The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 17 – All Eyes Upon Her


"They seem to be settling down. The girls were sad at first, being away from their families, but once an orphan from the village joined their number, they realized they weren't sacrifices." Rachel said, and watched Lena purse her lips a little.

"We'll keep giving them lessons, and expand their chores. The fields nearby need to be turned over. Sweeping the same walkways daily is not productive. Give them hoes, and teach them how to turn over the soil. Make sure we have enough firewood and charcoal to keep the initiate's quarters warm during the winter, as well as the temple, and kitchen." Lena said. "I'll trust you and the Others remember how much is needed, even though it's been centuries?"

"Of course. If I forget, someone will remember." Rachel grinned. "I remember each wall outside the halls having firewood stacked beside it. I can't remember if it was two stacks deep, or three, so I'll ask around."

"Get curtains as well. Section off portions of the halls that aren't being used, and keep the heat where it's needed." Lena smiled. "I can't wait for the days when the temple is filled with people again." Lena sighed as she looked up, but dropped her smile just as quickly.

"Empress, what's wrong?"

"I just thought of something. Are there people in Asmaria that still worship the goddess, and are waiting for the temple to reopen?"


* * *


"It's been two months since you have come to us, Ryl." Lena said with a gentle smile. "How have you been feeling lately?" Ryl blushed.

"The girls are okay, but they talk to each other more than to me." Ryl said quietly.

"They grew up together. They have known each other since they were born, and are a little proud of their heritage." Lena said, and tapped a chair beside her. Ryl climbed up onto it. "You weren't born in the north. Do you remember your homeland?" Ryl's cheek twitched.

"Lots of water." She said softly.

"I thought so. Your parents came from one of the islands, right?" Ryl nodded. "Now, it's probably Caeda, or Ados. With your light hair, it's most likely Ados."

"You know where I was born?" Ryl asked in surprise.

"I used to read a lot." Lena said softly. "The Anshan were often visited by the Empire of Asmaria, until the Digallan Empire overthrew them. The new Empire raided Ados after that." Ryl slowly nodded, her eyes sad.

"My parents and I were stolen, but when the ship went down, we ran. The ship sank close to the north edge of the desert, so we came here. They died two years ago, by those evil bandits." Ryl said and hugged her knees.

"My goddess had those bandits slaughtered, Ryl." Lena lightly rubbed the girl's hair. "We'll take care of you from now on. I did want to ask you if you wanted to try your first cleansing ritual. You can wait for a few more months, but it's easier if you try one early, and get used to it."

"Is it painful?" Ryl asked.

"No. It's embarrassing at first. You have to trust the guardians. It's also a lesson for your future." Lena smiled and sighed. "The Offering is a special time for each of the acolytes. It is when they choose to end their human life, and start life as one of the Others. It's a personal choice, and though it is painful, we do it because we love the goddess so much, we will do anything to get to her side." Lena sighed softly.

"You sound odd." Ryl said. Lena grinned.

"That's because if I didn't have so much to do, like help rebuild the faith of the worshipers of the goddess, I would go today! I love the goddess so much, I can't wait to go to her." Lena said, and pouted. "I don't want to wait!" Ryl giggled.

"You're weird. Okay, I guess I can try it."


* * *


"Since this will be the first cleansing performed in the temple for five hundred years, I will be the first one to have the ceremony." Lena said. She looked down at Ryl. "You can watch, and decide after. Okay?" Ryl nodded.

"Rachel. Nikki. Hannah. You three will perform my cleansing." Lena looked at the three Others in the altar room, and watched as their eyes seemed to twitch. "Kyrie, it's a cleansing, not an Offering."

"You heard her?" Rachel asked in shock.

"No, but I knew she had to be telling you something. If she has a problem with it, get her ass over here and participate." Lena said, which made Rachel grin.

"Only you can be like this with her." Rachel sighed a bit. "She'll watch over it from a distance." Lena nodded.

"This is the first time I've done a cleansing. Rachel, Nikki, Hannah. Guide me as though I am an initiate." Lena watched as Rachel picked up a robe.

"In the cleansing ritual, the initiate puts on the robe of the next tier. Grey are initiate's robes. Blue are acolytes. Guardians wear green. The priestess, temple or high, as well as those to be Offered, put on black robes. Since we are doing this as though you are an initiate to be made into an acolyte, Empress, please wear the blue robes. Nothing else." Lena blushed.

"No wonder it's difficult for children." She whispered and changed out of her normal shirt and long loose skirt. She was draped in the blue robe, after getting completely naked, and helped to lie down on the altar.

"Now we begin."


* * *


All the Others watched from Haven in excitement. It was the first ritual cleansing in over five hundred years, and the Empress was the one to do it. She had no fear, although her cheeks were a little red.

"Empress Lena, do you Offer yourself willingly to the goddess?" Rachel asked.

"I do." Rachel made a gesture.

"Part her robe like the spirit wishes to part from the flesh." Both Hannah and Nikki nervously opened the robe so her chest was revealed. They were nervous as they knew how important Lena was to their goddess. Their senses still reeled like someone had rung a loud bell by their ears.

"I now pour the oil of consecration upon your flesh, to witness how our flesh stubbornly clings to life, and resists death even when we wish to go." Hannah said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She drizzled oil onto her chest.

Their hands rubbed the oil into her skin carefully, so that all who watched could see how slippery her skin became.

"Now we open your ribs, and expose your heart to the goddess for judgment." Hannah and Nikki let their fingers glide down over the edge of her ribs, gripped and pulled gently. Her ribs moved a bit.

"In the Offering, we would pull until the ribs opened." Rachel explained. "In the cleansing, it is to guide you to understand how you face the end of your human life, and how stubbornly the body wishes to live. This allows your mind to see what you're Offering to the goddess, and how important your life is to her." Rachel smiled.

"The heart is the most stubborn. Often, it is stained with sins, and regrets. When the chest opens, the sword will sear the sins, and leave them behind. Our goddess will relieve you of your sins when you go to her with an open heart like this." Rachel came forward with a red hot sword. She placed it against the skin and let it sizzle a few seconds, which was just enough to redden her skin, but not injure her.

"Now, we relieve you of the sins your eyes have seen." Hannah bent down, and kissed her right eye. Nikki followed and kissed her left eye. "These are the gifts the Offering gives to the ones who send her. Her eyes are jellies, and a reminder of how much the one Offered loves the ones who send her. The ones who send her, also give her a last kiss."

"I, Hannah, take the sins your tongue has spoken upon myself." She lowered her lips and kissed Lena deeply. Nikki followed with her own kiss.

"By this time, you would not be able to breathe, and the pain in your heart would be strong." Rachel said. "The pain in the heart distracts from the opening of the chest. The kiss of your eyes, and having them removed, distracts from the sword. The kiss, and removal of the tongue, distracts from the eyes. At this point, death is almost upon you, so we give you your final kiss on the throat, and send you on your way."

When Rachel was able to see the Empress's face, she saw tears on her cheeks, and immediately heard the roar of her goddess in her mind.

"Empress, why did you cry?" Hannah asked cautiously.

"Because it was so beautiful." She said softly. "The Offerings are sacred to Kyrie, and so much thought goes into their Offering. No wonder she loves her worshipers so much." The roar of their goddess turned into a soft murmur. They heard a soft voice behind them.

"Empress? May I have my cleansing now?"


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