The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 99 - Sweep the Eight Wastelands

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“Meteor swordsmanship is the first heaven!”

He Jiu was very simple, without humility, the three-foot sword instantly punctured a sword flower, and swept towards Xuanyang Song. Xuanyang Song retreated, evading He Jiu’s fierce attacks, and at the same time, the “Ice Fire Fan” was cast again And open.

He Jiu, who is also a freelancer, does not belong to any of the major forces in Phoenix, but his cultivation behavior is also quite amazing, even better than the previous Guan Hui.

For a while, Xuanyangge and He Jiu came and went on the field, but they were tied.

He Jiu ’s meteor swordsmanship is obviously an advanced martial art. It is difficult for Qin Yi to enter the state of space to detect any flaws.

It’s just that He Jiu’s swordsmanship practice is obviously not good enough for the fire, and his Xuan Dao inner strength is obviously not enough for Xuan Yang Ge’s vigorousness. As time went on, He Jiu gradually became short of breath, but Xuanyang Song was still calm and calm, a tight steel fan dancing tightly.

Slowly, Xuanyang Song suppressed He Jiu.

“The first form of the ice-fire magic fan-point Mei Aoxue!”

“The second form of the fan of ice and fire-riding the wind and waves!”

“The third form of the ice-fire magic fan-autumn wind sweeps the world!”

“The fourth form of the Ice and Fire Magic Fan-Sweeping the Eight Wastelands!”


He Jiu failed to resist the fourth form of Xuan Yangge’s “Ice Fire Fan”. His body was swept by the fine steel fan and flew out of the study circle.

On the court, there was a voice of regret. He Jiu was amazing, but he lost in the end. However, in their view, He Jiu defeated is inevitable. As one of the five young geniuses in Phoenix, the power of Xuanyang Song was strong in the battle with Guan Hui. It has already been shown.

“I lost.”

He Jiu’s expression was bleak, and after some unwilling glance at Yuexianling, he returned to his seat.

“He Jiu’s” Meteor Sword Technique “is actually quite good. It is really rare to have such advanced martial arts outside of the five major forces in Phoenix. Xuanyang Song’s” Ice Fire Magic Fan “is certainly powerful, but I believe If He Jiu cultivated the “Meteor Sword Technique” to the Seventh Heaven, it might not belong to Xuan Yangge’s “Ice and Fire Magic Fan.”

Qin Yi has always been in ethereal state, whether it is He Jiu’s “Meteor Sword Technique” or Xuanyang Song’s “Ice and Fire Magic Fan”, he has really read it and sincerely commented.

He Jiu looked at Qin Yi gratefully after hearing his words.

Others, however, are somewhat disapproving. They cannot enter the ethereal state like Qin Yi, and they can see any subtle movements really. They only see that from the beginning to the end, Xuanyang Song is suppressing nine.


Xuanyang Ge snorted rather disdainfully, but did not say anything to Qin Yiduo. As a result, this summit was originally a meeting of Yiwu friends, and anyone is eligible to comment.

Secondly, Qin Yi is about to die!

He was completely unnecessary, but he was thinking about a man who was dying.

Qin Yi’s comments are just a small episode, and the summit is still going on.

Xuanyangge still stands in the field, serving as the flower protector of Yuexianling, accepting the challenge of everyone. In the time of a tea, he has won several games in a row.

One of the top five youth geniuses in Phoenix, how many of the entire young generation in Phoenix are its opponents? With only a fine steel fan, he almost swept the audience.

Suddenly, Xuanyang Song was full of enthusiasm. And the crowd watching the battle around was also an eye-opener for this, and saw the true strength of the five talented young people in Phoenix.

The victory of Xuanyang Song continues …


A young master wearing a green shirt, under the fine steel fan of Xuan Yangge, the whole person flew out more than ten feet away.

“The second form of the fan of ice and fire-riding the wind and waves!”


A cultivator in black robe, even the second type of Xuanyangge’s Ice and Fire Magic Fan, did not resist and was flew out by a fan.


Xuanyang Song has won more than ten games in a row!

Everyone’s complexion is a little strange, as if this summit was being opened for him alone. The strange thing is that no one came out to stop!

