The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 901:

Ye Ting nodded.

“To be honest, even I have to admit that, compared to the’Way of Holy Light’ that I have been practicing ten thousand years ago, the’Way of Balance’ is indeed closer to the truth of this universe. You who can understand this truth He must be a truly great wise man. I believe that you will not harm our Draenei clan for no reason.”

Ye Ting smiled bitterly inwardly listening to Vinyl’s flattery.

If it weren’t for him to be a traverser, Velen would have believed it a long time ago.

The so-called “Dao of Balance” essentially comes from the “Dao of Yin and Yang”, and the origin of the “Dao of Yin and Yang” is Lao Zi, the famous alchemist of Kyushu in Xingyue World, which was further interpreted by Zou Yan.

And if you have to get to the bottom of it, then this idea should come from one of the gods of Xingyue Kyushu-Taiqing Moral Heavenly Sovereign.

And he himself is just a porter.

Perhaps noticing the skeptical expression on Ye Ting’s face, Weilun hesitated for a moment, then spoke again:

“Okay, okay, in addition to the reasons just now, the more important reason is that I believe that Yrel-as the patron of the light, she has enough intuition to distinguish the malice of others, but you got her Trust, and the level of this trust is really amazing.”

Speaking of this, Weilun showed a meaningful expression.

Hey, this is old and not repaired.

Chapter 1093: Yrel’s Subordinates

The conversation between Vinyl and Ye Ting did not last long.

After learning about Ye Ting’s identity as a “visitor from another world”, Weilun inferred Ye Ting’s values ​​based on “The Way of Balance” and thus inferred Ye Ting’s purpose for helping the Delaney clan.

Although taking the “Road of Balance” as Ye Ting’s own way of life is nothing but an oolong caused by the identity of the traverser, Weilun’s inference is almost crooked.

Just as he thought, Ye Ting’s purpose was indeed to win draenei’s power for his own use, and at the same time to obtain draenei’s technology and knowledge.

From the day when the three guardian dragons were first brought to the plane of [World of Warcraft] and brought to Azeroth, Ye Ting has forged an indissoluble bond with the planet of Azeroth.

On the one hand, the Titan civilization of Azeroth and the colorful civilizations multiplied by various races are the objects he seeks.

On the other hand, the existence of the previous three guardian dragons, and later the Windrunner sisters, the Barov family, Jaina, and others made him unknowingly become a community of interests with Azeroth, burning The legion naturally became the enemy Ye Ting had to face.

With Ye Ting’s power in the Moon World, it was naturally enough to contend with the Burning Legion, but that power could not be brought to [World of Warcraft].

So in order to defeat the Burning Legion and the Void Lords hiding in the dark, Ye Ting had to unite enough power in addition to being strong.

Whether it is out of aesthetic requirements or preference for technology, Ye Ting really cannot regard ugly and barbaric races such as orcs, trolls, and taurens as allies. But the draenei is obviously not like that.

Whether it was the appearance of the draenei girl or the draenei’s technology and civilization, Ye Ting seemed to be an excellent alliance target. So when he realized that he had reached Draenor before the Dark Portal opened, he began to plan how to draw them in and place them under his command.

Whether it is teaching Yrel to make her the next generation leader of Draenor, or trying to save more draenei, it is his attempt to achieve this goal.

It was precisely seeing Ye Ting’s purpose that Weilun didn’t express any more vigilance towards him – instead, it added to the flames.

Of course, it is undeniable that the existence of the theory of “The Way of Balance” has greatly confused Vinylon. This theory is so perfect and fits reality that Weilun believes that people who don’t really practice this theory can’t create this theory at all.

He really didn’t guess that the mage he was facing was a guy with a low moral bottom line.

Perhaps this is also a manifestation of the innocent side of Vinylon’s character as a scholar-type leader.

After all, it is the kind of prophet who can let the draenei perform a good show of “Farmer and Snake” with the orcs in Draenor.

After getting a satisfactory answer from Ye Ting, Velen didn’t leave Ye Ting much, so Ye Ting left here, returned to Yrel, and got busy with the girl.

Gather your subordinates, arrange tasks, organize civilians, arrange logistics…

Various tasks made Yrel, a girl who was suddenly in a high position, frantic for a while. She had never been in charge of a large organization. She frequently made jokes in the process. Many people were sent by several archbishops. He didn’t want to follow her instructions very much.

