The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 93

However, even so, Ye Ting cannot change the history of Harry Potter’s world, because Ye Ting itself has his “personal history.”

Each individual has his own personal history, and for those who have the ability to enter the chaos and cross the world, personal history is the shackles on them, limiting them and preventing them from doing whatever they want.

Just as in the world, the history of the world is established. For these transversals-no, for any individual, their own history cannot be changed.

Every time they enter a world, this world will be connected with their personal history. Even the traversers cannot change their own history. That is to say, for every world they cross into, the time point they choose when crossing is particularly important, because all the future of this world after this point in time is crossing over. The future of the person himself needs to be created by himself; and the history before this point in time, the traveler can no longer change, because changing the history of this world is changing his own history, and the outcome is either “change” into “history” Part of it is either that it disappears before the “change” is caused, making the change impossible.

And another question is, how many existences have the ability to enter the Chaos Sea?

Perhaps, before Ye Ting, there was none at all.

In other words, even if there are many powerful men who have broken through the world and successfully entered the Chaos Sea, none of them will be able to successfully enter other worlds.

Because the sea of ​​chaos basically has no entrance but no exit.

The illogical turbulence of time and space cannot be resisted anyway, and there is only one way of destruction when involved. Whether it is a **** or a demon king, whether it is a warrior or a magician, there are no exceptions-except for Ye Ting, a unique ordinary person.

Having said so much, it was actually because Ye Ting had already started the research on time travel.

Although the progress is not fast, but because of Ye Ting’s wisdom and his own talent for time and space, he can be sure that there will definitely be results within a year.

At Hogwarts, there are not many courses that can interest Ye Ting, but out of respect for the professors and to enjoy the fun of the student days, Ye Ting will enter the classroom with other little wizards.

But his respect also only ends here. In most of the classrooms, he will not take into account the content of the professors and focus on his own research and learning, and the professors are also happy to do so, after all, let a level not lower than his own It is also quite stressful for people to listen to their own lessons-in case something goes wrong, it is yourself that makes a fool of yourself.

For the elective courses of this semester, most of Ye Ting has no interest-divination and arithmetic divination are useless to him, because for a traveler like him, all futures deviate from the established timeline, so predicting is basically equal to opening your eyes. Blind; in his eyes, Muggle studies are just telling the ridiculous prejudice of wizards towards Muggles…

Only the ancient magic text and the protection of magical creatures still have some meaning in his eyes. The former is because Professor Bathsida Babling is indeed a rare master of ancient magic texts. In this regard, Ye Ting can communicate with her to a certain extent; The latter is pure interest. As a dangerous creature lover, Hagrid can indeed allow him to see some interesting magical creatures.

However, the divination class that Ye Ting didn’t like did bring him some fun.

In Professor McGonagall’s transformation class, Professor McGonagall was teaching them about Animagus and when she talked about the history of Animagus, she proudly mentioned that his student, Ye Ting became Animagus, the first magical creature in history. Later, she turned into a tabby cat in full view, with traces of glasses around her eyes.

However, the little wizards responded very little, which made her very dissatisfied.

“Seriously, what happened to you today?” Professor McGonagall said, accompanied by a slight pop. She has changed back to her original form and looked around at these students, “It doesn’t matter, but my transformation did not win the applause of the whole class. This is the first time.”

Everyone’s heads turned to Harry again, but no one spoke. Hermione raised her hand at this moment.

“Professor, we just took a divination class, we read tea, and…”

“Ah, of course,” said Professor McGonagall, frowning suddenly. “There is no need to go on, Miss Granger. Tell me, who of you will die this year?”

Everyone stared at her.

“Me.” Harry said at last.

“Understood.” Professor McGonagall said, her small round eyes staring at Harry. “Then, Potter, you should know that Sybil Trelawney has predicted one every year since she came to this school. The student died. So far none of them has died…”

There was a sneer from the audience.

“Oh, Mr. Ye, I just talked about you just now,” Professor McGonagall looked at Ye Ting who was laughing, and asked gently, “It seems that you have some objections, so what are your opinions?”

“I think Professor Trelawney’s prediction is quite accurate.” Ye Ting’s words caused an uproar. Hermione looked at him in shock because it was only an hour ago that Ye Ting told her that he did not choose the divination class because of him. I feel that the future is completely unpredictable, his future will be created by himself, but now…

However, Ye Ting’s next words made her laugh.

