed on human fear. In addition, Bogut, like the Dementor, can fly without physical assistance.

Actually, Ye Ting also wanted to use a real Dementor, but this would cause unnecessary conflict with the Ministry of Magic. In fact, since killing two dementors, the Ministry of Magic tried to call Ye Ting to the Ministry of Magic for accountability, but was blocked by Dumbledore’s letter. Dumbledore’s letter complained about the dementors’ initiative. Acts of attacking students.

Taking into account the influence of Dumbledore and Ye Ting, the Ministry of Magic did not intend to hold Ye Ting accountable. Instead, it sent him an apology letter to promise that this would not happen again, and also asked Ye Ting to stop asking Ye Ting. The dementor shot.

No way, although Ye Ting was not afraid of the Ministry of Magic, in order not to disturb his current peaceful life, he had no choice but to retreat and use Bogut.

“Oh, there’s nothing here,” Hermione said, looking at the empty responsive room, “There is only a broken wardrobe here. Are you sure we can practice the patron saint curse here?”

Before Ye Ting could reply, the closet suddenly shook and banged against the wall.

“Don’t worry.” Ye Ting said calmly, because the three girls jumped back in shock.

“There is a Bogut inside.” Ye Ting explained, “Bogut likes dark, enclosed spaces, closets, voids under the bed, and cupboards under the sink.”

“I know Bogut,” Hermione said actively, “It’s a deformable thing, and it can take on any image it thinks can scare us the most.”

Zhang Qiu glanced at her admiringly.

“So, are you planning to use Bogut to help us practice the patron saint spell?” Penello asked suspiciously.

“Of course, as we all know, Bogut can become the most feared thing in people’s hearts. We can use this method to turn it into a dementor, and then use polymorphism to fix its state.”

“Use polymorph to fix a Bogut’s state?” Penello was dumbfounded, “I can’t believe it, you can still do this.”

Ye Ting let the girls back up and stood in front of the closet by himself, because when there were a lot of people, Bogut would be at a loss and didn’t know what to turn into.

He waved his hand gently, and the closet opened immediately.

In an instant, what appeared in front of them was a vast expanse of space, a chaos in the space, there was no direction, no time, turbulence and countless cracks that suddenly appeared and disappeared everywhere…

This is an infinite space-time tunnel, and the experience of that period of time really made Ye Ting desperate.

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