The Goddess of Death and Her Empress (Original Version)

Old Version – Chapter 25 – Both Were Favorites


“I wonder why your eyes changed, Lena.” Nuri asked quietly.

“Well, the goddess did give me her mist a few times, to help me to heal.” Lena looked thoughtful, but unconcerned. Nuri looked at Nicci from the corner of her eyes, and saw that imperceptible nod.

“She is our goddess, Lena. Close contact will affect you. It may make you appear like you are from Haven, even if you’ve never been there.” Nicci said gently. When they looked closely, they both could see her body radiate the essence of Haven from her chest, her neck, and a few isolated places. Nicci heard a knock. “It looks like we are there, Lena.”

The carriage came to a stop, and as the one assigned to watch over Lena, Nicci went out first, and took a look around.  Nuri exited the carriage, followed by Mia, and Lena.  It did draw attention, as the carriage would invoke the jealousy of many rich, or noble families, but few had the stupidity to bother someone from the temple.

“According to Sol, Kata made a deal with a local farmer, near the north side of town. He acquired the grains and root vegetables you needed, and she bought them from him. She hasn’t picked everything up yet, so I’ll send the wagons there.” Lena nodded, and watched as Nicci directed the drivers to head to the farmer’s place.

“Mia, are there other girls around town like you?” Lena asked her quietly.

“Like me?”

“Hungry, and without a home. My job is to find girls like you, and bring them to the temple. When you grow up, you and others like you, will be the ones watching over the temple. I don’t like you being alone, and would like to find someone that you can be friends with. Someone who would keep you company while you two learn about the goddess.” Mia’s mouth fell open, but she quickly turned away and blinked rapidly to clear her tears.

“I kept to myself mostly for safety. If I had food, others would steal it so they could survive.” Mia said in a small voice.

“I understand, Mia. If there are other children, the goddess will guide them to us, or bring them to us. For now, let’s get enough supplies to make sure that they would be warm when they come home.” Lena smiled and directed her gaze to Nuri.

'An Other who wants to be a mother?'  Lena wasn't sure that Nuri would be able to hear her, but she smiled when she heard her mind whisper.

'I understand, Empress.'




“Did you hear? The goddess put out another call for volunteers!” The Others talked and gushed like teenagers.

“Who does she need?”

“Someone like Nuri, who won’t take bites out of the Empress while she’s human. And someone who wants to mother a human child. A girl named Mia.” Two people in that bar perked up.

“Nadya, I think you would be perfect for that job.” A rather buxom woman spoke to her friend as they watched the world of Imera through the windows. The goddess turned the windows into viewing panes so that the Others could become more comfortable, and get to know Lena.

“It’s funny that you say that, Shala. I think you would be a perfect choice for that child.” She murmured softly. “The only thing is that you couldn’t eat her. Her Offering day is a long way off.” Nadya said with a small smirk. Shala pouted.

“I wouldn’t eat her! I’m not like these brutes!” She lowered her eyes. “I might allow her to take a bite from time to time, to let her get used to the ways of Haven, but for the most part, I only want to hold and cuddle with her. Keep her warm.” She lowered her eyes. “My own baby didn’t survive childbirth. When my husband abandoned me, I eventually found myself in the temple. I think I was the oldest woman there when it was my turn to be offered.” She put her arm about Nadya’s shoulders. “Nuri is already there. You two are a lot alike. Won’t you go volunteer with me?”




“Well, you were right, Lydia. Those two are here.” Kyrie smiled. “Ask them to step forward, and ask them what their motives are. I’ll tease them a little.”

“Shala and Nadya. Come closer. We have some questions to ask.” Shala blushed brightly, while Nadya held her hand. Between the two of them, they were both nervous.

“Shala, for which do you volunteer? The Empress, or the child?” Lydia asked, while Rachel had her face pushed down to Kyrie’s mound.

“I...I want to mother that child, goddess.” Shala said with a low voice. Kyrie tilted her head.