“This feeling is really good!”

After winning more than a dozen games in a row, Xuanyang Song’s face was not red and breathless, and she still stood there calmly and gently shaking the fine steel fan in her hand.

“Huh, our first youth genius in Qianqiu Pavilion, where can you use your Xuanyang song to be a flower ambassador!”

The people of Qianqiu Pavilion finally watched the movement of Xuan Yangge and saw that Qi Ping, who was wearing a gray robe, slowly walked into the discussion circle: “Under Qi Ping, the disciples of Qian Qiu Ge, want to be the flower of Sister Yue Messenger, don’t know if you are qualified enough? “

“I am not qualified enough, you will know if you try it.”

Xuanyang Ge smiled faintly. He has won more than ten games in a row. At this time, he is on the vigour, and the whole person reveals a tremendous fighting intention.

“War! Missing palm!”

Qi Ping was very simple. Without saying a word of nonsense, he directly waved his palm forward and slashed into Xuan Yangge’s neck. The strength of the palm made the air around him form a vortex of airflow.

“On this strength? It’s not enough to see.”

Xuan Yangge smiled disdainfully, his body flew open, and then, he quickly bullied himself forward, and the fine steel fan in his hand played a strange trick like a magic fan.

For a while, Qi Ping and Xuanyangge were at war together.

However, when Xuan Yangge’s “Ice and Fire Magic Fan” was cast into the fourth type of sweeping the eight wastelands, the flush figure suddenly flew out and fell to the ground with a bang.

Everyone was slightly stunned. Immediately, some people were sorry, and some people admired Xuanyangge.

“Xuanyangge has a good skill, and Su Weiyu also wants to learn something.”

Another Huangpao disciple of the Swing Pavilion followed into the study circle.

“Yi Yun Quan!”

“Icefire Magic Fan!”

The two also didn’t waste time. As soon as they came on the court, they immediately went to war.

This Su Weiyu, both in body method and in the strength of Xuan Dao, is obviously stronger than Qi Ping before. In his body, there is a slight surge of energy. This must be the cultivation of the strength of Xuan Dao. To a certain extent, this effect can be achieved.

However, with Xuan Yangge’s soft drink: “The fourth form of” The Fan of Ice and Fire “-Sweeping the Eight Wastelands!”, Su Weiyu’s tall body also flew out and fell outside the learning circle.

It was actually defeated in the fourth form of Xuanyangge’s “The Fan of Ice and Fire”!

All the people on the field could not help raising a strange feeling.

“The five young geniuses in Phoenix really deserve their reputation. Let me come and teach.”

Xian Shizong’s Hegui slowly stepped into the field, carrying the sword on his back. The whole person was as quiet as water. There was no slight fluctuation of breath. This momentum alone is obviously much stronger than the previous Su Weiyu.

The people on the field also followed the appearance of Hegui, and followed their eyes.

“A decent opponent is finally here, but it’s useless.”

Xuanyang Ge smiled faintly, full of strong self-confidence.

He Gui did not say much, and took out the war sword directly from his back.

“Bum …”

The war sword in Hegui’s hands trembles, and the sword is vigorous!

“Yi Tianjian!”

Suddenly, the war sword of Hegui, the bristle of the sword, was dazzling and dazzling, and everyone on the field felt a powerful killing intent.

“This harmony is indeed good!” Qin Yi couldn’t help but nod.


Together with the Gui and Xuanyangge wars, the peaceful Tianjian swordsmanship has obviously reached the level of fascination. Every time a sword is pierced, it seems that there are tens of thousands of swords, which directly retreats all Xuanyangge. Sealed.

Seeing his strength, even the sword drifting on the face showed a little joy, that Ji Shi Xuan was even more happy, Xian Shizong had a strong young disciple, this is a joyous event.

However, as Xuan Yangge’s “Ice and Fire Magic Fan” came to the fourth type, the powerful and peaceful return, still flew out of the body, ended in failure.

this is?

Still defeated in the fourth form of Xuanyang Song’s “Ice Fire Magic Fan”! No matter how strong the opponents are, they are defeated in the fourth form. Such a situation feels quite strange.


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