“As everyone knows, people will always die, either today or tomorrow, maybe after you are old, but as long as people will die, then Professor Trelawney’s prediction is accurate, isn’t it?”

A roar of laughter broke out in class.

Professor McGonagall also laughed, and then she said to Harry with a very pragmatic emphasis: “I think you are extremely healthy, Potter, so if I don’t let you off with your homework today, don’t you Blame me. I promise, if you die, you won’t have to hand in this homework.”

Item 0129

In the afternoon, the class of protecting magical creatures is Hagrid’s first class, and the content is about getting to know the eagle-headed horse-body winged beast.

The name of this animal is very long and sounds very strange, but in fact, their life experience is very simple-they are the offspring of male griffins and mares. Their heads, wings, and front legs resemble griffins, but their backs resemble horses.

Such crossbreeding is very difficult, because griffins have always despised horses and feed on horses, which makes their existence extremely rare-after all, not everyone can mate with their own food. In the Middle Ages, there was a Muggle proverb: “Match a griffin and a horse.” It means that there is no possibility.

In addition, this creature has another short name-Junying.

According to legend, Astorfo, one of the Twelve Warriors of Charlie, obtained the eagle from the wizard.

Ye Ting was very interested in this arrogant creature. Hagrid brought twelve eagle-headed horse-winged beasts, and told them that to get close to a eagle-headed horse-winged beast, the first step is to bow and at the same time Keep eye contact with it; if it also bows to you in return, you can touch it, or even ride it.

Harry was the first to salute the eagle-headed horse-winged beast, and successfully rode one of them, which gave him a burst of cheers in Gryffindor.

Ye Ting also stepped forward, but before he could make any moves, these eagle-headed horse-body and winged beasts fell to the ground in front of him. Today, Ye Ting is already proficient in applying certain dragons. Some abilities, for example, Longwei.

As soon as Long Wei came out, these ordinary magical creatures seemed to be stared at by natural enemies, and they didn’t even dare to move.

So, under such circumstances, Ye Ting rode one around smoothly, and forced another eagle-headed horse with winged beasts to carry Hermione around. This weird scene made Hager great. Startled, even he has never made them so docile.

Perhaps it was deceived by Ye Ting’s example, the little wizards obviously underestimated the danger of the eagle-headed horse-winged beast. But most people still deal with these animals in strict accordance with Hagrid’s requirements based on respect for the professor, except for Malfoy.

This little snake looks down on Hagrid, the half-blood giant, or Muggle-born Hermione and Ye Ting-even though they both crushed Malfoy in magic-at the same time, he and Harry Bo Especially mortal enemy.

In other words, in the class of people he doesn’t like, his mortal enemy and the other two Muggles he doesn’t like can actually ride such a beast, so why can’t he, with noble blood, do it?

Then, the accident happened.

The stupid Malfoy actually spoke insults when facing this XXX magical creature.

“You are not dangerous, you ugly big beast!”

The next second, the steel gray claw waved. Malfoy let out a scream and curled up on the grass. There is a blood stain on the robe.

Ye Ting shook his head helplessly. People can’t die unless they die.

However, Hagrid and the eagle-headed horse-winged beast also had to face a bad fate. After all, with the arrogance of the wizards, the magical creatures who dare to harm the wizard must be punished. Look at the exaggerated fountain of the Ministry of Magic. The statue knows it—especially Malfoy’s father is a powerful pure-blood wizard.

However, Ye Ting couldn’t do anything at the moment. After all, Hagrid himself was a little careless. He liked the dangerous magical creatures so much that he regarded the little wizards as the same people as himself.

Compared with Hagrid’s failure, another new teacher, Remus Lupin, a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, was much more successful.

In fact, the little wizards’ first impression of him was not very good. During the first class, everyone found that Professor Lupin’s clothes were patched and the suitcase he carried was also in tatters.

Because of this outfit, some little wizards, especially the students of Slytherin, began to look a little lightly at him.

In Ye Ting’s eyes, the new professor was actually pretty good, if he didn’t have the thick aging lines on his forehead and shaved the messy beard on his cheeks.

But for a werewolf who is not popular anywhere and struggles to survive every day because of food and clothing, these are undoubtedly extravagant desires.

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