The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 907:

Sudden change!

Chapter 1100

It seemed that he didn’t want to let Yrel, who was shining with the holy light, touch him. The girl just stretched out her hand, and Deori made a counterattack.

No, it shouldn’t be called Deori, because the real Deori had already died in the spacecraft’s fall. What you see in front of you is just a Naaru corpse with instinctive shadow power—just like that of zombies. Like human beings.

Around the dark star, the power of shadows gathers like a torrent.

In front of Deou, a new shadow crack appeared in the dark sky. This crack was much larger than every one they had seen before.

Dozens of void minions crawled out of the rift and rushed towards the two of them.

In the dark cave, densely packed limbs rushed forward. The sight looked terrifying at first glance. If the average little girl saw it, she might have to faint with fright.

But Yrel is no longer an ordinary girl. The experience in the arena sharpened her will. The void creature in front of her was just waiting for her. She was waving a two-handed warhammer with one hand, just like swinging a racket, and slammed into her eyes. Void minions.

The warhammer containing the power of the holy light slammed into the void minions, and immediately set off a **** storm.

The heavy warhammer, the strange power of the girl, and the holy light that restrains the shadows, under the combination of the three, the shadow minions have no enemies at all, either flying like a tennis ball, or directly smashed into flesh.

As if perceiving the powerlessness of this move, De’Oli finally moved, and its geometric flake shape began to move towards the top of the sky.

At the same time, its core began to condense energy, and then successively released two dark shocks, shooting at the two of them.

“Boom! Boom!”

Two dark shocks hit Ye Ting’s rainbow light magic ball, but failed to break through the defense, just exploded outside the energy wall.

Yrel on the other side also supported the Holy Shield to block the impact of the shadow, but his face was not good-looking, and he shook his head severely.

“Damn it, don’t babble in my old lady’s head!”

Like the Holy Light, the power of shadow is not pure energy, but has an “emotional” component. Therefore, the power of shadow also has the characteristics of affecting the mind. But facing Yrel, who has mastered the “Way of Balance”, the temptation from “Deori” can’t shake her mind.

In other words, even if the princes of the void make their own efforts, unless they can come up with a theory that is far more persuasive than the “Way of Balance”, all the temptations to be drawn to Yrel will have the effect of giving her a headache for a while.

But such inducing temptation is not useless.

The most annoying bugs are not the deadly poisons, but flies-sometimes flies are even more annoying than mosquitoes.

Although it doesn’t bite you, it bothers you.

The attack directly on Yrel’s mind is like a mortal fly, and the place where it flies is in Yrel’s head, which is doubly annoying.

Seeing that the two attacks failed to defeat Yrel, De’Oli naturally wanted to make persistent efforts and continue to shoot.

After receiving dozens of shadow shocks one after another, Yrel was finally annoying, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, holding the warhammer, flapping his wings, and directly heading towards De’Oli.

Holy Light and Shadow are mortal enemies. Although Deori has lost his will, as a shadow being, it can instinctively make it resist.

Deori released dozens of shadow shocks at the same time. In addition, dark chains shot out around it, surrounding Yrel.

Facing the impact of shadows from all directions, Yrel didn’t even care about it. He didn’t even have the consciousness of dodge at all. He just pulled the speed to the maximum and rushed towards Deori.

In her eyes, there is only one enemy, and that is Deori.

“Holy Storm!”

Just as the shadow impact and the dark chains were about to be added, the surging power of the holy light gushed out from Yrel’s body.

The golden energy just filled every inch of space around the girl in an instant, and the energy storm swept away, and any shadow impact and dark chains were instantly dissipated by it.

Then, the golden storm spread to dozens of meters away, and even Deori was affected by it, causing his actions to stagnate in an instant.

Yrel immediately seized this opportunity, and instantly leaped to De’Oli’s side, and the warhammer slammed on it, causing a few more cracks in his broken body.

Ye Ting believed that when the hammer went down, the shadow creature would have to stagnate for a few seconds even if it had that ability.

Taking advantage of the moment when this shadow creature was temporarily subdued, Ye Ting also moved.

Different from the instant cast before, this time Ye Ting finally chanted the spell during the cast, and at the same time made various gestures in his hand.

Yrel leaned close to him to eavesdrop on the spell he was chanting, trying to hear what language he was speaking, but the only thing she could hear was the monotonous tones that resembled the buzzing of bees.

“What kind of spell is this? Do you imitate a bee?”

Yrel said that she couldn’t understand. She had also seen draenei mages and astrologers use arcane magic, but the syllables spoken by those mages in their spells were all clear, and no one would chant spells like this.

Ye Ting just chanted a spell on his own without answering.

What Yrel didn’t know was that Ye Ting actually had a good spell chanting, but in the process of chanting, he used a spellcasting technique called “High Speed ​​God Words”.

This is derived from the spellcasting skills of the Gods of the Moon World, which can activate the spellcasting skills of the great magic in a project of time. Assist the skills of magic chanting.

Normally, the larger the scale of the magic, the more lengthy chanting is required. However, through this skill, the chanting can be greatly shortened, and the pronunciation of the lengthy mantra can be compressed into a single vocal cord vibration. Each note can be chanted within milliseconds, and all the syllables are superimposed together, as if a song of a few minutes was compressed into a few seconds.

The hearing and brain of others cannot judge the content of the syllable at all, and will treat it as a meaningless buzzing sound.

With Ye Ting’s high-speed chanting, one magic seal was imposed on the unresistible Naaru wreck. Just a few seconds later, this terrifying shadow creature was sealed with the energy of the whole body and became A harmless “artwork”.

With such an ability, even Gul’dan would have to be perverted when he heard it—he captured the Dark Star but used the power of the Shadow Council and spent a long time preparing. Dozens of warlocks joined forces to cast spells and tossed for a long time. It was successful.

As the wreck of Deori was sealed, Auchinton’s environment changed abruptly.

Although the earth was not turned upside down immediately, the keen soul priests all felt that the shadow energy in the environment began to slowly decay.

Of course, because of the existence of the void created by Deori, Auchindoun’s shadow environment wants to attenuate to the point where it cannot maintain the function of the “pseudo-shadow realm” for at least a week. In other words, within a week, Ye Ting and Yrel had to find a substitute for De’Oli.

But now, the energy of the two is focused on how to use the “Dark Star” No. 2 Yin Orc with one hand.

Chapter 1101

Talador, outside Shattrath City.

The mighty army of orcs set off from Kil’jaeden Throne and went through a two-day journey, contributing several draenei cities and villages along the way—most of them were already empty—finally saw their ultimate goal. .

Shattrath, the magnificent giant city that was erected hundreds of years ago, and the races that live in the city are far more civilized than theirs.

After drinking the fallen blood, the orc tribe at this time is no longer the original red-brown.

Replaced by a green ocean.

Here, green no longer represents nature and harmony, but chaos and evil energy.

Fallen blood makes the orcs stronger and more bloodthirsty.

Under the influence of Fallen Blood, they had already lost the last trace of their sanity. They just took a break and couldn’t wait to attack Shattrath.

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