The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 966:

“Damn, we were deceived!”

Before Black Hand spoke, Gul’dan on the side cursed in a low voice.

“This group of blue skins is indeed treacherous, and they have been planning for a long time.” Orgrim, the adjutant of the warchief, also said solemnly: “On the surface, they resisted resolutely when we attacked Shattrath, which made us mistaken. Thought they were going to stick to it to the end.

But in fact, these cowardly guys have long found a way out. The so-called resolute resistance is nothing but a performance-I have to say, the leader of Delaney, that little girl is indeed a ruthless person, in order to complete well. In this performance, she sacrificed a large number of soldiers, and even almost caught herself… Then, she succeeded. ”

“Damn it, I must cut off her head by myself!” Hearing the name of the enemy, the black hand yelled, then, as if thinking of something, he looked at Gul’dan: “Where is Auchindoun? Over there? Do you have any news about these blue skins?”

Hearing this, Gul’dan didn’t answer, but took out a terrifying skeleton emitting a bright green light-that was one of his magical weapons-and then muttered a word, as if he was communicating with someone.

Soon, his face changed drastically.

“Damn it, there was news from Auchindoun, that city has become an empty city, and the draenei people there, like those in Shattrath, disappeared last night during our chaos.”

“What? The draenei of Auchindoun also disappeared!?”

Upon hearing this news, the tribal leaders and chiefs present looked at each other, not knowing how to evaluate this seemingly absurd information.

That is a draenei with more than one hundred thousand people, not one hundred thousand ants, how could they all disappear overnight?

And now the entire Draenor is the territory of the tribe, the spies of the tribe are everywhere, but no matter where the spies did not bring news of the appearance of the draenei, so many draenei, where can they go? Woolen cloth?

More importantly, although the Horde has been on the offensive against Shattrath and Auchindoun for a long time, there has been no progress, and it has lost its troops. But now that their enemies disappeared out of thin air, and Shattrath and Auchindoun went down without a fight, is this war counted as a victory for them?

In the tribe’s big tent, the chiefs were speechless, only the black hands were furious.

“Coward! Coward! You blue-skinned coward! You ran away like this before I personally cut off your head? You don’t deserve to be my opponent! You coward!”

Then, the warchief turned to his men.

“Everyone find it for me, in Shattrath, in Auchindoun, anywhere in Draenor, find it for me! Even if you dig three feet, you must find those **** blue skins, and I will let them escape. The cowards pay the price!”

Under the order of the black hand, the entire tribe moved into action. Hundreds of thousands of orc warriors were dispatched. The search lasted for several months, and they almost ploughed the entire Draenor.

But no matter whether it was Blackhand, Gul’dan, or Kil’jaeden, no one found traces of the Draenei. This race seemed to have evaporated from the world, completely disappearing on the planet of Draenor.

This result naturally angered the black hand who was determined to revenge, but Kil’jaeden himself was even more angry.

The commander of the Burning Legion made an incomparably brilliant plan for revenge, and once brought his enemies to a desperate situation, but when he thought he could complete this revenge, the enemy who was clearly about to fall into defeat disappeared out of thin air. .

The feeling of a charged punch on cotton is extremely uncomfortable, and to make matters worse, the self-proclaimed resourceful Kil’jaeden has a feeling of being fooled.

Ye Ting and Yrel’s plan not only deceived the orcs, but also deceived Kil’jaeden. The draenei’s resolute resistance made Kil’jaeden careless. The fraudster did not realize the intention of the draenei to escape from Draenor, which directly caused the Burning Legion’s fleet to fail to leave Germany in the repaired Ginidal. Intercepted the spacecraft at the time of Rano.

At this moment, this spacecraft, which originated from the Naaru clan and was completely transformed by Ye Ting, has already left the planet of Draenor, and even left this time and space-in order to be able to request the tracking of the Burning Legion, it will arrive in the shortest possible time. In Azeroth, Ye Ting activated the magic of jumping over time. This spacecraft has already crossed time and space and came to the sky over Azeroth in the near future.

In that era, Azeroth also happened to usher in a new change.

Chapter 1169

Although it is located in the northernmost part of the entire Eastern Kingdom mainland, Quel’Thalas is not the coldest place in the entire Eastern Kingdom as ordinary people imagine.

Contrary to the facts, under the influence of magic, Quel’Thalas is like spring all year round, and only three months a year can feel a little chill. Even in the twelfth lunar month of winter, when Lordaeron, the human kingdom adjacent to this high elven kingdom, was already covered in silver, the weather here was just like warm spring skipping midsummer and entering late autumn a little bit.

It always seems to be shrouded in sunlight and vitality. The spring days here are so long that the crops here can reach three or even four crops a year. This fully compensates for the elves’ enthusiasm for the forest. Even if the forest is not reclaimed for a long time, and only a small amount of farmland is maintained, it is enough to supply the country’s food rations-and there is even room to grow various fruits, herbs and other cash crops.

