The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 916:

At this time, the man was crying on stage, and hundreds of people in the audience shed tears!

Long before the orcs officially started the war with the draenei, they often plundered caravans, so more than one or two people lost their loved ones.

In fact, the younger sister of Yrel’s boyfriend Maraad was also captured at that time, but she was not taken as a sacrifice, but she had a more tragic experience-this is how her daughter Garona was born. of.

After that, many people came to the stage crying about their own experiences. Among them were the rangers in the wilderness, the diligent technicians, and the garrison officers who protected others, but the most were ordinary civilians. Without exception, these people suffered a great loss because of Delaney’s appeasement policy, or they had relatives or friends who lost their lives.

At this time, more and more people participated in the discussion, and there seemed to be a sympathy among the crowd, which was a question of the “appeasement policy” and the “way of the holy light”.

Even the most stalwart believers of the Holy Light began to doubt the correctness of the Way of the Holy Light in this situation.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Yrel finally slowly stepped onto the stage.

Chapter 1111 Complaints Conference (3)

Standing on the high platform, Yrel looked around and found that everyone was deeply in the same emotion.

It was sadness, regret, resentment, and even more puzzlement.

It’s time for the fire to come, and it’s time for her to end.


Yrel coughed slightly, attracting people’s attention.

Only when everyone was looking at her did the Auchinton’s highest commander speak.

“I heard a lot in everyone’s self-reports. I heard the suffering of the draenei, heard everyone’s complaints, and heard everyone’s dissatisfaction and incomprehension about the status quo.”

“Draenei inherited from the magic race Eredar. Once we created a glorious magical civilization, and after meeting Naaru, we got more advanced technology and powerful Holy Light from Naaru. Although we have to avoid the Burning Legion like this, it does not change our greatness.”

No one is unwilling to be proud of his nation, and no one does not want to prove that he is excellent. Her words were immediately recognized by many draenei.

In fact, this is a manifestation of nationalism.

The popularity of “The Way of the Holy Light” can easily lead to the proliferation of ideas similar to “white left” and “internationalism”. Ye Ting has long been aware of this. Therefore, he believes that the Delaney needs some “nationalism” as a medium. And to suppress those thoughts that are too “Mother”.

At the very least, these “Mothers” thoughts should not be used on the like-minded orcs, but should be used on humans, elves and other races as far away as Azeroth.

At least, Ye Ting, who is a “yan control”, thinks so.

Therefore, under Ye Ting’s teaching, Yrel also used this method.

“The draenei have always been a highly developed civilized race. We descended on Draenor, this wild planet, and brought the brilliance of civilization to this planet.”

“We did not abuse our power to conquer the planet by force and enslave the backward barbarians-we could have done so. We used kindness to the local races and tried to live in harmony with them by following the path of the Holy Light, but we Did not get a good return.”

“Now, we have paid the price of blood for our kindness.”

“Why is this? Is our kindness wrong? Is our way of light wrong?”

“I want to say, yes!”

“The Way of the Holy Light is not completely wrong, but the facts prove that the Holy Light also has its limitations!”

“The Holy Light has taught us goodness and harmony, but it has not taught us defense and vigilance, let alone iron and blood!”

“Today, we are standing here! Standing in the land of the draenei! Standing in Auchindoun, the land where we buried our ancestors!”

“But I saw that in front of me, standing in front of me was a race moaning in humiliation! Standing in front of me was a race that seemed extremely weak because of the way of the light!”

“After the war at the Karabor Temple is over, the pride of our race is gone! Those savage victors ride on our necks to dominate. Those backward races that have only been slashed and burned, nomadic, fished and hunted for thousands of years, Actually can trample on our dignity at will, the dignity of a noble race that once crisscrossed the stars!”

“You tell me, do you choose to stand up like our predecessors against the Burning Legion, or do you want to weaken and become a slave?!”

“You may want to say: Commander Yrel, we have believed in the Holy Light for ten thousand years. The Holy Light has penetrated into our lives. Yes, you are right. The Way of the Holy Light is so important to us. Yes. But I want to tell you. There is another thing in this world that is more important than the way of the light, that is freedom! That is dignity!”

“As long as the banner of the orcs is still flying over Karabor and Tymor for a day, our dignity does not exist! As long as those orcs and ogres dominate our homeland, our dignity does not exist! As long as it is in Draenor On the territory of the draenei, this race called draenei is on the safe side and weak. Our dignity does not exist! As long as people of other races talk about the word draenei, they will laugh with contempt. Sound, our dignity does not exist!”

“What we need is not the idea of ​​weakness and retreat, nor the idea of ​​appeasement and tolerance-even because of this, we have escaped the burning legion’s poisonous hands. What we need is freedom, dignity, and freedom and dignity do not rely on the way of the Holy Light It is achieved by iron and blood!”

