The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 955:

“Boom boom boom——”

The majestic drums of war have also been played.

After that, countless shouts of curses and axes hitting the shield sounded.

“So, the final battle is about to begin.”

On the city wall, Yrel’s eyes contained a firm will. After fighting the orcs for so long, she naturally understood what the scene in front of her meant, but she was fearless.

Including the several archbishops behind her, no one noticed a trace of scheming pleasure flashing in the eyes of the Delaney Archon.

“Get ready to fight! My compatriots, for the lives of the people! For our freedom! For the sacred Kara!!!” Yrel turned his head, looked at the draenei under the wall, and raised his hand. Warhammer.

The archon screamed, her voice echoed on the battlefield.

“May the sacred Kara grant us victory!!”

Countless draenei responded loudly.

In this months-long war, Yrel has fully proved that he is competent for the post of consul. She is no longer the little girl who had been suspected of having no foundation in her new appointment.

It is different from Velen, who has stayed in the prayer room for a long time, is accompanied by magic and illusion, and always tries to find a way out for the draenei from the endless future. Yrel never thinks too much about the illusory future, she only grasps the present.

Therefore, compared to the wise and unpredictable Vinylon in the eyes of the public, Yrel, who was born in ordinary people, is undoubtedly more vivid and more intimate, and her prestige is not the same as that of Vinylon.

While galloping on the battlefield, she has saved her compatriots from fire and water countless times, turned defeat into victory countless times, and slashed terrifying enemies under her warhammer countless times.

In this special era, she has successfully carved a deep impression on the hearts of the draenei-she is a leader who brings about change and victory.

In history, this kind of leaders who thrived in the army tended to have the highest prestige in the army, and now the Draenei clan is already a soldier.

Now, facing the endless army of orcs, in the eyes of the draenei, Yrel’s presence represented their confidence in victory.

Under the city wall, the mighty orc army has already begun to march.

Although the entire Draenor was conquered, this did not mean that the tribe had established a glorious civilization.

On the contrary, they are still a barbarian faction until now. They rule Draenor and treat all other races as their slaves, just like the Mongols before—the only thing they are more successful than Mongols is that they are better than Mongols. Can produce.

But even with the barbarians, they still learned something in the long war.

For example, many orcs have formed huge phalanxes under the command of their chiefs. Each orc is holding a shield, and the shields form a tight shield wall, seemingly wanting to defend Drai. The gunfire of the Nepalese.

The draenei had never seen this scene, and obviously the orcs in front of them were much more elite than those in the past.

But even if these “elite” orcs use shields to form a powerful formation, this can’t conceal their poorly crafted equipment and messy teams. The entire shield wall is uneven, and there are even many holes visible to the naked eye.

“Huh! These savage greenskins can stand in this kind of queue, forming such a formation is already great.” Ranger Archbishop Nellie said disdainfully, looking at the orc’s scattered formation.

Yrel nodded in agreement.

For a moment, she really wanted to order all the Immortals and the Photon Cannon to be fully fired.

These stupid orcs didn’t even understand what was going on with their crystal focus cannon. They seemed to think it was some kind of enhanced crossbow, javelin, or catapult.

The dense crowd in front of the shield array is completely the best target for draenei’s artillery fire.

Yrel believed that as long as she gave orders, the infinite artillery fire would definitely engulf these people instantly and severely damage the elite of these orcs.

But after thinking of her plan, she chose to give up this opportunity.

Therefore, in the face of such an offensive, the photon cannon and the immortal on the city’s head only sparsely fired at the farther army, and the draenei rangers’ arrows were used to deal with the shield formation in front of them.

Chapter 1156 Magic Cannon

Compared with the Crystal Focus Cannon, the armor-breaking and shield-breaking ability of bows and arrows is naturally much weaker, but even so, the rangers still caused serious damage to the orcs hiding behind the amateur shield wall.

Through the huge gap in the shield wall, many orcs were hit by arrows, and some of them were unable to hold their shields under the impact of the arrows. Soon, there were screams in the phalanx, and the formation was shaken. An orc chief stood in the army and shouted, “Don’t move! Don’t move!”

Under the command of the chief and the team leaders, these orcs quickly stabilized their position. Although people were still killed by arrows, the deaths of their compatriots did not scare them. The intrepid orcs still maintained their formation, following the front row of soldiers advancing at the same pace.

Of course, the orcs would not be willing to be beaten in vain. Compared with humans, elves, and draenei, the more savage orcs do not have a large number of archers, and most of their long-range archers are axe throwers and spear throwers. Javelins and throwing axes are more powerful than bows and arrows, but they cannot compete with archers in terms of range and accuracy, not to mention that the draenei have a high degree of advantage.

As a result, the orcs had to try to bombard the tower with their crude trebuchets as usual.

But the catapult is too primitive and backward, and its power is still not comparable to the more primitive artillery, let alone the draenei’s photon turrets-even though their catapults are all ammunition “processed” by warlocks, they are still Unable to break through the shield of Shattrath.

The draenei people seemed to be accustomed to the powerlessness of the orcs’ firepower, and did not specifically take care of the trebuchets, but instead used their sparser artillery fire to directly kill the orcs.

But this time, they were wrong.

I saw that in the green area, several giants that were not wooden, but metal structures emerged.

From a distance, it was a metal weapon with a hideous appearance. The black metal was cast into huge demon goat-headed skeletons. The skeletons opened their mouths with pipes over one meter in diameter. It is clearly a cannon.

But unlike ordinary gunpowder cannons, these cannons do not require any gunpowder to start. From the green light radiating from the texture of the cannon surface, it can be seen that the power of these cannons comes from fel energy.

When Yrel saw this, his face immediately became ugly.

She could be sure that the orcs would never have the craftsmanship enough to forge these cannons.

Her guess is correct.

Because these cannons are not the property of the tribe, but the gifts from the devil-they are the famous weapons of the Burning Legion in the process of conquering countless worlds: the magic artillery.

As a generation of draenei born in Draenor, Yrel did not know the magic artillery, but this did not prevent her from making a judgment: “Immortal, Photon Cannon, set fire to those artillery, don’t let them fire!”

For a long time, in the eyes of the tribe, the magical barrier and artillery fire of the draenei was their biggest trouble, and they never found a suitable solution.

In order to ensure the victory of this crucial battle, Gul’dan took the risk of disappointing Kil’jaeden and asked his superiors for help, and Kil’jaeden gave him these magic cannons.

In order to prevent accidents, Gul’dan did not deploy the magic cannon early, but hid it in the army. At the same time, he sacrificed a lot in the battle and used a dense formation to attract the enemy’s firepower. The use of magic artillery is maximized.

It can be said that as a commander on the battlefield, Yrel’s decision is very good and decisive, but due to the tribe’s mental arithmetic and unwillingness, her decision is still a step too late.

The ogre slave quickly stuffed the fel cannon into the magic cannon, and the muzzle that looked like an abyss that was about to swallow everything quickly made a deafening roar.

Looking from the city wall, I saw that the green one was still in the middle. Suddenly, several green arcs were shot directly towards the city.

“Boom boom boom—”

Fel cannonballs exploded at the head of the city, and green fireworks mixed with Fel energy covered the sky, but the draenei at the head of the city had no casualties.

It was Shattrath’s magical barrier that helped them stop this deadly attack.

But the draenei’s face was not pretty.

Because after this round of artillery fire, the magic barrier that had appeared from time to time became more transparent, and it was obviously greatly weakened under the artillery fire.

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