But Yrel is Yrel after all, not to mention Ye Ting’s help beside her.

Even though Ye Ting has always claimed to be a mage, he was once an emperor in charge of a great empire with billions of people in charge of a galaxy.

If he is a hero, then he must have inherent skills [leadership], and the skill level must reach the highest “EX”

You know, even the most powerful leader and emperor in the official history of the earth, the highest level that this skill can get is just “A++”.

With such a high level of leadership, he assisted Yrel to deal with the affairs of the draenei with a population of only 100,000.

In this process, the draenei who followed Yrel out of Highmaul played a huge role.

They explained Yrel’s abilities and greatness to everyone, told them of the miracles Yrel had created, and told them of Naruk’uri’s choice, which prompted Yrel to be the “powerful and selfless son of heaven.” The image remained in the hearts of many people, and she won the cooperation of many draenei.

As a spiritual leader, Velen usually does not interfere with Delaney’s actual government affairs. The usual work of the Bishop’s Council, known as the “hand of the prophet”, is to deal with these matters.

However, it is regrettable that even if Vinylon personally leads, due to the different interest groups represented by the archbishops and the prejudice between each other, the parliamentary affairs are still very inefficient, and it is often difficult for the archbishops to do the same thing. Agree on the agreement.

Yrel was given the status of himself only by Vinylon, and every bishop under his command was divided into his own power and handed over to Yrel. Therefore, at this time, the girl’s subordinates almost had a small status. Episcopal Council.

Under Ye Ting’s guidance, Yrel took full advantage of the factional conflicts that existed in the Bishop’s Council. As a leader and adjudicator, he easily grasped this small “Bishop Council” and soon took power. Caught in the hand.

This top-down power control, coupled with the bottom-up propaganda of her followers, allowed Yrel’s leadership to be fully implemented in this small “bishopric council.”

Because Yrel is adhering to the “Way of Balance” that is different from the traditional “Way of Light” of Delaney, she and her faction call themselves the “Light and Shadow Faction” or the “Balance Faction” and are led by Velen himself. , The draenei who stayed in Shattrath are called “Holy Light faction”.

Under the Light and Shadow faction, the leader of all priests is the high-ranking priestess Ishana, who was originally Velen’s deputy, helping him manage the draenei priest (priest) organization Aldo. The priests sent to Yrel were all from Aldor, and they were moderates in Aldor who could accept the power of shadow—the remaining extremes were left in Shattrath.

The leader of the ranger is Dakan, who is the deputy of the bishop Neri in charge of the ranger.

The leader of the garrison is Borus, one of Akama’s deputy. By the way, in the original history, Polus was also the third leader of the garrison after Maraad. Like their superiors, Porus and Dakan have a big contradiction-such contradictions are widespread among rangers and vindicators.

The leader of the technologist is Roml, he is the best one of the disciples and grandchildren of the master Technician Hataru. In the history of Warcraft, he even repaired the spacecraft and counterattacked Shattrath with the army of Azeroth.

The leader of the mage is naturally Ossar himself, besides that, he is also the leader of Shattar and the mayor of Shattrath. He is mainly responsible for organizing the transfer of Shattrath citizens.

In addition, Yrel’s last subordinate, Bishop Maladar, is still in Auchindoun, which is also the destination of their transfer.

It was these people who formed Yrel’s original men.

Chapter 1094 Maraad and Samara

While Shattrath was actively preparing for war, the slaves held in Highmaul flee, and the killing of Kargath Bladefist, chief of the Shattered Palm clan, by a draenei gladiator on the spot was gradually in the tribe. Spread out.

This is the first time that Yrel’s name has been noticed by the tribe’s senior officials. With Kargath as a stepping stone, she has received the tribe’s incomparable attention only once.

Kargath is not a simple character-he is the chief of one of the eight clans of the orcs, and one of the strongest warriors among the orcs.

Such a character was killed by a draenei slave gladiator in a head-on single-handed battle, which caused an uproar in the entire tribe.

It can be said that from top to bottom in the entire tribe, few people don’t know Yrel anymore.

Yrel’s feat made the orcs have to look at Draenego a little bit, and also a little more worried about the upcoming Battle of Shattrath.

But the battle of Shattrath is still unavoidable. Both the tribe and the Burning Legion are waiting for this day to come—they can’t wait to conquer the draenei, to conquer this tribe, Draenor’s greatest power.

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