The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 187 - The Golden Skull of War (for subscription)

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“damn it!”

Qin Yi was shocked, and he was frightened and angry. In an instant, he smelled the breath of death.

You know, that was the existence of the immortal years. Although it has died in endless years and became a skeleton, it seems that there is only a little spiritual knowledge that is almost negligible, but it is still powerful and incredible. To kill Qin Yi, than It is also easy to kill a fly.

The ancient bronze spear of the golden skeleton was to pass through Qin Yi’s heart. The celestial body that had been lying in the void suddenly rushed down and rushed into Qin Yi’s body. Yi body fusion.

In an instant, a tremendous amount of inner energy emerged from Qin Yi’s body, directly crushing the force that imprisoned himself.


Qin Yi’s body exploded, and he easily escaped the ancient bronze spear that stabbed from the golden skeleton. The method of the body was extremely mysterious. It was not the martial arts that Qin Yi learned before.

Qin Yi stunned, blinked hard, surprised, shocked, incredible …

At this moment, Qin Yi felt that he was full of strength. Many world-class martial arts suddenly flowed into Qin Yi’s mind like a tidal wave, and he could perform it without any familiar process.

There is no doubt that these martial arts originally belonged to the martial arts of the heavenly demons during the centuries.

At the moment, these martial arts belong to Qin Yi!

In an instant, Qin Yi became a powerful person in the age of immortality!

What makes Qin Yi feel incredible is that the Devil’s Vanguard Body can actually be perfectly integrated with his body without any improper feelings. Qin Yi even had a strange feeling at this moment. He felt that the Devil’s Vanguard Body was himself Before the endless years, a lost body.

This feeling was strangely extreme, which surprised Qin Yi and hurriedly shook his head. He suppressed this extremely strange feeling and concentrated on the golden skull in front of him.


The golden skeleton rode a skeleton horse, holding an ancient bronze spear, and shattered a space directly from the Baizhangkai, and immediately stabbed in front of Qin Yi.


Qin Yi took a light drink and chopped it out with his palm. His palm was like a violent wave, rushing away, hitting **** the golden skeleton’s chest, and straightening the golden skeleton together with the skeleton, and flew out.

“Demon blood is coming!”

Qin Yi found that he could control the drop of magic blood, as if it were the drop of blood that he lost in the ancient times.

He followed a stroke above the sky, and the strange and huge blood character of “everyone is creeping” was transformed into a word of “kill”, rushing down quickly, and imprinted on the golden skull.


The power of the word “kill” is too great, and the gold skull was smashed into the blood river at once, smashing a burst of blood.

The blood river is calm.

It was only after a while that the golden skeleton rushed up from the blood river again, but what surprised Qin Yi was that the head was gone and the two shoulders were bare.

The golden skeleton rode on a skeleton horse, standing on the surface of the blood river, holding an ancient bronze spear. He was not attacking for the time being. Because he had no head, he couldn’t seem to perceive Qin Yi’s position.

“Just got beaten off like this?”

Looking at the golden skeleton standing on the blood river, Qin Yi was slightly shocked. This ending made him a little surprised. He felt that this golden skeleton was very powerful, and he was knocked off by the blood of magic blood.

Is the demon blood too powerful, or is it wrong to feel that this golden skeleton is simply a counsel?

Demon Blood floated quietly in front of him, without a trace of breath, the volume was not big, like a drop of water.

Do not know why, Qin Yi felt that this drop of magic blood seemed to have its own life.


In the river of blood, a huge gold head suddenly rushed out and was reinstalled in the center of the shoulders of the gold skull.


As soon as the golden head was fitted, the golden skeleton waved the ancient bronze spear and urged the hip-horse skeleton to rush towards Qin Yi.

This time, Qin Yi saw clearly, and saw that the two front hooves of the skeleton horse suddenly kicked, the space was broken, and between the person and the horse, killed Qin Yi in front of him.

Really break the space directly!

Some of Qin Yi’s heart was unable to calm down.


Bronze spear stirred up, monstrous killing intentions, just a stab, is to directly seal off all opponents retreat. This spear was so fast that the drop of magic blood could not react for a while.

Qin Yi took a big look and suddenly grabbed the bronze spear from which he stabbed, but felt that the power of the golden skeleton was so unimaginable that he couldn’t grasp it. The bronze spear still stabbed at a constant speed.

Goal: His heart!

Qin Yi was slightly surprised, his body hurriedly jumped up, his tiptoe lightly on the ancient bronze spear, and one leg kicked towards the golden skeleton. The golden skeleton and the skull under his crotch Malaysia suddenly rolled and flew out.


The golden skeleton quickly settled in shape, and the spear came again madly, and the mighty pressure on the ancient spear, so that the blood river below turned up a huge wave.

The magic blood that always floated in front of Qin Yi suddenly turned into a “kill” again, quickly greeted the golden skeleton, and printed it fiercely.


That drop of magic blood was too powerful, and once again printed the golden skeleton and his skeleton horse back into the blood river.

The blood river returned to calm.

After a while, the golden skeleton and the skeleton horse rushed out of the blood river again, standing quietly on the surface of the blood river, still very confused.

At a glance, Qin Yiding couldn’t help but stunned, and saw that the horse’s head was gone, and his neck was bare.

Suddenly, he understood that this golden skeleton is not not aware of his specific location, but is waiting for the arrival of the horse’s head. Just now, he was just waiting for the arrival of his head.

Sure enough, after a while, Skull Malaysia’s head rushed up from the blood river and instantly connected to the Malaysian skull neck.


The golden skeleton rode on a skeleton horse, holding an ancient bronze spear, and rushed towards Qin Yi again. The ancient spear oscillated, killing intently.

Skeleton Malaysia still used two front hooves to smash a space. The bronze spear had no process of stab. Qin Yi’s chest was stabbed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yi exploded and split with a palm. His palm strength suddenly turned into a huge blade. The blade was indestructible. With a snort, the golden skull was severely cleaved and several ribs in front of his chest were cut directly.

“After the body of the heavenly demon merged with my body, it really gave me a tremendous combat power.”

Qin Yi is very satisfied with his current combat strength. He has not yet exerted his full strength in this palm. You must know that the golden skeleton is a fairy ancient existence. Although it has died for endless years, its skeleton is absolutely extremely hard. , Just look at that color.

A few ribs were cut off the chest, but the golden skeleton didn’t care, holding the ancient bronze spear, and shattering the space again, and immediately punctured Qin Yi’s chest.


The magic blood turned into a killing character again, and this killing character was twice as large as the previous killing character, and was printed hard towards the golden skeleton.


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