The Goddess of Death and Her Empress (Original Version)

Old Version – Chapter 27 – What Do You Have In Mind?


“Do you want me to call the goddess?” Nicci asked her at her ear.

“No. I’ll do it. Nicci, take me inside. Nuri, Nadya, please look around for a bit, then ask Nicci to bring you to me. Just look around and find your way. I don’t need time.” They watched as Lena was pushed towards the temple, and sighed.

“She feels just like the goddess.” Nadya said softly.

“Yes, which is why the goddess is drawn to her.” Nuri said just as softly. She closed her eyes.

'Goddess, the Empress didn’t want me to call to you, but I didn’t want her to wait. She’s sad. Please visit her.' (Nuri)

'Thank you, Nuri. She now wonders if she should call to me. I will be there before you, but I want you two there quickly. We are going to take her to the play room inside her private space she doesn’t know she has.' (Kyrie)




“Still unsure about whether I would come to you when you call?” Lena lifted her eyes as a gentle husky voice spoke.

“No. Unsure whether you should. It is a little thing.” She said sadly. Nicci disappeared once she put Lena on the bed, so Kyrie sat beside her and took her hand.

“You are saddened. It is not a little thing to me.” Lena put her head on her shoulder and sighed softly. Her arms went around Kyrie’s waist.

“I am sad. She’s my guard. Personal guard. I hoped someone would teach her that she’s an attractive woman, but not only did they do that, they pulled her away from me.” She said sadly.

“And you let them.” Kyrie said just as softly.

“Yes. I am not in love with Kata, but I do love her. I was attracted to her as well.” Lena looked up at her, and started to smile. “Thank you. I think I needed to see something.”

“Something?” She prodded.

“No, someone. My goddess.” She said possessively. She hugged her a bit more firmly, and only slightly grimaced at the pain in her chest. Kyrie smiled.

“My gifts are here. Do you like them?”

“Nuri and Nadya?” She asked.  Kyrie nodded. “I do. I see those large beautiful breasts of theirs, and I really want to do some naughty things to them. Put hooks in them. Stretch them. Bite them. Oh, tie them up, and tug on their nipples with my teeth!”


“Their breasts. See what leather straps can do. Maybe even some sharp metal rods as thick as a piece of straw. Pierce those beautiful breasts of theirs.” She sighed softly. Kyrie put her head to Lena’s forehead and chuckled.

“I’m not sure I did them any favors, but they will enjoy your attention, Empress.” Kyrie said with a grin.

“I don’t want to tear them off, goddess. That isn’t any fun for them. I want them to climax like I did. I don't want them to see me and shudder. I want them to see their Empress and wonder if I came up with something new just for them.” Lena grinned. “I want those two beside us in Haven, goddess. Those figures can keep me warm when I really need it.” Kyrie smiled.

“Alright, but we should take it slow. I don’t take away their free will, Empress. Let them cuddle up to us, and if they want to experience more from their goddess and Empress, then we can have some fun.”




“You two are hungry.” Shala put rice, bread, and soup on the table for both Kata and Solange.

“The Empress was angry with me. I didn’t show proper respect or discipline.” Kata lowered her eyes. “Not only did she face the court for me, but also faced down the Emperor in court. If not for her words, I might have faced more trouble. Instead, the squad leaders and captains all had their arms broken as an example for disrespecting the personal guards of the royal family.” She said softly.

“It was her word?” Solange asked.

“Yes. A hidden guard told me that if not for her quiet words at a certain place, it would not have happened. That guard never reveals himself, but he wanted me to know that it was due to her, not the Emperor.” Kata said in a low voice that slowly got quieter.

“I see. I do not have any excuse as I serve the goddess, who is much more frightening then any Emperor. I had my instructions, which were to obey the Empress. You, however, you have plenty of reason to not disobey.” Solange stared hard at her.  She cleared her throat.

“I respect strength, Kata. Even if you have to suffer a broken limb, or being choked out, suffer it. Fight me to the bone. Never let me get away with something if you know better.” Solange smiled. “Like you did at first.”

“I will, if it’s required in order to maintain the dignity of my Empress. I did note her words though. A place. Appropriateness. Is it appropriate for us to occupy the Temple Priestess’ room? I am there because I have to be near her, but if she’s safe with so many Others around her, is it appropriate for me to use that room, and have such ‘wonderful’” Her eyes rolled up in her head. “and amazing sex?” Solange smiled a bit.

“Ask her in the morning. I have a feeling that no matter how noisy we are, she won’t hear a thing.”




“Do you want to be here, ladies?” Lena asked them. They looked at each other, then looked at her.

“I am not sure I understand, Empress.”  Nadya said, a frown on her face.

“Free will. We let you decide whether or not you wish to be here with me. With us.” Lena said softly.

“Oh. We understand the question, but not why you asked. Our goddess asked for volunteers, not Offerings. We are not sacrificed to you. We are here willingly.” Nadya said with a soft smile.

“Then strip and get over here!” Lena said excitedly. “I have greatly longed to bury my face in those beautiful breasts of yours!” Both women grinned, took off their outer robes, and as they unwound their inner ones, they heard Lena suck in her breath.

“Oh my, they have such wonderful bodies, goddess. So full, and with amazing breasts. Oh, bring those weapons here, ladies! I want to bury myself in your breasts, and taste your flesh as though I am starving!”  Lena looked quite wild, and hungry as she ogled the two ladies, and their assets.

“You sure she’s not from Haven?”




Both Nuri and Nadya marveled at how amorous Lena was. She was gentle with her hands, but scraped their nipples with her teeth. She would grip their hips firmly, and pull her body as close as she could get.  They had never encountered a human with as much hunger and desire as Lena.

Lena was attracted to Nuri's lighter skin, but dark eyes and hair.  Both women were once Asmarian, and had retained much of their looks from their human lives.  Nuri was tall, but with soft curves, and huge soft breasts.  Nadya was darker as she was from further south, and while Nuri had soft feminine curves, Nadya was leaner, and more firm.  Their figures were not locked in stone.  The figure they presented was what they pictured themselves as.

Both women, and their proportions made Lena salivate. Nuri's immense breasts made it possible for Lena to push her face and head right between them and smile wide as that soft flesh surrounded her. Her soft fleshy belly with wide hips also made it possible for Lena to firmly pull herself between her thighs, and feel surrounded by warmth and soft lovable curves.

Lena hungrily turned to Nadya and buried her face in her breasts.  Lena's desire for these women was like an itch under the skin.  The closer she got, the more she wanted.

“Do you two like to play?” Lena asked with eyes fogged with desire and hunger.

“Play?” Nuri asked quietly.

“The hooked disc. Do you ever get to play and have fun with all this beautiful flesh you two have?” Nuri blushed, but felt a bit of fear. However, at the same time, the naked desire in Lena’s eyes also made her quite warm.

“We are usually treated like pets at the bar.” Nuri said softly. She had a submissive personality.

“Pets?” Then Lena’s face grew frosty. “Like objects for their pleasure.” Nuri nodded. “That won’t happen here.” She growled. “I do get pleasure from your bodies, but if you do not enjoy it, why would I do it?” Nadya smiled and held Lena to her chest.  She was rewarded with Lena's lips on her breasts, her mouth continued to try and get her flesh between her lips, and her teeth.

“I don’t mind if you play, Empress. What do you have in mind?”


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