Although the population is sparse, but with a long lifespan and superb magic level, Quel’Thalas possesses strength far surpassing those human countries whose population exceeds her by several or even dozens of times, maintaining a transcendent status for a long time. For thousands of years, only the Amani trolls entrenched in the Jungle of Zuaman in the southeast of Quel’Thalas can bring some trouble to this country.

However, even the Amani trolls can no longer threaten the peace and tranquility of this paradise country.

As early as fourteen years ago, the fourth year after the opening of the dark door that changed the entire history of Azeroth.

With the efforts of the high elves and their two allies: Wildhammer Dwarves and humans, the last Amani troll was wiped out in the jungle of Zul’aman, Quel’Thalas was finally eliminated.

Then, the alliance defeated the enemy from another world-the orcs.

Since then, Azeroth has finally returned to peace once again, at least in Quel’Thalas.

In a blink of an eye, fourteen years have passed.

For human beings, fourteen years is a long time. Fourteen years is enough for a generation to share the burden of the parents from birth to grow up and become a new force… But for the high elves who live for thousands of years In other words, fourteen years is just a passing moment.

But even the harshest high elves had to admit that this was the most peaceful fourteen years they had spent.

Without the constant troubles from the border, the news of those pesky green-skin monsters, the sad deaths and obituaries, even the rangers patrolling the border were lazy.

Even the big figures in the Silvermoon Council said that this is the beginning of the best age of the high elves, and they have won at least a generation of peace for their descendants.

Indeed, under the influence of Ye Ting, history has been changed. The high elves did not experience the joint attack of the orcs and the trolls, the tragic massacre, even the fiercest moment of the orc war, the war. It still happened thousands of miles away, far away from this fertile soil.

But I don’t know when, the smoke of war with the breath of death once again quietly shrouded the top of this country.

But arrogance and obscurity leave the elves ignorant.

No, they are not completely ignorant-at least in the folks.

At night, the garden market in Silvermoon City is still very lively. In Quel’Thalas, a highly developed civilization, the high elves have a rich nightlife far beyond human imagination. Although the high elves are not as wild and alcoholic as the dwarves, there are still many taverns and a rich tavern culture. Even the self-proclaimed civilized high elves will show their enthusiasm and wild side in the lively tavern.

Of course, like other cities and countries, these taverns are also a collection and distribution center for gossip. As the most mixed place in the entire city, all kinds of news from the entire Azeroth gathered here, spreading from the small chats of the citizens, the bragging of sailors, and the chants of bards.

These news are mixed, making it impossible to tell. Some people will be stunned for a while, and some will treat them all as jokes, but the smartest people can extract the most true intelligence from countless strange and strange news.

Traveler’s Dreamland is one of the most popular taverns and hotels in Silvermoon City. Through the solid wooden doors of the tavern, the interior of the tavern is as lively as usual, like a party scene: wooden tables and chairs are placed chaotically, people Enjoying exchanges in the hotel, sipping fruit wine and barley wine, the hotel owner and attendants constantly bring out a variety of food and wine from the bar, the fire in the fireplace is burning, and the thick meat is stewed in the oven The heat of soup, broth wafted continuously in the interior of the tavern.

Even the elegant elves became lively in such an atmosphere. There were two drunk guys hugged by the bonfire in the center of the venue, dancing with the joyous singing of the bard and dancing of human beings-that was A quick-step tap dance, not as elegant as an elf dance, but full of movement.

In addition to elves, there are also humans and dwarves in the hotel. Such a scene is very rare in the relatively arrogant and exclusive Quel’Thalas. There is even a businessman from Kul Tiras who is being crappyly treated by a high class. The elves danced, and his strange movements made the people present laugh.

And on the dance floor, there are many elves and men who dance intimately under the influence of alcohol—compared to various means of enjoyment, high elves have never been inferior to other races.

Of course, many people did not join in the dance. They were sitting on the long table beside them, drinking and chatting with the people around them. People who drank tended to speak very loudly. These small chats made the entire tavern seem extremely noisy, and countless stories were also told from them.

And in such a lively tavern, there was such a weird man, dressed in an exquisite dark robe, ordered a glass of expensive fruit wine alone, and stayed in the corner to drink.

For such guests, the bartenders were not surprised, but were accustomed to them—most of these weird people were the masters of the wizards in the towers. In Quel’Thalas, the kingdom of magic, they saw many such people. For such guests, the bartenders not only do not reject them, but they are very welcome, because they are often very rich, generous, and never cause trouble.

At this moment, this strange guest was drinking wine while silently listening to the small chats of the surrounding drinkers.

“…It is said that something fell from the sky a few days ago and fell on the island to the west. There was a loud noise, did you hear…”

“… The lords of the Silver Moon Council are going to meet again. This time it is a meeting to discuss how to investigate the island…”

“…It’s a meeting again, they will only meet…Then you should specify to discuss for several weeks…”

“… A few days ago, it seemed that there was a “Original God”…”

“…Someone on the murder trail has been…”

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