“Shala, is something wrong?” She asked. Shala shook her head quickly.

“It’s just that I’m quite a bit older looking than the rest.” She said softly, almost a whisper.

“Shala, that was your choice. You could have chosen a younger body, and still can.” Shala bit her bottom lip as Kyrie spoke to her.

“But I wouldn’t look like me.”  Shala was always nervous in front of the goddess, but like the Others, she couldn't help but be a bit aroused within her presence.

“You would only look like a younger version of yourself.” Kyrie said firmly. “But that’s not why you’re here. You wish to mother Mia. Why?”

“I-I lost my child while pregnant. I never had a chance to mother one. I feel an itch that I can’t scratch, goddess. I want to mother her. Not just for her, but for myself.” Kyrie nodded.

“And you, Nadya?”

“I want to keep the Empress warm. Nuri is already there, and we have similar personalities. I want to serve her.” Kyrie stared hard at her.

“Serve her? Like Sol is doing to her guardian?” Nadya’s eyes went wide.

“What? No no no no, goddess!” Nadya frowned slightly. Rachel was on the floor, her face pushed firmly to the goddess’s mound, while Lydia smacked her butt firmly several times. It looked like they were reminding her to keep her attention on the goddess. “Am I reading it wrongly, goddess? Why are you smiling?”

“Why do you think I sent Sol and Nuri to her?” Nadya’s mouth opened and closed a few times, while Lydia grinned.

“Solange, yourself, and Nuri are all ample women, like the Empress prefers. She was already attracted to her muscular guardian, but Solange has claimed her heart.” Lydia filled in a detail that they had hidden.  When Solange went into the room with Kata, only the viewing panes within the throne room could check on their activities.  The ones in the bar focused more on Lena, and would often replay the times when Lena and her servants were not locked together intimately.

“She did what?!”  Nadya's eyes nearly bugged out with anger.

“It is good that you are insulted by Sol’s behavior, but do not worry. The Empress has approved of their relationship. But now she’s lonely.” Kyrie said with a soft smile. “Besides myself, no one else belongs solely to her. You and Nuri are my gifts to her.” Nadya’s mouth fell open.


“Willing gifts. You are only to keep her warm. However, you have permission to warm her up in whatever way she desires.” Kyrie stood up, grabbed Rachel by the back of the neck and lifted her.

“Goddess!” Rachel squeaked.

“Couldn’t keep silent so you had to be muffled! Lydia, take her in back and fuck her senseless. When she is, send her to the forest, and have them eat her a few times. Then send her to the bar and have them snack on her for a week. When she comes back, if she’s not behaving, the Empress and I will have some fun with her. The Empress has already altered the device, and has some ideas to make it more interesting.” Rachel was dragged by her hair to the back room.

“Goddess, why are you so angry?” Rachel cried out miserably. She only wanted to see the two women that Lydia and the goddess were talking about.




“When you are gifted to my Empress,” Once Kyrie had Rachel dragged away, she had her eyes closed for several seconds, then shifted her attention back to Nadya, and Shala. “I will spend the night with the three of you. I get all her firsts. We will spend the night partaking of you two first. After that, if she wishes to enjoy you, that is up to yourself and Nuri.” Nadya lowered her eyes.

“I think I understand, goddess. What will she say?” Nadya asked quietly.

“She’ll enjoy your body heat. As to the rest, I do not know. She’s just as confusing to me as I am to you.” Then Kyrie stepped back to the raised dais.

“Let all of Haven know. Lena is mine. She is my choice of Empress for Haven. Show her the proper respect.” Kyrie grinned a slightly wicked grin. “When the Empress alters that device, I will send one to each bar. You can have fun playing with your submissive pets then.”

“Makes me kind of glad we are going to the world below. My boobs would be stretched by those brutes.” Shala murmured softly. Nadya nodded.

“I know what you mean.” Both ladies were favorites in the bar when their play became a lot more intense.


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