The Goddess of Death and Her Empress (Original Version)

Old Version – Chapter 21 – Competition For Affection


“Sounds like your friend is still having fun with Kata.” They listened quietly at the door for a few minutes, heard Kata moan, and Sol murmur.

“Once Sol gets started, she can keep her lover awake for at least a day. She won’t injure her, but she’ll test her.” Hanna said softly, and smiled wryly. “It’s why I love her so much. She is incredible to be around, but also picky with who she chooses. Not everyone in Haven has an opportunity to be with her.”

“And the goddess?”

“She’s quite wild, but also our goddess. She’s a riddle we haven’t figured out fully.”

“What do you mean, Hanna?”

“Well, she’s wild, but also orderly. She is logical, but also impulsive. She is organized, but a drop of chaos at the same time.” Hanna smiled. “When we think we’ve figured her out, she behaves contrary to how we think she will act.” Lena smiled.

“She sounds like a lot of fun to be around.” Hanna pushed her chair into her bedroom, and sucked in her breath.

“How long did you plan to listen in on their activities, Hanna?” Kyrie said from the bed. Hanna blushed, and lowered her eyes.

“Goddess. Forgive me.” Lena stared at the woman who sat on the edge of her bed. She watched Hanna go behind the chair, almost fearfully, so she pressed her lips together.

“She wasn’t listening. I was.” Lena said softly. Hanna sucked in her breath, and watched Kyrie’s lips put a smile on.

Oh shit. She’s pissed!

“Oh really.”  Kyrie grinned, and waited.  Lena looked at that smile, and narrowed her eyes.

“Do I sound like I’m joking?” Lena asked her.

“Do you…” Kyrie’s eyes went wide. That’s the first time anyone has dared to question her like that.

“If you think that I will jump in fright when you get jealous, think again. I enjoy your voice, and your touch, but I won’t cringe, or hold back.” Her voice was firm, and strong. That was in spite of the atmosphere that had gotten heavier and heavier. Hanna could barely stand right now, but Lena had not faltered.

Kyrie grinned again and started to laugh. The laughter was not forced. Hanna let out a slow breath. Where did Lena get this courage when facing a woman who’s teeth had already bitten through her flesh?

“Ah, my Empress. You are exactly as I hoped you would be.” Kyrie got up, came over, and swept her into her arms. She let Hanna pull back the blankets, and laid her on the bed. “You may go for now, Hanna. I want to chat with my Empress.” Hanna left the room and let out a relieved breath.

“She has a ton of courage.”




“I’ve missed you.” Lena put her hand on Kyrie’s cheek, which made the goddess smile softly down at her.

“Even after I did this to you?”  Kyrie spoke softly.  She had an undefined affection for this woman, and it grew with every meeting.  She lightly ran a finger over her chest.

“Necessity, not a personal grudge.” She said simply. “Now, are you going to make me beg for a kiss? You’ve already been intimate with me.” Kyrie smiled and lightly kissed her on the lips.

“You are a bold one, Empress Lena.” The goddess whispered. “When you come home, your body will be healed, and I will be the first to devour you.” Lena smiled softly.

“My offering must be special, goddess. Different, yet the same.” Lena said firmly. Kyrie closed her eyes.  “Something no one else can do, or should do, or you’ll be angry at them. I will come up with my own offering when it’s time.”

“Why?” She whispered.

“Like my first Offering to you, it is necessity.”




“You’ll need to alter that device we used. The hooks need to be smaller, and pull outward further. And maybe use eight hooks instead of just four. We can only use it in the dream, so I want it to work properly. I liked it when your tongue wrapped around my nipple.” Kyrie groaned.

“You will test my patience, young one.” She said in a hoarse whisper.

“No more then mine. Sending such a buxom woman to test my guardian without them telling me about her nature. All I can think about is biting them. Us biting them. Me biting the left, while you bite the right.” Kyrie groaned as she read the images in her mate’s mind.

“Empress, it’s real hard not to take you to Haven right now. Please.” She laid her head on Lena’s belly.

“I see. Can you soon make a place in my dreams again? Somewhere we can play with a few Others?” Lena asked her, which made a ripple of desire run through the goddess.  Kyrie lifted her head.

“You want to again?” She asked, a bit surprised.

“Want to? No, goddess. I need to. This body is injured, and can’t feel what I need to feel. Maybe not tonight. Right now, I want you to stay. Here. In this bed. With me.” Kyrie murmured and pulled the blankets up over themselves.

“And tomorrow night?” She asked quietly.

“We pull that pair of breasts onto the altar, and devour her endlessly.” Lena grinned. “And maybe have a little bit of fun with Kata. I really want to share her with you.” She let her fingers stray down to Kyrie’s chest. “I bet she tastes divine.”




“That’s it, Hanna. Let her bite and lick you. Mm, isn’t she tasty?” Hanna nodded as Kata bit and licked her while her fingers gripped Kata’s hair.

“You know that the goddess has put you on the Empress’s menu.” Hanna said to Solange as she buried her face in between Kata’s thighs.

“I thought she looked hungry. Do you know when?” Sol asked her casually.  Hanna felt that this was too casual for the former guardian and soldier, but right now, she was in a haze of desire.  She couldn't think straight, and she didn't know why.

“Not sure. Her Offering is still far off, but the goddess not only tolerates her, but enjoys her company.  She's there when I least expect it."  Hanna could speak, think about things around them, but it felt odd.  She looked into Kata's eyes as she had mounted her face.  She wanted to see her eyes.  See how she looked up at her. Hanna moaned, and pushed Kata’s face more firmly against her mound. “Bite me, Kata. Mm, that’s it.” Solange nodded.

“If that is what the Empress needs, I will agree to it.”

“I’m surprised, Sol. You are usually quite picky.” Hanna said and murmured as Kata’s teeth scraped across her skin.  The more Kata responded, the more Hanna needed.

“That is picky. The Empress is her consort. You don’t get to be pickier then that. And since she was willing to endure what we get punished with, I am eager to see the Empress in action.” Solange smiled, and slapped Kata’s mound with a dozen short sharp slaps. Kata groaned, and drew closer to another climax. When Sol buried her tongue within her, she climaxed hard.

“How many does that make for her?”  Hanna asked as she watched those eyes roll, and close.

“Not sure. If I get over five, I stop keeping track, and concentrate more on her. I will get many more before the night is done though. The more I dominate her, the more she loves it.” Solange sucked firmly on her button. Hanna looked down into Kata’s eyes.

“I think I will have competition for your affection in Haven.”  Hanna watched and waited.

Up until today, even from when she was a child, the only one in Hanna's heart was Solange.  For hundreds of years, she was her lover, and Sol would spend countless hours with her, and on her.  Sol was the odd one who only had a few lovers in the hundreds of years of her life in Haven, while Hanna would be affectionate with the group in the goddess' throne room.  Sol was still the only one in her eyes.

When she entered the room, she was jealous, and had no affectionate thoughts within her mind.  Now, like an infection had spread from Sol, all she could think about was Kata.  Though she appreciated Kata's attractiveness, Sol was the one in her thoughts before she opened that door.

Now it was only Kata.


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