The Goddess of Death and Her Empress (Original Version)

Old Version – Chapter 10 – Her First Real Smile


“Nuts, fruits, vegetables, herbs, lentils, and beans. No meat.” Kata went through the cupboards, and became familiar with the kitchen layout.

“Meat. Not like I missed it, but eggs would be good. I remember Rachel’s words. Cleansing. Clean. She had an emphasis on those words.” Lena thought for a moment. “Do you think it’s because meat processed by a farmer might not be clean?”

“Well, I grew up on a farm, Empress. The bedding could end up quite thick.” She said. Lena frowned.

“Thick? I don’t understand. I was a merchant’s daughter, and ate what was presented. I never grew my own food, or prepared it.”

“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t realize how far removed you were from the source, but I should have. You’re the Empress. Okay, how to word this properly.” She rolled her eyes. “Don’t get sick, Empress, but this is how it was.” She started to pace.

“The bedding was straw or hay, and spread out onto a wooden, stone, or dirt floor. The animals, horses, cows, pigs, and other such domestic animals, slept on it. Because they aren’t bright, they just let out their wastes where they stand. Urine. Feces. The farmer then adds more bedding so they can rest on clean material. When the farmer feels the need, and some leave it longer then others, they ‘muck’ it out. They use a shovel or pitchfork, break up the packed material, and move it out. The area is then lined with fresh bedding.” Kata made it sound normal, but Lena gagged.

“But the smells would be…”

“For a noble lady, they would indeed be terrible. It depends on the farmer, but that is only how they live. Animals do that in the field too. Some wild animals are more deliberate in where they go though. And let’s not talk about how the meat is processed after it’s butchered.” Lena nodded.

“Agreed. Okay, after I start to heal, we’ll need to figure out a method to get proper food, like the vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and beans. I wonder what the fields are like outside the temple. The gardens look amazing, and fertile, but if the ground is nice outside, maybe we can grow some grains, and plant trees.” Lena said softly. “I wonder how to make soup.” She frowned.

“Soup is easy, Empress. A pot with water, add salt, peel the veggies, cut them into small pieces, and simmer for a few hours. If you want it to have some flavor, you can cut some veggies really small, and it will dissolve into the soup.” Kata said with a grin.

“Looks like I need to learn a lot of things. If I had some materials, I could start trading with the local town, and make some silver that way. We are close to the mountains. I wonder if the goddess would let us mine some minerals to trade. We need a lot of silver in order to buy enough food and firewood for the winter months.” Lena said thoughtfully, but then her smile brightened.


“If the goddess lets us stay here, our lives are our own again, Kata. No Emperor. No court. No harem. Just us. Don’t you feel refreshed now that we are here?” Lena started to peel some vegetables, and though her method was a bit clumsy due to inexperience, Kata saw something she had never seen before.

A real smile on the lips of the Empress.



As they were completely unsure of where they should sleep, Lena and Kata decided to sleep in the kitchen’s side bedroom. The residual heat from the fire pit had warmed the stone up enough to make it comfortable.

Kata laid two leather sheets on the floor, which she found in a storeroom near the kitchen, as well as a pile of straw. The leather prevented the straw from poking them, while the straw provided a reasonable mat. It wasn’t her regular bed, but Lena was comfortable.

Rachel smiled softly as she watched from the doorway.



“How is the Empress doing, Rachel?”

“She slept on the floor last night.” Rachel said with a smile.  Kyrie frowned over Rachel’s words.

“The floor? Not her bed?”

“She didn’t sleep in the High Priestess’ bedroom, but off the kitchen. She doesn’t yet know her bed is there.” Rachel grinned, but saw how Kyrie clenched her teeth.


“Goddess, don’t be angry. This is good for her. It will remove the stress of her former life. If she can humble herself like this, she’ll be better able to survive the hard life that is ahead of her.” Rachel said firmly. She knew the goddess had a soft spot for this woman, but up to this point, she didn’t know how big that place was.  She was also instructed to play the part she was given.

“Hard? Do you think I would let my Empress live a hard life!” Kyrie stood up, her eyes glowed brightly, and her realm trembled.  Rachel's eyes went wide.  Her goddess was pissed.

“Goddess, please calm yourself.” Hanna said softly at her side. “The Deacon did not realize how fond you are of Empress Lena. Which surprises me a bit."  She looked at Rachel as though she were a child. "We’ve watched over her for years, protected her from assassins, assaults, poison, lethal gases, even retrieved her furniture and dowry for her.” Hanna looked at Rachel. “Did you not fully regenerate when they devoured you the last time?” Rachel blushed brightly.

“Hey, don’t make fun of me!” She thought for a moment. “I guess I didn’t consider the possibility that you would continue to keep your attention on her, goddess. You didn’t tell me to guide her to her bed, the new quarters, or give her any indications of her future.” Rachel sighed, then cringed as Kyrie stepped forward angrily.

“Of course I didn’t tell you! You have a mouth so big, an armored bear could fit inside!” Kyrie cleared her mind, and took a slow calming breath. “In the morning, Hanna and Nicci will guide her to the altar. You would give too much away with that simple mind of yours, Rachel.”

“Goddess, stop making fun of me.”  Rachel pouted, then started to smile when the goddess crooked her finger.

“Kneel, Rachel. Make it up to your goddess. I miss that talented tongue of yours, especially when you use it for something other then talking.”  Rachel knelt down and crawled across the carpeted stone of the throne room.  Her goddess often did this to her servants, so she had the softly woven carpet put in for their comfort.

“You’re so mean.” Rachel said, but grinned as her face was pushed down. She did love it when her goddess made her kneel like this.

If she had to name her favorite flavors, they would be Hanna, Nicci, and her goddess.


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