The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 196 - The Evil Gun Reappears

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“Ying’er, you can rest assured that your brother will not let you stay in this ghost place.”

Qin Yi turned back and comforted Yinger softly.

“Well, Ying’er believes in brother.”

Yinger nodded cleverly and had unconditional trust in Qin Yi.

“In such a battle situation, you still want to take this little girl with you, you can’t be ashamed!”

A deep, hoarse voice came from the half-open mouth of King Senro.

King Serow embraced the guqin, his skinny fingers bouncing on the strings, and a string of Ding Dingdong’s notes poured out from the strings: “Hug the ruthless piano, play the ruthless song, ruthless peach garden, bury the sentiment People … kill! “

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a token come out of the air, and at the same time quickly grew larger, and finally fixed his sights, Jin Guangcancan, flattened Qin Yi’s head.

This is a piece of forestry!

On the top of Sen Luo Ling, there was a red “kill” word, which was savage and abrupt, and there was a desperate death.

Feeling the power of Sen Luoling, Qin Yi was shocked, not afraid to be neglected, and stepped on his father’s footsteps.


King Senro nodded and flicked with ten fingers: “The merciless piano plays relentless music, Sen Luo makes lovers … kill!”

咻咻 咻!

The three pieces of Senrow token came from a sudden break, and the golden light was as if the gold was cast. The word “kill” on it, with a breath of breath, was like a life-giving face, making people desperate.

The three pieces of Senrow tokens are in the shape of “Pin”, and they are severely cut toward Qin Yi.


The spear was shocked and the momentum was tremendous.

Qin Yi’s face was murderous, and he danced his spear crazy, and the shadow of the gun was ten thousand, densely packed, forming a tight airtight wall.

“Dangdang Dang!”

Three pieces of Senrow tokens were all cut over the spear, Qin Yi only felt his arms numb, the tiger’s mouth cracked, and a flesh and blood was blurred.

Qin Yi was so impressed by the huge impact, and it felt as if a heavy weapon of 100,000 yuan came from him. He couldn’t compete. His figure flew out directly.

“Huh, good!”

Sen Luo Wang’s evaluation of Qin Yi was upgraded from “OK” to “Nice”!

His one-eyed man, with a shocking color, passed by faintly, and a young man of this world had such a fighting power, which was astonishing, even though he was holding the ancient **** soldier.

Three pieces of Senrow token exist for endless years, each piece has spiritual consciousness, and its combat strength is not weaker than the cultivator of the peak of Xuan Dao 9 Realm, but it was shot down by the face of the teenager in front of him.

“Ding Ding Dang Dang …”

The ten fingers of King Serow jumped on the Guqin at a rapid speed, making it unreadable. The rhythm of the rhythm of the playing was tight, which was **** and burning.

This is a war song, a war song that can confuse people’s minds and arouse endless war intentions.

“The merciless song is surrounded by a passionate dream, the ghost crying wolf Howling … kill!”

The ten fingers of the king of Senro, with a strong stroke, the sound of the piano was stirred, like a thousand horses and horses, coming from the far away Xiangu years.

“Hoohoo …”

Dao Jinmang pierced the sky.

Nine gold glittering Sen Luo tokens flew fiercely towards Qin Yi, dazzling and killing millions.

Feeling the sharpness of the nine pieces of forestry, Qin Yi didn’t dare to carelessly, snorted, and danced the quaint spear in his hand wildly, knocking down the nine fields of forestry.

The huge impact force lifted Qin Yi a few dozen feet away. In the chest cavity, a burst of blood was tumbling, and Qin Yi couldn’t help but spit out a blood.


Yinger in the distance exclaimed, very worried.

“It’s okay, Ying’er must be obedient. I believe my brother will not let you stay in such a ghost place.”

Qin Yi wiped a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth and turned back to Yinger.

“Huh, young boy, you’re not bad!”

The only eye left by King Sen Luo, passing through a thick color of shock, has upgraded Qin Yi’s evaluation from “good” to “very bad”!

However, at this moment.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh …”

Some of the blood sprayed from Qin Yi ’s mouth was splashed on the quaint lance. In the blink of an eye, it was absorbed by the quaint lance. The quaint lance was instantly red.

“Bum …”

The spear shuddered for a while, and it burst into a powerful vigour.

This is a demon!

At the same time, a human face slowly emerged from the top of the spear. The human face was not very large, with no nose and mouth, only a pair of infinitely deep eternal eyes, staring blankly at the front.

This human face is too weird. It seems to be an eternal demon. It suddenly came here, and the soul is trembling.

Qin Yi raised his head and stared at this strangely extreme human face, his heart sinking a little bit. At this moment, he had a very bad hunch. It seemed that an eternal demon who had been silent for endless years, with his own His blood was absorbed by the ancient gun and came.

At the same time, there is a faint sense of familiarity with this human face with only a pair of eyes. It seems that I have been in contact with such a human face.

“I ever … contacted an eternal demon?”

Qin Yi wondered, this feeling was too strange.

“he is……”

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Yi suddenly remembered who he was, and exclaimed directly: “Magnolia King!”

In Qin Yi’s heart, a huge wave suddenly rolled.

It was incredible. At this moment, he actually saw the dead rival Magnolia King of the King of Kyushu during the Xiangu years, but I do n’t know why the nose and mouth of the Magnolia King were gone. There were only a pair of eternal eyes that ignored the front.

Moreover, this human face has no vitality, it is a dead face!

The face of the Yulan King appeared, so there is no doubt that at the moment Qin Yi’s hand is the Yulan King’s magic weapon.

Once, Qin Yi longed for a worldly soldier like a spear of evil. Whoever expected the spear of evil was caught in his own hands.

Incredibly, after the endless years, the spears of all evils that belonged to the ancient times of the Xian Gu actually appeared in the Yin Cao Di Mansion of the Hongmeng era.

The once evil gun is silver, but it is simple and unpretentious after the endless years.


Suddenly, Qin Yi’s two eyes suddenly burned up. After the two groups of evildoers, they burned up and looked extremely strange and terrifying.


As the eyes burned, Qin Yi’s soul seemed to be suddenly branded with a soldering iron, and suddenly there was a sharp pain, which made him unable to help screaming.

This is the evil thought of the evil gun, which began to erode his soul.


In the distance, Ying’er, her delicate body trembled, and she exclaimed very worriedly.

The King Senro opposite Qin Yi was also discolored, half-faced, and very unsteady. At this moment, he could feel Qin Yi, and his fighting power soared to a terrifying level.

“Ying’er must be good, don’t be afraid, brother is fine.”

Qin Yiqiang resisted the severe pain of the soul being eroded by all evil thoughts, looking back, a pair of eyes that were burning with the fire of evil spirits looked at Yinger: “Brother said that he will not leave you in this ghost place, even if it is dead, Brother will fight for you. “

Qin Yi’s voice has become extremely indifferent, like the magic sound from hell, desperate and obedient.


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