“Other races insult us, even the weakest race will trample on us, we will only shout: We express strong indignation and protest, such a race. There is no bones! Such a race is lowly! We! The cold light of the warhammer should be used to make the enemy tremble! We should crush their dignity and life, let them know that we are not a group of cowards who only know how to protest!”

“You must remember that a race that only knows how to protest and retreat is a race without bones! A faith that only knows how to protest and retreat is a faith without bones! When our dignity, territory, and living space are trampled on At that time, this kind of faith that only teaches us to protest and retreat, we don’t need it! You will eventually abandon them!”

“I am very proud. Among you people, there are few people without bones like this! In front of me, there is a legion with ten thousand years of unyielding blood! This blood used to flow in the blood vessels of our ancestors, They have not succumbed to the Burning Legion! Now, they are gurgling in our bodies, you tell me. Would you like it to cool down!?”

“The power in this universe is not only the holy light, there are shadows under the holy light. The holy light and the shadow are not hostile, but one. That is the perfection of the world when there is light and shadow. Following the Holy Light and enduring all the difficulties, now we must take up the weapons of the shadow! In Auchindoun today, nothing can save our race, only the power of the shadow! Only the power of balance!”

“For a long time, the draenei have regarded the power of shadow as unknown. But if one day, I, Yrel, can only save the draenei by using the power of shadow, then even if the cost is death, I will smile. Use this power! Only in this way, after I die, I can walk to the glorious ancestors of the draenei with my head held high, and proudly say to them: I, your children and grandchildren, did not shame you, I I shed the last drop of blood for the great draenei!”

“We do not use this power for slavery and conquest! We plunge into light and darkness for freedom! We are not machines, not beasts and horses, we are human beings! We are draenei who have never succumbed!”

“We should follow the balance of light and shadow, and fight for a new and fair world! We fight for the freedom and life of the draenei! Fight for those who enslave us out of the draenei land Fight because we don’t need to shout and protest all day! Fight for our dignity! Fight for our promise!”

“Fight to liberate this race! Draenei, we fight for the glory of our ancestors! For our children and grandchildren to be able to proudly propagate: We are the draenei who never surrendered!”

“My fellow citizens, long live the draenei! Freedom, long live!”

Chapter 1112

This conference, Yrel’s speech to the draenei at this conference has a profound impact on the draenei.

The grievance conference easily adopted empathy and conformity, so that the defects of the “Path of Light” were exposed to the draenei civilians in the fastest and easiest way, and the draenei gave birth to a wide range of rights. The suspicion of “The Way of the Holy Light” made the “Way of Balance” easily replaced and became the new belief and choice of the Delaney people.

The adaptation of a speech by a certain German leader from Blue Star made these World of Warcraft “Germans” (Draenei’s nickname) empathize and feel excited. The brilliance of the speech is that it binds nationalism and the “Way of Balance” together. Through the encouragement of “Nationalism”, the Delaney people let go of the “Way of Light” that represents internationalism.

It can be said that the red party’s “complaint meeting” and the mustache speech, these two killer features from Blue Star’s communication science, each of which is used separately, is placed in the development of spiritual civilization relative to the blue star Delais. Among the Nigerians, they are all considered as dimensionality reduction blows.

Now that the two are used together, it has the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

According to Yrel’s statistics, at least one-third of the soldiers and civilians who participated in the convention abandoned the Way of the Holy Light on the same day and converted to the Way of Balance, which can be described as an immediate effect.

The remaining two thirds also joined the ranks of the way of balance in the following days. Most of the other people who do not believe in the way of balance are astrologers who study magic, and unbelievers who did not believe in the light in the past-but even these people are more inclined to the way of balance in their hearts.

Even Yrel himself was terrified by Ye Ting’s effect.

In fact, only Ye Ting knows that whether it is a grievance meeting or a mustache speech, the reason why it can be quickly and widely converted is not based on a solid theoretical foundation and advanced ideology.

Its essence is a routine similar to PUA.

After all, no matter how perfect the theoretical basis is, no matter how the “Balanced Way” or some blue star doctrines are, it is beyond the understanding of ordinary people. Therefore, in terms of propaganda, you cannot rely on the advanced nature of the theory alone to attract people-but to attract people. Find a way to break people’s inertial thinking, disintegrate what they originally believed in, and replace it.

And its true essence is to “create anxiety”, or to put it better-expose anxiety.

In this regard, certain consumerism and modern media propaganda have similarities.

However, relatively speaking, PUA and modern consumerism “manufacture” consumption, and the facts are much higher. Regardless of whether it is the grievance meeting of Yrel or the red party, or the speech of Mustache, it is more revealing that there is real anxiety.

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