The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 15 – White Mist

Up to chapter 27 for first tier patrons, and chapter 29 for second tier.


Rachel and Sol watched in awe. The Shadows watched, and lamented it was not one of them. Kata paled. Lydia watched from the throne room, her eyes filled with desire.

Lena's mouth had opened impossibly wide and enveloped Hannah's entire head. In one clean bite, she was decapitated. The rest of her body was laid upon the altar and Lena ate her in massive bites with razor sharp teeth that sheered through bone as though it were skin.

"Ah." Lena said, and cooed pleasantly. She gulped one last time, and pulled a glass bead from her mouth. She put it in the palm of her hand.

"You were delicious, Hannah." She reluctantly gave the bead to Kyrie with a pout.

"What were you thinking, Empress?" She asked gently. Lena sighed softly.

"I wanted to keep her inside me a bit longer, but I could feel her core begin to dissolve." She looked at the bead on Kyrie's hand, and gently caressed it. She took a slow deep breath and blew a white mist upon it. The bead grew cloudy, and a bit larger.

"You'll need to eat more from Haven in order to maintain her, love." Kyrie said softly at her ear. Kyrie blew a thick red mist into her ear, which made her murmur.

"It was just a sliver, Kyrie. Enough to heal the damage I did." Lena blushed. "I ate a bit of her soul." Kyrie chuckled.

"I understand, little one." Kyrie understood quite easily, but Lena was unaware of the strength of the white mist she gave to Hannah. Not only did it restore her core, but it left a little of Gallae's power within Hannah.

Hannah would forever be bound to Lena now, and be insanely protective of the Empress.


* * *


"Your first. Interesting choice, little one." Gallae whispered.

She sat down on a large stone, and watched Imera from a distance. She was not upon her own planet, but a moon that orbited Gallae quietly.

The child avatar reached out and pulled a small belt of asteroids from the neighboring system, and directed it towards the moon she sat upon.

"I will strengthen you a little at a time, little one." She said softly. "Eventually, I will move Haven and you towards Imera so that you may watch over her." She lightly ran her hand over the stone of the moon and smiled.

"One day."


* * *


"How was it?" Lydia asked as Hannah appeared on the floor of the throne room of their goddess. Hannah yawned.

"Wonderful." She whispered. "I could feel her affection and hunger as she ate me." She yawned again. "Damn, her teeth are just as sharp as the goddess." Lydia lightly poked her side.

"You don't seem any different. The goddess said to watch over you, so go sleep in the back room. When you've properly recharged, go back to keep her company." Lydia pouted.

"Okay, sister." Hannah stood up and stretched. She didn't want to say about how warm it was inside the Empress, or how she softly sucked on her core. It was a familiar heat, gentle and fierce, warm and bitingly cold, and so contrary at its base, she grew a bit confused.

She wanted to remember the sensations of her warmth, and the affection she felt transmitted through her touch. Unfortunately, it was such an odd sensation, and so fleeting, she quickly lost the intent of the act, and felt alone again.

She could only hope that Lena would consume her again and again, just so she could feel close to the two beings she now worshiped.

As someone devoted to the goddess, worshiping the Empress felt so wrong, and so right at the same time. It made her feel confused to say the least.


* * *


"Well designed, Kyrie." Lena said as the goddess guided her throughout the temple. "These are the quarters of the acolytes?" She asked.

"Yes. The first entrance is the main gate. To the left of the gate is a storage room meant to hold the supplies necessary to clothe the acolytes, and keep them warm. The hall between the gate and northwest tower houses the acolytes, followed by the northwest tower and supply room. That one is for the initiates. The next hall is for the initiates as well. The northeast tower is the supply room for the guardians, and the connecting hall is their home. The next tower is their supply room. The last hall is the dining hall, with attached rooms for the kitchen staff. Beneath the temple are the catacombs that house the ashes of those Offered." Kyrie said. Lena stopped.

"Ashes? The acolytes don't eat them?" Lena asked. Kyrie smiled gently.

"They are not like the Others, love." Kyrie said. Lena shook her head.

"The Offering is sacred, correct?" Lena asked. Rachel nodded.

"Of course. Among the members of the temples, the Offering is our most special time. It is considered sacred to all my sisters." Rachel said.

"Then the Offering herself is sacred." Lena said. "Once sent, and you show you've accepted the Offering by allowing the guardians to see her empty eyes glow, she should be sent to the kitchen. No pork or beef. Only eggs, lentils, grains, oil, vegetables, and fish. The only meat is sacred flesh, and only one accepted by the goddess. If she is not accepted, her body must be burned, and spread out on the coast." Kyrie lifted an eyebrow. Rachel slowly nodded.

"This might help those who go to Haven. We did not have such a celebration. We took a little time to adjust." Rachel said. Lena nodded, and didn't notice Kyrie's slight twitch to her cheek.  Only those in Haven for over six hundred years knew that 'sacred flesh' was once a practice within the temple.

"Our lives are for our goddess, and for Haven." Lena looked at Kyrie. "Only my goddess can consume me on my way to Haven." Kyrie blushed.

"Be good, Empress." She whispered. Lena leaned in.

"I can't help it. I love my goddess, and can't wait until she takes me home."


* * *


"Naughty girl." Gallae said as she sat down beside Lena as she slept inside her new bedroom, the room meant for the High Priestess.

"You're just like her daughter, Kyrie. Savage, and full of life." Gallae's eyes glowed with an inner light, bright and pure white, that radiated so much intensity, no living being could withstand it.

"Patience, child. Grow slowly. Kyrie is not meant to eat your flesh." Her face reflected a gentleness as she exhaled a stream of white mist that Lena greedily sucked up, even while frozen in time.

"No one is." She lightly tapped Lena's nose. "I must make sure that Kyrie sends the northern tribes after that kingdom. They have irritated me when they tried to bring you harm. They are fortunate no attempts were successful." She smiled gently.

"If one thinks that Kyrie can be cruel, they better hope they never anger Gallae."


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