The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 1485 - Pawn

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Qin Yi nodded his head and copied the mirror image of the Shenwei leaderboard from his mind for a quick glance.

“Zuo Minghua, ranked 57th on the Shenwei leaderboard!”

Qin Yi soon saw Zuo Minghua’s ranking on the guard ranking.

“57th place!”

After hearing this, Yan Meiniang blinked incredulously: “This person’s strength is really not weak, but with such a high strength, it is clear that there will be no slightest through the first floor of the central ladder Question, he should not stay here, but will go directly to the second floor. “

“This should be.”

Qin Yi nodded in agreement.

However, how did they know that Zuo Minghua, Qian Qiushui, was instructed by the fourth-generation pope of the Kyushu Holy See to come in and hunt down Qin Yi!

Next, the two did not delay, and continued to hurry up.

Another half day passed.

I saw a huge fireball appearing in the sky, bursting towards them both.

“The last Lingwu is back.”

Yan Mei-niang stopped, staring at the huge fireball that rushed at a speed, and then slowly stretched out a delicate jade arm.

Lingwu’s speed was extremely fast. A few blinks, he came to Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, and then quickly became the size of an ordinary bird, falling on Yan Meiniang’s palm.

Yan Mei-niang draws out a trace of spiritual power and dives into Lingwu’s eyes to obtain the pictures it has ingested these days.

“Meiniang, what’s the result?”

Qin Yi asked.

This last Lingwu returned after so many days. There must be a lot of information.

Slightly swollen the pink cheeks on both sides of the drum and exhaled lightly, Yan Meiniang said: “In these days, Yan Shao and the blood ghost, each slaughtered three tombs. And, we are away from the blood ghost now slaughtered. Tomb City is not far away. “

She groaned a little, then said: “So, our soldiers are divided into two ways, you go to kill the Yan Shao, they have a defensive circle, hoping to resist the blood holy ghost wolf, I will go to the blood ghost . “

“Why should we separate the soldiers?”

Qin Yi frowned.

“The two of us are together, in case they are not their opponents, both of us will have to die. If the soldiers are divided into two ways, I think if we are not their opponents, the chance of one of them will survive will be greater. . “

Yan Mei Niang said.

Obviously, Yan Mei-niang ’s strategy is true. This is a probabilistic strategy, also known as a decentralized strategy, because no matter whether it is the blood ghost or Yan Shao, they are extremely powerful. Qin Yi and Yan Mei-niang do n’t have a trace. Grasp them and kill them all.

The two fought separately. If Blood Ghost and Yan Shao were one of them, one of them was slightly weaker. The person who chose it had a chance to kill it. Even if it could not be killed, there was a chance to escape.

Conversely, if the two meet together, once they meet a party they cannot do, then both of them will be finished.

Qin Yi pondered a little, and there was already a look of appreciation in Yan Mei-niang’s eyes.

He could not imagine that Yan Meiniang also possessed certain abilities.

Touching Qin Yi’s admiring eyes, Yan Meiniang’s heart was so sweet, she glanced at Qin Yi: “Why did you suddenly find out that I was so smart and want to reward me?”

The glazed eyes circulated, and a touch of ruddy appeared on Yan Meiniang’s jaws. He lifted Qin Yi’s arm and pressed the surging murderous weapon on Qin Yi’s arm.

“If you really want to reward me, reward me with a piston mode.”

She stood on tiptoe and lay beside Qin Yi’s ear, suffocating like a blue, said shamelessly,


Reward the piston mode!

Grass, this reward is too shocking!

Qin Yi was stunned. For a moment, he was there stupidly, and he sighed in his heart: things once again proved that once a person looks too handsome, it is an unforgivable mistake.


Eyes touched Qin Yi’s temples, the cold sweat that fell silently, Yan Mei Niang covered her mouth, and she smiled happily, and glanced at Qin Yi with a charming look: “Fun you to play, fool!”

It turned out to be fun for me, okay, okay!

Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand, and wiped off the cold sweat of the temple with no trace.

After a pause, Qin Yi said: “Yes, then that’s it. If the blood ghost is too powerful, you can run away, or try to get entangled with him. Now that you have a jade statue, you should be able to entangle with it for a certain time. , I will try to kill them as much as possible, then rush over, join hands with you, and then kill the blood ghost. “

There is another situation, if it is Qin Yi, it is really possible to kill Yan and Shao them with their own strength, and maybe the blood ghost will be unwilling to love the battle and rush to help.

Don’t forget, the blood ghost is Yan Yongde, and Yan Yongde is Yan Shao’s father.

He shouldn’t watch his son watched by Qin Yi.

At that time, if the blood ghost appears to be unintentionally in love, then Yan Meiniang’s chance to kill him may come.

This is another benefit of the two fighting separately!

The strategy must be down, and the two will not delay, and the soldiers will immediately split into two directions, respectively, toward the blood ghost and Yan Shao, and rushed away.

Their current location is not far away from the blood ghosts and Yan Xiao. It is not too far away. It is not difficult to accurately determine their position.

Half a day later, a tomb city appeared in the sight of Qin Yi.

Obviously, this is a tomb city that has been slaughtered. I can see that all the dead bodies that have been sucked with blood in the tomb city are filled with a strong **** smell in the air.

“This group of bastards!”

Looking down at the corpses, Qin Yi clenched his fists.

Another hour passed. In Qin Yi ’s ears, a sound of wolf howling poured into his ears like a tide. He glanced at him and saw that in front of him, a group of blood holy ghost wolves with unusually large bodies were moving towards a Cemetery, launch a crazy attack.

The familiar Yan Shao, Yan Zhuxin, Ma Hai and others appeared in his sight again.

I saw them at the moment, leading a group of elite dead men and soldiers, standing outside the tomb, looking at the blood holy ghost wolf in the distance, and the cultivators in the tomb, fighting.

Obviously, Yan Shao’s slaying strategy was to first release the bleeding Saint Ghost Wolf and make a violent attack on the tomb city. Then his own group of people rushed into the tomb city to clean up the mess and plunder the treasure.

At this moment, looking at the blood holy ghost wolves and the strong practitioners in the tomb city, they launched a crazy fight, and Yan Yan’s eyes were crazy and cruel.

He licked his lips and smiled lightly: “In this case, there will be at most two more hours. The batch of cultivators in the tomb city will not be able to resist, still in the same way as before …

“At that time, we suddenly killed in the tomb city, and the cultivators in the tomb city had already reached the end of the strong crossbow. When we suddenly entered, they would immediately and completely collapse. Their strength is basically better than ours. Strong, I like those strong people, showing fear and despair in front of us. When I see their fear and despair, I feel that I have become a generation of overlords! “

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